Think of it like deciding to use more of your brain.
Everyone knows that you have a lot more grey matter than anyone ever uses. We
use about 4% or less and the rest of our brain is dormant. At times in life, we
seek to improve our memory for exams or a performance. Sometimes we try and
learn something new and we can feel our hand / eye coordination stretch and
sharpen and the exercise brings great pleasure and increased flexibility. It is increased flexibility that we need for
spiritual growth too. Become more open minded so you can see and understand
more of what is going on.
To initiate it, you might have to let go of a standpoint of
safe cynicism. This shows up in the form of statements like, ‘That’s just how
it is’ or ‘I’m just being realistic’. You can then challenge yourself with the
question ‘what is the gift in this situation?’ What you look for, you find. So
if you’re looking for something to blame, you’ll find it and if you’re looking
for a new awareness you’ll find that instead. The former inevitably leads to
stagnancy and the latter leads to personal growth. There is no need to be
fussy, spiritual growth can develop as emotional intelligence, mental clarity,
an appreciation of the arts, acquiring a healing skill or physical grace. There
are many roads to the top of the mountain, so to speak!
The key is to really know that these are remembered faculties. You are not a
little person dabbling in a few more things that life has to offer. You are
reconnecting with your true nature. This can be pictured as a fluid energy
field containing everything from God, to angels, all majestic beings great and
small, oceans, skies, the lot and all brilliant past humans and those to come
too. So upload the energy of the greats that you need and expand yourself that
I’m here to remind you of your mega aspects. Oneness is the way to go!