Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Legacies of gold and silver to be returned through the GFG Bank ending usury

You know how I'm always going on about how there are huge legacies of gold and silver that must be returned by the banks by the end of 2024 - as decided by the Vatican Chancery Court? This is who it is owed to and why it benefits all people. This was sent to hundreds of world leaders and political ministers. Now I am contacting the banks directly to remind them they only have two months sort this out to be compliant by the end of the year. Central Bank Can Resolve All Political Conflicts - Or not if it's less profitable.

The letter was by fiduciary Anna Von Reizling and Paul Stramer in 2022 but the Vatican Chancery Court ruling was this year 2024. The banks must return the assets.

"The Marshall Plan - Part Two -- Who Is Owed the Return

Attention: Prosecutor Karim A.A. Kahn,QC; H.E. Joan E. Donoughue, H.E. Kiril Gevgorian, H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti, Lord High Steward Ivan Talbot, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Antonio Guterres Secretary General of the United Nations, Bank of International Settlements, Lord Mayor of Inner City of London, and other Interested Parties: 

Consider this lesson in Black Magic to be a necessary part of educating oneself to face off the powers of evil in the modern world.  


It's the end of World War II.  Seventeen countries in western and southern Europe teetered on the edge of an Abyss.  General George Marshall came up with a Plan to rebuild those countries and their economies and here is how it worked.


A very large amount of privately held gold belonging to the D'Avila Family Trust was "blocked" for fifty (50) years --- meaning that the Depositors were denied access to or any ability to move their gold held by banks for a period of fifty years from the date of deposit.  


The banks, thus assured of having that gold underwriting their extension of credit promptly issued ten times the value of the gold deposits as credit available to the ravaged countries and their governments under the theory of Fractional Reserve Banking. 


Fractional Reserve Banking says, well, on any given day, only about 1/10th of the people will want to take cash out of their accounts, so, we can safely loan out 90% of our "reserves" as credit at interest.  


So, in this crazy (and technically illegal) system, the bank gets to create 10X as much credit as the value of the assets that underwrite the bank and keep only the 100% of the gold or other commodity asset, plus 11% of the credit amount as "cash", to pay off those depositors who at random ask for cash back from their deposits. 


The banks are "betting on the margin" in other words and reaping large returns on the interest being paid on these "loans" of credit that is, technically, owed to the heirs of the D'Avila Family Trust and their beneficiaries and not to the banks at all.  The banks have nothing at risk and no actual ownership interest in anything.


In 1851 the Spanish Courts ruled that the D’Avila assets came from non-criminal origin and the administrator of the Trust was allowed to deposit these assets in the global banking system.  The original agreement for this privilege was for 50 years from the last deposit that happened on October 7th, 1941, so the heir could not remove these assets until October 7th, 1991. The outbreak of World War II changed everything, the United States of America, the Allied Nations, and Non-Allied Nations were seeking a way to rebuild the world after two world wars, the solution was the D’Avila assets.  These Assets were transferred to Severino Garcia STA Romana as the asset owner so these assets could be traded for 50 years to fund a global project to rebuild the world. It took some time to plan and position these assets due to World War II and the recovery of assets from Germany and Japan that belonged to the D’Avila Trust. The 50-year agreement was extended to 2005 as the trading of these assets likely did not start until 1955.


All the D'Avila Family Trust assets were placed on deposit as of 1941, so the heirs went hungry to bed for sixty-four years, waiting for 2005 to roll around, and the promised end to the "block" on their funds.  They also held the reasonable expectation that at least some of the interest that was collected by the banks would be returned to the Trust, and that they would: (1) be able to enjoy a reasonable standard of living for themselves, and (2) would be able to fulfill the Trust Indenture, which requires the funds to be used to "uplift" humanity. 


2005 came and went.  More excuses and more shuffling took place. The "arrangement" provided a 5-year window period that extended another five years to 2010, with the understanding that the deposits would finally be released to the control of the heirs and beneficiaries.  2010 came and went.  More shuffling.  More excuses.  


The fact is that the World Bank and IBRD and BIS and all these other banks had grown used to having control of the D'Avila Trust assets secured in their vaults and they had found ways to benefit themselves by manipulating markets and seizing actual physical assets in exchange for loans of "credit" that never even belonged to these banks.  All that credit is owed to the Trust, minus reasonable and customary bank and brokerage fees. 


By 2005 and 2010, however, it was apparent that the banks couldn't possibly pay back the D'Avila Trust both the gold and the credit owed from all the interest collected on all those loans, plus keep on glutting themselves, so negotiations came to a standstill.  In 2005, the so-called "Off Ledger" --- blocked asset accounts, were left in Limbo Land, all the banks and all the governments without a contract to use the gold any longer continued as if they had a contract in place.  


What has ensued ever since has been a Bank Club Fest of criminality, greed, unaccountability, lies, and excuses.  They all know where the gold that underwrites their banks came from.  They all know that the gold assets must be freed up and that the profits from the interest must be shared with the Trust. Most of all, they all know that the accounting is due. 


And they are all sitting there, including Karen Hudes, shrugging like so many monkeys, trying to pretend, "Well, hey, this depository account hasn't been touched in fifty years.... must be "abandoned"...." 


That's their favorite excuse for stealing money, especially money held in Escrow accounts and Slush Funds that the Depositors of the actual assets are never told about.


When you have more than one person, one bank, one agency, one government acting together to prevent the asset owner and/or Heirs from recovering their assets, it is called a conspiracy, a criminal act that has no statute of limitations.  Because these assets were placed under Severino Garcia STA Romana as the asset owner and he died in 1974, the assets are protected under an estate with a court appointed Attorney in Fact that has been ordered by the Federal Court of the United States of America to Discover, Collect and Settle the Estate of Severino Garcia STA. Romana. The Claimant against this Estate is the D’Avila Family Trust --the source of the assets deposited by Severino Garcia STA. Romana in the first place.


The actual heir of the D'Avila Family Trust who has the General Power of Attorney for the Trust (there are other heirs, but he holds the GPA) went to Federal Court and to International Courts, and he won his cases to recover these assets from the agencies and banks holding these assets. 


The banks are still trying to avoid the judgment in favor of the heirs (STA Romana Family), and claimants (Avila Family) and the actual Beneficiaries --- that is, all the people of the Earth. 


So, that makes the Banks and everyone protecting the Banks in this matter criminals-- unless they immediately Cease and Desist their obstructionist activities and release the D'Avila Depository Accounts and make available the pre-paid credit owed back to the Trust, in recompense for blocking these accounts and extending credit at interest based on these assets since 1941. 


How would you feel if you deposited your money in a bank, and that bank arbitrarily blocked your access to your money for eighty years?  And then lied about it and said that they don’t know who the Depositor is?  That the funds are “abandoned”? 


I am the Assign of the D'Avila Trust in my capacity as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, speaking on behalf of the Heirs and Beneficiaries, all living people of this country and ultimately, the planet: it's time for this criminal nonsense to end, and literally everyone in the world has a stake in helping me to end it.   


There are more than 5,000 Family and Institutional Trusts which the banks are attempting to commandeer in this way.


Money is a symbol. Life is the only value. And the debt owed back to the living people is long past due. 


The actual ownership interest is known. It has been adjudicated. There is no confusion about it.  Not one peso has been "abandoned".  Each bank and each government is responsible and liable.  


On the back side of the overall transaction, the interest and return has been paid by living people who didn't owe the governments that have benefited from the Marshall Plan and the European Economic Recovery Plan a single penny.  All that debt was foisted off on individual living people by means of legal chicanery and commercial deceit.  


The actual physical assets belonging to families have been seized under conditions of fraud and deceit by banks trading on the assets of the D'Avila Family Trust, in direct violation of the Trust Indenture, which directs this money to be used to uplift humanity and to break the chains of ignorance and poverty. 


The banks had the use of the credit generated from the D’Avila Trust assets to use and invest for free, yet they charged rates in usury above 500% on many mortgages that the living people never owed.


These banks have been protected in these outrageous crimes by the members of the Bar Associations, by military contractors, and by politicians who have benefited themselves at the cost of millions of lives, homes, and families. 


As I speak, thousands of Americans are being physically evicted from their homes for not paying mortgages that those Americans never owed.  Armed thugs acting under color of law have trespassed on private property at the behest of these banks, which are benefiting from the assets of the D'Avila Family Trust and inflicting this crime on the living people that the Trust assets are supposed to help and uplift. 


Shame on the Generals who have participated in and allowed this for a cut of the action.  


Shame on the Roman Catholic Church and its Collection Agency known as the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS, both, and its venal abusive claim to own the names of living people and to use those names and the assets attached to them as collateral and as the basis of labor contracts without disclosure and without permission.  


Shame on the banks and the bankers who have taken such a gross advantage of the D'Avila Family Trust and the Heirs and the intended Beneficiaries of the Trust, with the help of corrupt and incorporated British Crown Corporations that have engineered much of this Crime Against Humanity. 


Shame on everyone who has attempted to further block the Heir's access to their own deposits and to claim that any of these funds are abandoned.  


Shame on those who have whipped and beaten and harassed and evicted and stolen the physical assets of the living people using credit and collecting usury based on the use of assets that never belonged to them.  


The return on these assets from 153 countries is owed the D'Avila Family Trust and is owed to the intended Beneficiaries of the Trust – which includes all of humanity.  Full recompense is due to all the people who have been the victims of the selfishness, trickery, and False Claims in Commerce promoted by these banks.


The Federal Court Order discovery so far has uncovered (below) the banks holding assets covered by the Estate of Severino Garcia STA. Romana.  There are still many more banks and accounts holding assets that will be discovered as we continue the discovery as ordered by the Federal Courts:



1. ABN- Amro Bank NV Netherlands (Netherlands, Amsterdam)

2. ABN- Amro Bank Netherlands (Netherlands, Bussum Branch)

3, ABN- Amro Bank Netherlands (Singapore Branch)

4. Agricultural Bank of China (Singapore)

5. Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad (Kuala Lumpur)

6. Allgemeine Privatkunden Bank (Berlin, Charlottenburg)

7. ANZ Bank Malaysia Berhad (Kuala Lumpur Branch)

8. Arab Bank of Italy (Rome, Italy)

9. Arab Bank of New York (New York) 

10. Arab Malaysia Berhad (Kuala Lumpur Branch)

11. Arab Bank PLC (Singapore Branch)

12. Banco Espirito Santo (Lisboa Branch)

13. Banco Central De Resarva De EI Salvador (El Salvador Branch)

14. Bangkok Bank (Kuala Lumpur Branch)

15. Bangkok Bank (Thailand, Bangkok Branch)

16. Bangkok Bank (Hongkong, Main Office)

17. Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited (Singapore Branch)

18. Bank of America National Association (Singapore Branch)

19. Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited (Phongpheng Ayudhya Thailand)

20. Bank of Baroda (Bangkok, Thailand)

21. Bank of Canada (Ontario, Canada)

22. Bank of China (Beijing, China Branch)

23. Bank of China (Beijing, main office)

24. Bank of China (Seoul Branch)

25. Bank of China (Shanghai, China)

26. Bank of China (Onsan Branch, Korea)

27 Bank of China (Shanghai & Shenzhen China)

28. Bank of China (Guangdong Branch China)

29. Bank of China (Jakarta Branch Indonesia)

30. Bank of China (Hongkong Branch)

31. Bank of China (Vietnam Branch)

32. Bank of China (Tokyo Branch)

33. Bank of China (Minato, Japan)

34. Bank of China (Singapore Branch)

35. Bank of China (Bangkok, Thailand)

36. Bank of China & Bank of Communication (Guldin Branch, China)

37. Bank of Communications (Singapore Branch)

38. Bank of East Asia Limited (Shenzhen Branch, China)

39. Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank, Estonia)

40. Bank of Indonesia (Indonesia)

41. Bank of Israel (Israel)

42. Bank of Mongolia (London England Branch)

43. Bank of Japan (Tokyo Head Office)

44. Bank of Negara Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

45. Bank of Negara Malaysia (Sarawak Branch, Malaysia)

46. Bank of the Sierra (Porterville, California USA)

47. Bank of Taiwan (Singapore Branch)

48. Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi (Hongkong Branch)

49.Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi (Tokyo, Japan)

50. Bank of Walnut Creek (Dorville, California USA)

51. Bank of the West (San Francisco, California USA)

52. Bank of, the West (Beverly Hills, California USA)

53.Bank of Yokohama (Hongkong Branch)

54. Bank of Thai Public Company Limited (Bangkok Thailand)

55. Bank of Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone)

56. HypoVereinsbank (Germany)

57. Banco Intesa (Milan, Italy Branch)

58. Barclays Bank (Amsterdam Netherlands)

59. Barclays Bank (Bangkok Thailand)

60. Barclays Banks (Beijing, China)

61. Barclays Bank (Birmingham, U.K)

62. Barclays Bank (Doha, Qatar)

63. Barclays Bank (Dubai, UAE)

64. Barclays Bank (Dublin Ireland)

65. Barclays Bank (Frankfurt, Germany)

66. Barclays Bank (Geneva, Switzerland)

67. Barclays Bank (Hongkong)

68. Barclays Bank (Jakarta, Indonesia)

69. Barclays Bank (Johannesburg South Africa)

70. Barclays Bank (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

71. Barclays Bank (Labuan Malaysia)

72. Barclays Bank (Greater London, England)

73. Barclays Bank (London, England)

74. Barclays Bank (Lausanne, Switzerland)

75. Barclays Bank (Luxemburg)

76. Barclays Bank (Madrid, Spain)

77. Barclays Bank (UK)

78. Barleys Bank (Milan, Italy)

79. Barclays Bank (Moscow, Russia)

80. Barclays Bank (Mumbai, India)

81. Barclays Bank (Paris, France)

82. Barclays Bank (Seoul, Korea)

83. Barclays Bank (Shanghai, China)

84. Barclays Bank (People's Republic of China)

85. Barclays Bank (Singapore)

86. Barclays Bank PLC (Singapore)

87 Barleys Bank (Sydney, Australia)

88. Barclays Bank (Taipei, Taiwan)

89. Barclays Bank (Tel Aviv, Israel)

90. Barclays Bank (Tokyo, Japan)

91. Barclays Bank (Zurich, Switzerland)

92. BMO Bank of Montreal (Alberta, Calgary, Canada)

93, BMO Bank of Montreal (British Colombia, Canada)

94. BMO Bank of Financial Group. (Toronto, Ontario Canada)

95. BMO Bank of Montreal (Waterloo, Ontario Canada)

96. BMO Bank of Montreal (Quebec, Canada)

97. BMO Bank of Montreal (Nova Scotia, Canada)

98. BNP Paribas (Bahrain Branch)

99. BNP Paribas (Hongkong Branch, Takoo Place Office)

100. BNP Paribas (King Fahd Rd, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)

101. BNP Paribas (Milano Branch, Italy)

102. BNP Paribas (Rome, Italy Head Office)

103. BNP Paribas Asset Management (Madrid, Spain)

104. BNP Paribas (Singapore)

105. Bulgaria National Bank (Bulgaria)

106. Cassa Di Risparmio Di Ferrara (DI Ferrara, Head Office Italy)

107. Cambodian Commercial Bank (Cambodia Head office)

108. Cambodian Asia Bank (Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia)

109. Cambodia Asia Bank (Battambang Branch, Cambodia)

110. Cambodia Asia Bank (Siem Reap Branch, Cambodia)

111. CIBC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (Canada)

112. Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (Grand Cayman)

113. Cayman Islands - Cayman Islands international Banking Centre (Cayman Islands)

114. Central Bank of the Bahamas (Nassau, Bahamas)

115. Central Bank of Barbados (Barbados, West Indies)

116. Central Bank of China. (Taipei, Taiwan)

117. Central Bank of Egypt (Cairo Egypt)

118. Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran)

119. Central Bank of India (New Delhi, India)

120. Central Bank of India (Ahmadabad, India)

121. Central Bank of India (Agra, India)

122. Central Bank of India (Mumbai, India)

123. Central Bank of Ireland (Dublin, Ireland)

124. Central Bank of Kuwait (Hawally, Kuwait)

125. Central Bank of Nigeria (Nigeria)

126. Central Bank of Jordan (Amman, Jordan)

127. Central Bank of Papua New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)

128. Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (Turkey)

129. Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Russia)

130. Central Bank of Malta (Valletta, Malta)

131. Central Bank of Libya (Al Bayda, Libya)

132. Central Bank of Libya (Jumhouria Gharyan, Libya)

133. Central Bank of Libya (Tripoli Libya)

134. Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

135. China Construction Bank (Beijing, China)

136. China Construction Bank (Gansu Branch, Lanzhou China)

137. China Construction Bank (Shenzhen Head Office, China)

138. China Construction Bank (Guanxi China)

139, China Construction Bank (Seoul Branch Korea)

140. China Construction Bank (Shanghai China)

141. China Construction Bank (Jung-gu, Seoul Korea)

142. Citibank (Milan Italy)

143. Citibank (Osaka Japan)

144. Citibank (Sydney, Australia)

145. Citibank (Seoul, Korea)

146. Citibank (Toronto, Ontario Canada)

147. Citibank (United Kingdom)

148. Citibank (Laban, Korea)

149. Citibank Berhad (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

150. Citibank (Shinagawa, Japan)

151. Credit Suisse (Tokyo, Japan)

152. Credit Suisse (Zurich, Switzerland)

153. Credit Suisse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

154. Credit Suisse (Rathenau plats # 1 (Deutschland)

155. Credit Suisse (Kurfürstendamm, Berlin (Germany)

156. Credit Suisse (Taipei, Taiwan)

157. Credit Suisse (Seoul, Korea)

158. Credit Suisse (Singapore)

159. Credit Suisse (Switzerland)

160. Credit Suisse (Luxemburg)

161. Credit Suisse (Parade plats, Zurich Switzerland)

162. Credit Suisse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

163. Credit Suisse (Bienne, Switzerland)

164. CHB-Chang Hwa Commercial Bank (Taipei, Taiwan)

165. Commercial Bank of Ceylon (Bangladesh)

166. Commerzbank AG (Germany)

167. Commerzbank (Bremen-Waltrershaursen, Germany)

168. Commerzbank (Bremen Schwachhauser, Germany)

169. Commerzbank (Osterholz – Scharmbeck, Germany)

170. Commerzbank (Frankfurt Main, Germany)

171. Commerzbank (Mainzer Landstrasse, Germany)

172. Commerzbank (Aktiengesenschaft ­ Singapore)

173. Daiichi Kangyo Bank Limited (Japan)

174. Daichi Kangyo Limited (Chiyoda, Tokyo

175. Denmark National Bank (Denmark)

176. Development Bank of Japan. (Tokyo, Japan)

177. Deutsche Bank – (Germany)

178. DBS (Shanghai Branch China)

179. Dresdner Bank (Germany)

180. Dresdner Bank (Belgium)

181 Dresdner Bank (UAE)

182. Dresdner Bank (Monaco)

183. Dresdner Bank (Austria)


184. European Central Bank (Germany)

185. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Illinois (USA)

186. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (USA)  

187. Grupo Banco Popular (Russia)

188. Grupo Banco Popular (Lisboa, Portugal)

189. Grupo Banco Popular (Milano Italy)

190. Grupo Banco Popular (London, England) 

191. Grupo Banco Popular (United Kingdom)

192. FIM Bank PLC (Malta)

193. Goldman Sachs (Beijing China)

194. Hana Bank Limited (Seoul, South Korea)

195. Hang Seng Bank (Hongkong)

196. HSBC - Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (London, England)

197. HSBC (Japan)

198. HSBC (Hongkong, SARR)

199. HSBC (South Africa)

200. HSBC (Dubai UA.E.)

201. HSBC (South Africa)

202. HSBC (Japan)

203. HSBC (Dubai)

204. HSBC (Dublin 2 Ireland)

205. HSBC- Kakugo Bank Limited (Japan)

206. International Moscow Bank (Moscow Russia)

207. International Banks -1 (France, Hongkong, Nanyang- China)

208. International Banks -2 (Hongkong Central, Korea, Singapore)

209. international Banks -3 (Taiwan, Bangkok, USA, New York)

210. International Banks -4 (Penn Plaza New York USA, New Jersey, California)

2I1 International Banks -5 (Vietnam, Shanghai, Menara)

2I2. Islamic Development Bank (Algeria. Africa)

213. Islamic Development Bank (Afghanistan)

214. Islamic Development Bank (Darussalam, Brunei)

215. Islamic Development Bank (Brunei, Main Office)

216. Islamic Development Bank (Kazakhstan)

217. Islamic Development Bank (Dakar, Africa)

218. Islamic Development Bank (Egypt)

219. Islamic Development Bank. (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)  

220. Islamic Development Bank (Kuwait)

221. Islamic Development Bank (Menara, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia)

222. Islamic Development Bank (Jamahiriya Libya, Africa)

223. Islamic Development Bank (Tripoli, Libya Africa)

224. Islamic Development Bank (Saudi Arabia)

225. Islamic Development Bank (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

226. Islamic Development Bank (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

227. Islamic Development Bank (Iran)

228. Islamic Development Bank (Iraq)

229. Islamic Development Bank (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

230. Islamic Development Bank U. A. E.

231. Islamic Development Bank (Tajikistan)

232. Islamic Development Bank (Turkey)

233. Islamic Development Bank (Pakistan)

234. Islamic Development Bank (Qatar)

235. Janata Bank. (Rome, Italy)

236. JPMorgan, Chase Manhattan Bank (New York, USA)

237. KBC Bank (Bremen, Germany)

238. Koram Bank (Seoul, Korea)

239. Korea Development Bank (Shanghai, China Branch)

240, Korea Development bank (Uzbekistan)

241 Korea Development Bank (Singapore Branch)

242. Korea Development Bank (Tokyo Branch)

243. Korea Development Bank (Guangzhou branch, China)

244. Korea Development Bank (Seoul, Korea)

245. Korea Development Bank (Hongkong Central)

246. Korea Development Bank (Shenyang Branch)

247. Korea Development Bank. (Beijing, China)

248. KB Kookmin Finance Asia Limited (Hongkong Central)

249. KB Kookmin Finance Asia Limited (South Korea)

250. KB Kookmin Finance Asian Limited.

251. Lloyds Banking Group (London, England)

252. Maybank Berhad (Johor, Malaysia)

253. Maybank (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

254. National Australia Bank - Melbourne. Vitoria

255. National Bank of Malawi (Malawi)

256. National Bank of Oman (Oman)

257 National Bank of Pakistan (Pakistan)

258. National Bank of Dubai (Dubai)

259. National Bank of Fujairah (Fujairah, Saudi Arabia)

260. National Bank of United Arabia Emirates (UAE)

261. National Commercial Bank (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)

261. National Commercial Bank (Kingstown & Grenville Streets)

262. Ngan Hang Dong A (Hanoi Branch, Vietnam)

263. NB Norges Bank (Norway)

264. Nordea Bank (Denmark)

265. 0CBC Bank (Singapore)

266. 0CBC Bank (Xiamen Branch, China)

267. 00BC Bank (Shanghai, China)

268. Posang Bank (Central Hongkong)

269. Royal Bank of Canada Europe Limited (London, England)

270. Royal Bank of Canada Europe Limited (England)

271. Royal Bank of Canada (Tokyo Branch)

272. Royal Bank of Scotland (lisle of Man)

273. Sanwa Bank Limited. (Higashi, Japan)

274. Standard Chartered Bank (Manama, Bahrain)

275. Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore)

276. Standard Chartered Bank (Frankfurt, Germany)

277. Standard Chartered Bank (Hongkong)

278. Standard Hellier Bank (Koror, Palau)

279. Standard Chartered Bank (Cambodia Bank)

280. Standard Chartered (United Arabia Emirates)

281. Standard chartered Bank (Vientiane Laos)

282. Scotiabank (Guadalajara, Mexico)

283. Scotiabank (Mexico branch)

284. Scotiabank (Dublin Ireland)

285. Scotiabank (London, United Kingdom)

286. Scotiabank (San Paulo, Brazil)

287. Scotiabank (New York, USA)

288. Scotiabank (Canada, Toronto)

289. Scotia Bank (People' Republic of China, Hongkong)

290. SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (New York, USA)

291. SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Queen Victoria, London)

292. SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Hongkong)

293. SFG. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Japan)

294, SMFG Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Harbour View St, Hongkong)

295. SURSS National Bank (Zurich, Switzerland)

296. UFJ Bank Sanwa Bank Limited (Japan)

297. UFJ Bank Sanwa Bank Limited (Higashi, Japan)

298. UFJ Bank (Hong Kong)

299. UFJ Bank Fairmont House, Cotton Tree Drive (Hongkong)

300. The Peoples Bank of China (Beijing China)

301. The Bank of China (Seoul, Korea)

302. The Bank of New York Melon (Aventura)

303. The Bank of New York Mellon (Bangkok, Thailand)

304. The Bank of New York Mellon (Being China)

305. The Bank of New York Mellon (India)

306. The Bank of New York Mellon (Jakarta)

307. The Bank of New York Mellon (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

308. The Bank of New York Mellon (New York, USA)

309. The Bank of New York Mellon (Maryland, Bethesda USA)

310. The Bank of New York Mellon (Mumbai, India)

311. The Bank of New York Mellon (Taipei, Taiwan)

312. The Bank of New York Mellon (Seoul Branch, Korea)

313. The Bank of New York Mellon (Shanghai, China)

314. The Bank of New York Mellon (Tokyo, Japan)

315. UBS (Madrid, Spain)

316. UBS (Dublin, Ireland)

317. UBS (Zurich, Switzerland)

318. UBS (West Madison)

319. Union bank of Switzerland (Tokyo Branch)

320. Union bank (San Francisco, California USA)

321. Wells Fargo Bank (San Francisco, California)

322. West Pacific Banking Corporation (Melbourne, Australia)

323. Wing Lung Bank (Hongkong Central)

324. Wood Financial Group (Seoul, Korea)

325. Federal Reserve Banks (United States of America)

326. United States Treasury (United States of America)

327. World Bank (Washington, USA)

328. IMF (International Monetary Fund)

329. European Central Bank.

330. Bank of England (London, England)

331. Central Bank of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

332. Bank of Mongolia (London, England)

333. Bank of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark)

334. Bank of Singapore Limited (Singapore)

335. Bank of Thailand (Bangkok, Thailand)

336. Bank of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)

337. Mitsubishi Bank (Tokyo, Japan)

338. Sumitomo Bank (Kaobe, Osaka Japan)

339. Central bank of Estonia (Estonia)

340. BNI Bank Negra Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia)

341. Federal Bank of Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia)

342. Ireland and Swiss Cork Bank (Cork, Ireland)

343. Reserve Bank of India (New Delhi, India)

345. International Hungary Bank (Hungary)

346. Central Bank of Iran (Iran)

347. Central Bank of Jordan (Jordan)

348. National Bank of Korea (Korea)

350. Hanil Bank of South Korea (Seoul, South Korea)

351. Kukmin Bank of South Korea (Seoul, South Korea)

352. Mateo Investments Limited Offshore Corporation (Liberia/ABN-Amro-Singapore)

353. Central Bank of Kuwait (Kuwait)

354. central bank of Libya (Libya)

355. Central Bank of Malaysia (Malaysia)

356. Central Bank of Malta (Malta)

357. Central Bank of Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico)

358. Central Bank of Nigeria (Nigeria)

359. Central Bank of Norway (Norway)

360. Central Bank of Papua New Guinea

361. Central Bank of Portugal (Portugal)

362. Central Bank of Spain (Spain)

363. Central bank of Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)

364. Central Bank of Taiwan (Taiwan)

365. Central Bank of Thailand (Thailand)

366. Central Bank of the Bahamas (Bahamas)

367. Central bank of Turkey (Turkey)

368. Citi Bank (USA)

369. JPMorgan Chase Manhattan Bank (USA)

370. Bank of America (USA)

371. Wells Fargo Bank (USA)

372. HSBC Bank (London, England)

373. HSBC Bank (Hongkong)

374. Goldman Sachs (USA)

375. First Caribbean International Bank (Cayman Islands)

376. First National City Bank (USA)

377. Lloyds Banking Group Plc. (London, England)

378. Merrill Lynch – Bank of America (USA)

379. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company (USA)

380. N.M. Rothchild & Sons Bank Ltd. (Zurich, Switzerland)

381. Union Bank of Switzerland (Switzerland)

382. National Bank of Australia (Melbourne, Australia)

383. Sanwa Bank Limited (Japan)

384. Narita Savings & Trust Corporation (Narita, Japan)

385. Saitama Banking Corporation (Saitama Ken, Japan)

386. Tokyo Trust and Savings (Tokyo, Japan)

387. Daichi – Kangko Bank (Osaka, Japan)

388. Standard Chartered Bank (London, England)

389. Barclays Bank (London, England)

390. Royal Bank of Scotland (Isle of Man)

391. Peoples Bank of China (Beijing, China)

392. Wing Lung Bank (Hong Kong)

393. Overseas Bank & Trust Company (Hong Kong)

394. Indosuez Bank (Hong Kong)

395. Woori Bank (Seoul Korea)

396. United Overseas Bank Limited (Singapore)

397. Korea Exchange Bank (Seoul, Korea)

398. National Bank of Oman (Oman)

399. National Bank of Munich (Munich, Switzerland)

400. Credit Suisse Bank (Basle, Switzerland)

401. National Bank of Malawi (Malawi)

402. National Bank of Uzbekistan

403. ING (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

404. Indosuez Bank (Central Hong Kong)

405. Hyakugo Bank (Japan)

406. Deutsche Bank (Germany)

407. FIM Bank Plc. (Malta)

408. Ngan Hang Dong A Eastern Asia Commercial Bank (Hanoi, Vietnam)

409. Vietnam International Bank (Hanoi, Vietnam)

410. Honk Kong Bank (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

411. Dominion Charter Merchant Ltd. (London, England)

412. Development bank of Japan (Tokyo, Japan)

413. Development Bank of Singapore (Singapore)

414. Daichi Kangyo Bank Limited (Tokyo, Japan)

415. Copenhagen Industrial Bank (Denmark)

416. Central Bank of Argentina

417. Central Bank of Austria

418. Central bank of Brazil

419. Banquo De France (Paris, France)

420. Bank of Israel (Jerusalem, Israel)

421. Bank of Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam)

422. ANZ Bank (Shanghai, China)

423. ANZ Bank (Seoul, Korea)

424. American Express Bank (Central Hong Kong)

425. Alliance Bank Malaysia Berad (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

426. Agricultural Bank of China (Singapore)


More banks and institutions will be added to this list as the recoupment and discovery progresses.  Meantime don’t buy any wooden nickels.   There may be Filipinos who are D’Avila family members, and if so, that will be established by blood tests and DNA --- not through any claims based on Ferdinand Marcos’ position as a family attorney.   

Please bear in mind that although the D’Avila Family Trust is very large, there are other trusts that are also very large that have been arbitrarily encumbered by these miscreants.  The V.K. Durham Trust is an American Silver Trust that has been similarly held captive, cheated, and plundered by these criminals.  The Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust Assets have been illegally cashiered by the Bank of England, and the list goes on.

These issues are not unique to America. An estimated ten billion metric tons of gold are owed to the people of Germany and Russia, last seen disappearing into the vaults of the Bank of England.

It is to everyone’s advantage to spread this information far and wide and to bring pressure to bear upon the militaries and the politicians and the banks responsible for this continuing criminality and failure to perform according to our law and custom. Depositors are owed the return of their deposits, otherwise, they would have no reason to deposit any assets with banks in the first place. 

Like the institution of government --- if a government does not protect you and your assets, it has no valid purpose. A bank that exists to control, encumber, and steal depositor’s money, whether those deposits are small or large, has no valid purpose.

Please join our effort to end this grotesque corruption, end all false claims that the Second World War is in any way unsettled, and demand restoration of private assets to the lawful owners. 

You can help me in my role as Fiduciary and Assign overseeing this mess by sharing this information and by properly informing law enforcement and miliary and political leaders as well as bank officers. This has, thus far, been a tremendous effort as the heirs and actual trustees have been left without the means to fight this gigantic theft and fraud.

Put yourselves in their shoes.  You are fabulously wealthy, but you live like a serf, and have no money to fight the banks.  You want to fund humanitarian projects all over the world and fulfill your ancestors’ dream of “breaking the bonds of poverty and ignorance” but you are prevented from doing this by white collar criminals who use your own assets to pay off other criminals to persecute and intimidate you. 

Despite all this, the Heir of the D’Avila Family Trust has won his cases and deserves our support, both in enforcing the law, and on a one-to-one level.  It costs money and takes skill and time to prosecute these banks, and at the end of the day, we are left with a piece of paper looking for the enforcement of the court’s orders.  We are left to enforce it ourselves, which costs more time, more skills, more money.

Banks need to be regulated.  They cannot otherwise be trusted.  If the D’Avila Family Trust assets can be stolen by the Bank Mob, why couldn’t yours be stolen, too?  Quite aside from the humanitarian and development support that the trust can and will provide each one of us, we all have a vested interest in honest banks and honest business practices. The world cannot long survive or be at peace without these basics in place.

I personally believe that much of the corruption and the violence of the past two hundred years lays at the feet of corrupt banks, corrupt militaries, and corrupt politicians who have undermined proper accounting standards, deregulated the banks and the securities exchanges, and promoted a lawless business environment.

If you are sick and tired of being the goat in this situation, join us.  Send your thoughts, your prayers, and any reasonable donation you can make toward ending this to:

Anna Maria Riezinger, In care of: Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hiroshima and Nagasaki within 3 days

 Warning from Hiroshima survivors

Our Reference: OMB-151096-T2T5D7

8th August 2024

Dear Ms Micklem

We received your complaint on 8th August 2024. 

The Ombudsman’s role is to investigate complaints from members of the public who believe they have been unfairly treated by certain public service providers, but his remit does not extend to the issues outlined in your correspondence.

Yours sincerely
Mark Ticher

Franc Micklem 
Mon 5 Aug at 14:30
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal

Dear Simon,
Thank you for resigning but I hope you remember the food fraud case with 300 pages of evidence, lodged in DAFM after your 'whistle blowers must be protected' pretence, via a 'protected disclosure'. And your hand in secret treacherous negotiations with NATO which you forbade your brother in RTE from reporting on, and the ill-conceived plan and front page headline that you wanted to make Ireland the nuclear weapons testing capital of Europe. And of course that you made Ireland the vivisection, toxicity testing capital with no oversight or regulation for foreign laboratories or our own? 

Well, all the government and corporate fraud is coming to light and with it personal liability for the worst betrayers of the people. I will never forget sitting in a lawyer's office as an advocate, after the Queallys' QK Meats legal team had avoided the entire case on a technicality. In the new lawyer's office there was a television and you were on it with a contingent of 25 chinese agriculture officials talking about Ireland's robust food safety systems. May you be forgiven but not until you've admitted responsibility for interfering with court proceedings and making sure the cases never reached the DPP or the media. 

The first remedy would be for you to redirect every penny of your vast retirement payments to animal sanctuaries and rescues, particularly My Lovely Pig, My Lovely Horse, ASH and PAWs to form a plan to share out to all those crucial services that have received such a pittance of state funding that wouldn't even begin to help them look after the collateral damage of Ireland's abhorrent animal industries (Submitted as supplementary evidence to the Federal Supreme Court in Switzerland and now with the UPU for resolution) I have left below an email from the current minister for health's office saying how the covid crimes, brexit, unelected European and World government implementations are going to be perpetuated ad infinitum so please consider your involvement in these as well, in case they come up.

This is the Bill of Lading and attachments and it applies to you the man Simon from the Coveney family but also all subsequent agents. It was sent by registered post to the man Paschal, house Donohoe on 31st July 2024, and I am not sure when the case will be heard in the International Criminal Court but they will let you know, or I will if I hear first. Thank you, Frances

Lynn Martin is President of NYSE Group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE). NYSE Group includes the New York Stock Exchange, the world’s largest stock market and premier venue for capital raising, as well as four fully electronic equity markets and two options exchanges.

Currently, the chairman is Jeffrey Sprecher. In 2016, NYSE owner Intercontinental Exchange 

Lloyd J Austin 111 secretary of defense

Kathleen H Hicks Deputy

Charles Q Browne Junior Airforce General

Christopher W Brady Navy Admiral

Monday, June 10, 2024

God Bless The Authority of The Post Office

 http://healingbyfranc.blogspot.com/ This is the 2nd email I sent out in the WHA week.

A friend of mine, Freya from The Peace Intention got a premonition once 'Until all the world is dust". The megalomaniacs have got their dream with the high-value data centre market, with its requirement for 500 million litres of rain a day to keep them from melting down. We as farmers on the land and soil might have thought the rain would help growth and be a blessing, but no. At gardening club last week, the speaker told of how the 18 months of consecutive rainfall had led to leeching of all nutrients from the soil. In addition there is a ban on peat compost which has sustained plants for millennia. When you look at what plants are trying to grow in now, you will see if has no water retention and plants are gasping and dangling again in dust. And yet people are still talking about climate change, rather than weather manipulation, which could be stopped in a heartbeat. This isn't an existential crisis, or a natural emergency, this is an offensive exercise.

Patent Number: 0462795 Method for producing rainfall

Patent No. 2903188: Control of Tropical Cyclone Formation: Also filed in US Patents Office: the creation of hurricanes: LH Hutchinson: Application date: 1956 Serial number: 576689 filed under Securities 266. 

Patent no. 2881335: Weather modification to be carried out by the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy fields and particularly a regenerative system for charging bodies or clouds.

The IMF (the creditor in the bankruptcy of nearly every government on earth) know this contrived destruction of our environment and criminalisation of basic survival methods. Nonetheless, the IMF has recently made a statement that they will only finance climate action projects. There is huge fraud everywhere but we still have some recourse to law.

The post office and UPU factor in our lawsuit (Compensation for We the People) because of bankruptcies in member states. When one declares himself bankrupt - whether individual or nation - that person is no longer competent to conduct his affairs, the court becomes a fiduciary, and appoints a trustee to oversee the affairs of the bankrupt. The fiduciary we already have is the judge who is dedicated to returning the assets and intrinsic value to the people - we are the trustees and the beneficiaries. Gold, silver, land and all.

The Post Office are legally superior to the government. It makes sense that communication, via the post office, has a higher value than government itself as when a government fails, people still have a need to communicate. To this day, the post office is still solvent and operational and ready to fulfil this duty. I am off to invoke their authority. Read more about the case: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-stop-the-weaponisation-of-health Get your bank account and income for life here: https://globalfamilygroup.com/lrps.html

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The "Internet Of Things" Is The Vector

 The "Internet Of Things" Is The Vector


World Health Assembly delegates and governments on Day 3 still seem very happy to adopt the technology, surveillance and censorship proposed in the treaty. But that must be squashed this week too and the technology itself be scrutinized.

Having looked at the safety, efficacy and intent of the last pandemic, we can approximate the course of the next. Jeremy Farrar, the WHO's head scientist, himself patented a universal avian flu vaccine in 2008 and has now manoeuvred himself into a position to, deliver diseased vectors, declare a global pandemic and mandate the purchase of his product. The contaminated innoculations will still come, even though, this time it's not a virus.

Every body plus every drug even down to anaesthetic contain Gill Bates' Self Assembling nano bots (Gene Drive)

The bird flu is a genetic modification of our bodies transmitted by electric pulse. The media do not need cases of human to human infection. The exact genetic make up of the disease can remain a mystery, as in disease X. And, goodness knows, the symptoms will be different for everyone. We'll be ill in a myriad of ways. We’ve even been taught, in the last four years, to accept that even with no symptoms, we are a risk and others a risk to us. One of the symptoms we were told to be vigilant for, during Covid, was having no symptoms. It was important, we were told, to look out for that! Really? We were so hoodwinked. So, what is the deadly concoction of the next pandemic? The gene sequences ofore than 10 diseases.


The smart meters for electricity send a pulse every two seconds. The meter connects your home to the internet of things. The capacity of that Internet Protocol technology remains undisclosed but we know it can receive and transmit any amount of data, suggestions, instructions and information.

Most people don’t know, however, about “Electroporation”. This is a military tool too. I learnt about it in my bioweapons research for the institute for Responsible Technology. It was heralded as ‘non- invasive’ genetic engineering. Introducing genetic traits to mice by sending them the digital sequence electronically, like an inadvertent download through the porous skin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8949136

Our phones are the detonators, in their plan, or the graphene conductor if you were unlucky enough to ingest some through earlier mRNA or other medical interventions. To understand electroporation, think of how your blood runs cold when you hear or read bad news. Think also of how many programmes are running at once on the internet, and algorithms following your personal searches and connections. It is easy for there to be placement of - and imprinting through repetition of - information that makes you ill at ease. This attack is advanced. HAARP and CERN and all the other military bases designing crisis after crisis, have synthesised every emotion we have. But particularly the emotions that render people helpless, like fear and pain. Indeed we have been programmed now for our hearts to dysfunction and stop now on demand or as an un-recorded side effect.

Everything has genetic engineered action. 

At this moment in history, the statistics have come out that pharmaceutical companies wanted secret for 70 years and the WHO have ignored. There is more than enough evidence of premeditated genocide. Is it that we have some kind of Stockholm Syndrome where we are captured and look to our captors for support? Is the mind control complete? Make no mistake, the military are the terrorists and NATO and the WHO are their front; the Trojan Horse wheeled in, as an apparent gift of advanced science and national security.

But we know what came out of that Trojan horse the last time: 'Sick Lies' was the caption for Anthony Fauci on the cover of the New York Post.

And, of course, the stripping away of all quality of life, lives and livelihoods for profit and control for the banks, pharmaceuticals and funders.

During the lockdown, rolling out 5G was reframed and allowed as an essential service and funded under climate action. No one asked for a safety study. Or read the many that exist.


Many people do not even know of the suppressed wifi safety studies before the worldwide distribution of mobile phones: The study showed that just 15 minutes exposure to wifi led to 10 days adrenalin release. Adrenalin is the body’s emergency response. There should only be just one great surge of adrenalin coursing through your body triggered by a physical danger, enough to make us act at lightning speed or with super-human strength to get out of danger. I was going to say ‘only God knows’ what effect being in a permanent adrenalin rush, state of emotional emergency has had on the world’s population, but actually DARPA knows, the military know, the economic interests know and the WHO seek to exploit our vulnerable compromised bodies and deranged, susceptible minds to death.

In fact, Elon Musk is just now rounding up his 180 day experimental permit where he was allowed to activate his 840 satellites ‘Star Link’ to beam 5G and 6G wifi frequencies via T mobile devices and every other wifi receptacle, including Smart Infrastructure and all things with an IP address - see the danger yet of ‘smart cities’ and ‘smart meters’ and to what extent they are under foreign, external and hostile control? And also Elon Musk has his own platform ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) which you will know. Calling the next pandemic “Disease X” is only funny if it is not Elon Musk’s project. The next pandemic is only an unknown virus, if it isn’t the disease that Elon Musk himself has been administering by electroporation. How could you possibly monitor, regulate or prohibit what he's doing? He has to go to prison. All the weapons of mass destruction that are beyond human understanding have to be destroyed. This is the onlly time people can still do it.


Do you see now how agreeing to even one short clause of the WHO treaties this week would leave the door open to the next attack and the credibility intact for their next technologies for more and more biotech into our bloodstreams? Bill Gates has a patent which claims “Exclusive rights to the computerization of the human body and all energy derived therefrom”. These treaties are a dream come true for him. Especially as governments couple themselves to his Microsoft CNN artificial intelligence. Think of the data and energy they're harvesting, it's infinite. It's criminal.

Therefore the technology must be decommissioned, taken down and the perpetrators must no longer enjoy ‘diplomatic immunity or indemnity but be prosecuted and assets returned to the trusts from which they were stolen..

Elon Musk is not the only evil., even though he did say out loud that “if you can make a population hate themselves and their history, they can easily be infected with any mind virus”. He couldn’t do his damage without the Bill Gates’ AI Technology. It has infiltrated every military attack, every government decision and indeed every human endeavour. 

We mustn’t forget Klaus Schwab’s handling of the World Economic Forum for the last forty years. He wants us to ‘own nothing and be happy”. He refers to people as the ‘useless eaters’.

This is all that is needed to control the masses; The media, technology, and fraud.

But the over-arching control that they are trying to secure this week at the WHA?


That conquest requires total indifference to who and how many they kill and ruthless destruction of the opposition.

May 13th Turkish President Erdogan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup.

May 15th Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.

May 16th Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vucic

May 19th Saudi Arabia’s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks’

May 19th Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian

And then of course the defamation and incarceration of researchers and whistleblowers in Germany, America, Ireland, Australia, and every other country.

And ignoring the objections of 160 of 194 member states.

Next pandemic, if you allow it, with the Hate Speech Bills and Online Harms Bills there will be no eventual emergence of the truth.

All devices will have been taken away and information deleted that could have come to light. This is our one chance to call the situation as it is, acknowledge the extent of it and commit to stopping this war on humanity.

But how did the fraud get established and why is it so dangerous? It is hidden within a very elaborate and detailed Roman Civil Procedure. It is in our every word.

That is how it has been so widely adopted, accepted as the law of the land. But it is not the law of the land, It is the law of the sea. And that brings us to the third evil looming; the return of the anti-christ to the diocese of Rome itself. We really do need to be honest with ourselves here. The stakes are higher than at any other point in history and even with all this knowledge and recent experience, delegates are still siding with the rulers. The time of ruling classes is over. It should be. I know a few of us have formally withdrawn our consent to be governed and taken ourselves off the voting register, and that has been acknowledged.


The shadow of the darkness and corruption of our real nature, Nature itself and our ability to nurture it has nearly completely obscured us.

Take the definition of ‘Tax” in the Black’s Law Dictionary: “A monetary charge imposed by the government on entities, persons and transactions”.

‘Monetary’ refers only to false fiat money, so not backed by precious metals or assets, (since 1971 in Ireland at least).

‘Charge’ is to accuse a person of an offence.

‘Imposed’ means to levy or exact, but when you look up ‘levy’ and ‘exact’ they mean ‘wrongfully demand”.

‘Govern’ means to control.

‘Ment’ refers to the mind.

Therefore ‘government’ means mind control.

Entity is a business

Person comes from the latin ‘persona’ and means mask wearer and refers to dead entity.

Transaction comes from transactio and means ‘compromise’

We have to wake up to the illusion of corporate existence and remember who we the people are; living men and women above governments and above corporations.


What about the creep of the Roman Empire though, didn’t Rome fall? Didn’t it stop years ago? Robert Temple writes in his book Netherworld “People unfamiliar with ancient history may think that Italy was always a country dominated by the Romans. However, the Romans came later, pampered and spoilt militaristic Hedonists with no taste, whose art was largely poor copies of Greek originals, even though they had some good poets. But they did manage excellent engineering, because it was needed for conquest. (Sound familiar: Masters of rhetoric and falsehood? Like when the WHO say "it is for your health" when it is, of course, for their wealth. 


All technologies are developed and approved by the United States’ (DARPA). Well they are not that good as it takes millions of mistakes and mutations for them to get the results they want and they are really just a liability to the rest of us.


Temple continues “Unfortunately this local tribe from the region of Rome took over the whole of Italy in the end, and these days few realize that they were only a minority group who, like the Bolsheviks, seized an entire country because they were ruthless enough to be prepared to slit everyone else's throats. If you don't care who you kill, or how many, you can literally seize power anywhere, And the series of such incidents constitutes what is generally referred to as 'the history of the world".

There are no limits to what they will do with their UN armies already in place to enforce their policies. The same can be said of the Irish government and maybe all governments. No limit to the displacement and robbery of their own people.

The only parts of the treaty that delegates are actually agreeing on, here on Day 4 of the World Health Assembly, are the spying on their own citizens, surveillance and censorship. Knowing what you now know: That the supposed health surveillance technology is actually the vector for the next pandemic, will you stop the WHO, UN and their military objectives?

Doesn’t it gall you that they are determined to kill us all but not before they fleece sovereign states for millions more vaccine supplies? Doesn’t it madden you even a little, to find out that Jeremy Farrar, Head Scientist of the WHO invented and mandated a universal avian flu vaccine and will profit directly from a pandemic.


Please pull yourselves together and stop this. All of you will arrive at the pearly gates one day and be asked to justify your behaviour in life.

We are wary, weary and worn out trying to defend ourselves and the poor animals from the betrayers and the grim developments.

Where do the powers that be get off in committing our souls and bodies as slaves for exploitation in any which ways they can? Are you complicit in any of it? The genetic modification, debt, criminality, violence, invasion, labour, terrorising?

I gather the WHO’s most recent advice

was to insist bee-keepers in New Zealand burn their hives of bees right now because of a virus. Even with a token look, you will learn that viruses do not exist or act in isolation, there is this huge elephant in the room; parasites; many of them genetically enhanced too now.

I am here to tell you that this must stop now and ask you to think how you yourself can intervene to bring the structural integrity and moral integrity back. This really is a mission that would be for your own health.


Thank you,

Frances on behalf of all sentient beings


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Karma Requires You ... sent to all Public Representatives

 Karma requires You To Prevent Approval of

Either Treaty AND File Charges

You and your governments - in collusion with the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, Bill Gates and Big Pharma – have to give up the idea of getting UN member states bound and gagged at the World Health Assembly this week.

It is not good enough to just resign like 107+ British members of parliament have announced. You will not be allowed to step down and keep a pension with no consequences for the damage you've been complicit in, as some leaders are dreaming they can do.

Not every government is just trying to save their skin by continued denial or resignation

Ignoring the excess deaths and perpetuating the ramming of biotech into every vein, aerosol, food and water supply isn't going to work either.

The fraud, and the genetic and social engineering are criminal and systemic and, this week, honesty, apology and remedy must be embarked upon.

And this was just some of the list that received it and who had read it within minutes

It is no use aquiescing to the unaccountable leader of the WHO on any matter he deems to involve ‘public health', including conflicts, weather manipulation, alleged natural disasters and pandemics. There is huge international opposition to the plan to destroy people. So talk to others 'off the record', in between meetings and unite your efforts. Make notes of what you want to ask like why would we want to supplant personal bodily integrity and choice, with a “global governance”? Why are we giving corporations more contracts when they are in court having done huge harm, for which governments are financially liable, not them.

An Appeal contesting the WHO, UN, WEF, and UPU, on cases of criminal, civil, patent, and administrative law was filed, with evidence of opposition from 160 of 194 member states, and lawsuits against every agent and agency complicit in the genocide so far are ongoing. Yes you are in there by name or at least by association.

I am going to attempt to give you a ‘crash course’, an ‘instant download’, a ‘sudden realisation’: Yesterday you might not have known you were indebted to a completely fraudulent system. By the end of this World Health Assembly, those debts will be sold and your soul with them. So here goes: Men and women, especially those acting as representatives, should not acknowledge even national sovereignty, just their inner authority and responsibility. We each hold the “intrinsic value” of a life full of energy, productivity, and capacity to harmonise: love. In addition, our lives have held a huge amount of monetary value, where our births were registered and then traded by banks, governments, armies, police and courts, which have been converted into mercenary corporations - to facilitate and profit from this elaborate theft and exploitation.

We the people presumed you were public officers, in public service, under public oath, committed to public courts for the public interest but we presumed wrong. We were led to believe wrongly and maybe you were too, so this has been partly our mistake but people are the victims and the corporations are liable as the perpetrators. Governments are corporations. You have to reconsider what you have been party to. You have to sort it out.

If we were hoping for compensation, we must recognise that the private banks are all bankrupt too. Even though you have been accepting pandemic and climate action funds - all to pay for technology, none for real life. But still the banks will pay. They will hand over what infrastructure, titles and assets they have and facilitate the new system. That means apologising to mortgage payers and others in loan agreements and the immediate return of the full payments and deeds. We should never have paid, not even taxes or insurance. All these things are prepaid and I urge you to correct your status from merely a product, or soon to be merely collateral damage. Correct it to the lawful jurisdiction and status of man or woman living in honour by the law of the land. It is not too late to remember who you are. Don't stay a dark captured entity, a porn in a heinous game.

The Global Family Group is the way that we the people will be compensated individually. The judge in charge understands that we are prepaid and it is only our own money being returned to us.

This is the 'How To" Correct Your Status and start your account.

There will be income each month, for the rest of our lives.

The private banks and UPU have been charged as criminals so they must facilitate the new banking system. The banks must accept the transfers of money, via QR-code, of the higher-value, asset-backed money so people can make payments, during the transition. While the private banks put their administration departments to good use, correcting patent and title deeds and posting them out to rightful owners, we must protect the people from the other corporate bailiffs and police who may well rush in to criminalize, evict and kidnap non-payers and nay-sayers.

Then, if the banks can’t implement the system where there is no personal or national debt, and/ or they can’t grasp how prepaid credit must be provided for customers to pay in full for a home, car and anything else needed, the banks will have to be decommissioned. Somewhere along the line, there will be cash; actual coins of true value. What a stranglehold it would be to let the Central Bank and UN Army partner up in a CBDC digital currency and let the WHO have their way with you and us. We have all been trafficked.

I believe it is a situation where everyone must find ways to dismantle the part of the system they know and make it clear that you vote no or be damned. No more CERN and other data processing wifi hubs boiling us slowly alive, or eugenicists playing god. We do not consent to that. Now go and represent us please.

Thank you, on behalf of humanity and all living beings,
