Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Don't set good men against machines

 I have worked with a peace group for twenty years but these are blindingly obvious questions that anyone can relate to:

1) How would we feel if Russian and Ukrainian peace keepers came to our borders to keep the peace, when Britain was bullying Ireland? What would Americans think if Russia sent troops to the Kingdom of Hawaii to retrieve their sovereignty and prevent US military using the islands as a genetic engineering test bed? How would Indonesians feel if Ukrainian Russians took a stand on Bali to stop the American GMO mosquitoes, smart cities and extraction of natural resources? I know hundreds of people who identify as Ukrainian Russians. With an Irish mum and English dad myself, I hardly know how to answer at Rosslare since Brexit. We are all one species, being run roughshod over by governments that want wealth and control. Just imagine Europeans they're saying they are 'keeping the peace', having financed millions of weapons and fuel up to the moment of their arrival. We don't speak the language, will we rely on AI or google translate to communicate?
2) UN peace keeping forces are not allowed to open fire....apart from the French. This became the case as one time a whole lot of French troops were killed because they weren't allowed to defend themselves. Since then, peacekeeping troops let the French lead the way as they are in a position to do something if necessary. That puts Macron at the head in practice of any military actions. What if he feels European troops need to defend themselves and opens fire? It would be a calamity. And what about the US laboratories in Ukraine? What if our peace keepers spot something that should not be happening on our side? Do we do anything about that? Face it, we can't do a thing...

Neither the British nor Irish government can't even ask for basic compliance from American corporations right here. Repeated unnecessary tests, sports, conditions, suffering through life and at slaughter for animals, many of whom never see daylight. We even kill the Halal way, to save abattoirs the cost of anaesthetising the animals, just bleed them out. Is no-one going to ask what will happen to soldiers if they are sent there, how will they live, and what possible good can come of it?

4. It's about money and control. This is another World Bank coup. The World Bank are not compliant themselves. They have been holding the absolutely vast family legacies in vaults in every country which they should have returned. Suddenly we hear Simon and Keir and the others talking about 'borrowing' for the war. Banks can lend with NO fractional reserve but they are escalating this crisis to see if they can claim the assets, the stolen wealth of the people, as their own. Trump has asked for half of Ukraine's resources in exchange for the US 'help'. The UN has been pushing that if there's any sort of crisis they can take control.

5. Peace means apologising and letting everyone go home.
hashtagPeace hashtagConscientiousObjections hashtagBruceKen

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