
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The UN are great

 “Unrecoverable Error” 

Why are the International Atomic Energy Agency part of the Health Regulations? Article 6 (in one of the drafts treaties that are the moving target that member states are to decide on) dedicate an article to the IAEA. 

In another article the WHO claims that nuclear submarines are central to their logistics supply chain. I suppose if they are dropping off the experimental gene therapies, no one is going to send them packing…however much damage they did the last time (17 million dead from Covid 19 vaccine injuries I gather. They stopped the roll out of the swine flu universal vaccine after 20 died but hey that was 10 years ago and life held value back then).

We need to explore the risk that Indonesia may lose control of their nuclear resources.

According to BRIN's Awaludin, Indonesia has uranium reserves of some 90,000 tonnes and thorium reserves of around 140,000 tonnes - enough to power 10 1,000MWe nuclear for 30 years. Both the Sustainability Goals and Health Treaties require that member states report their resources, which means that the WHO can take control of them on climate action or health emergency grounds, declared by themselves. 

English Comedy:

Yes Prime Minister Discussing The Trident Submarine Purchase

It is hard to remember what the public used to to be told about nuclear power. We knew nuclear reactors were dangerous because the processes of fission and fusion require extreme compression and extreme heat; temperatures twice as hot as the core of the sun. Sometimes nuclear power stations would “melt-down”, releasing radioactive waste. We were told that nuclear waste never degrades. Hundreds of millions of cubic metres, of the toxic waste, sit in each country, including Indonesia, while ways to store it ‘for longer than expected’ (Brin) are explored. Sometimes nuclear waste was piped to other countries, or dumped little-by-little into the sea. More recently, the nuclear industry were in negotiations with gas and oil companies to bury the waste in empty wells. In the past, most men and women associated nuclear power with war and inevitable mass destruction, by accident or by design.

"Can You Smell The Smell The Loo Smell Traveling Through The Air? Ay, I can Lad, It's Coming From Over There. Over The Hill, Down In The Valley, There's No Buildings There. It's a Nuclear Power Dump Site, Someone Doesn't Care. Parliament Says it's Safe, So Why Not Bury It There?" Wise words from Flux and The Pink Indians back in the 80s

Then there was the danger of “a maniac” “pressing the button”, detonating a nuclear bomb. We hoped leaders would know of the “nuclear winter” that would follow, where nothing will grow and so much radiation in the air would make our hair fall out, and quickly humans, along with the other animal and plant life would wither and die.

People imagined that military personnel would wait nervously for the leader of their country to give the command to fire. We hoped the threat of nuclear war would only ever escalate following many months and years of peace negotiations, and efforts to find other resolutions. If we had thought about using nuclear weapons logically, we would have remembered that there is only ever a “4-minute warning”. Four minutes is not enough time to ring the President, or even discuss with a colleague, so whoever is on duty must rely on the notification from that computer system and follow protocol. Military protocol requires immediate retaliation. 

This procedure, upon which the safety of the whole world rests, was eventually tested: A transmission came in, to an Early Warning data centre, that the US had launched six nuclear missiles on Russia. By great chance, a man by the name of Stanislav Petrov was on duty. Feeling the responsibility for the action he had to take, he recognised he still had a choice. “An erroneous retaliatory nuclear attack on the United States and its NATO allies could have wiped out half of the population”. But what else did he have, in addition to the computer reports and protocol? He had the depth of his experience; his reasoning; his observations of the political landscape; his care for life and trust in his own inner authority. Petrov made “a judgement call” and decided the reports must be a false alarm. “An investigation later confirmed that the satellite warning system had indeed malfunctioned”. 

In the upcoming election debate, candidates should discuss their understanding and stance on commercial and military nuclear power and how they will lead with discernment and concern for the cost to life. The cost to life is not just if there’s a war or disaster. The replacement Trident nuclear submarine for the UK cost the same as providing an upgraded  National Health Service for free, for the whole population, for 45 years. Somehow the decision to finance the submarine instead of the National Health Service, got passed in their parliament.

Thankfully, President Joko Widodo already sent a clear message to the world that “the possession and use of nuclear weapons cannot be justified for any reason”, when he ratified the Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in November 2023. But was Indonesia informed by its “Plenipotentiary ambassadors” abroad (These are delegates to foreign countries who have independent, executive powers to act on behalf of Indonesia) about the AUKUS Partnership between the UK, US and Australia; to arm Australia with eight nuclear submarines? China have called the plan “a return to a Cold War mentality”. France are calling it a “stab in the back”, as a French company was going to manufacture the submarines and Australia had to pay France 555 million euro compensation, just to get out of the deal. With that level of international bad feeling about the Arkus partnership, only formed in 2021, ministerial candidates must ask whether the submarines could make Indonesia more of a military target, than act as a ‘deterrent’ - which is what some governments are calling nuclear weapons now - or serve on the Pandemic Preparedness  fast-response supply chain to international health and security crises, where the UN say they would like to maximise the use of nuclear submarines.

Following recent agreements with the US and the upcoming WHO Pandemic Treaty, already signed, can Indonesia put the brakes on and say ‘No’ to nuclear weapons in Indonesian waters or the use of Indonesian resources to fuel and arm them? The submarines, like the other smart technologies are to use artificial intelligence extensively in their operation.

Gladiator Bangsa have also been considering, when did competent authorities, regulators and decision-makers start trusting technology and being digitally-assisted, more than trusting our own experience and knowledge and trusting each other? 

Most people have sat in front of a computer screen for a lot longer than four minutes, in frustration and powerlessness, unable to even verify their own identity to access their own accounts. In the past, a computer screen would often read ‘Unrecoverable Error”. Imagine the artificial intelligence in these nuclear submarines, executing their programmed protocols without hesitation, while the Naval Commander frantically tries to get clearance to stop the ballistic missiles being fired. The computer may require a retina scan; facial recognition; a  finger print, and may an OTP - a One Time Password. Picture all these being asked for at once in order to return the computer system to manual controls. Too late. “Unrecoverable error”.  

The Equalizer by Urgent Rougherendum


AUSMIN meeting in July 2023, AUKUS members strengthened their military ties to counter superpower China. 

Screenshot says: Arkus members must maintain warm ties with Indonesia regardless of who wins the Presidential election! - partnership between UK, US to help Australia get nuclear submarines.

I think the next meeting could discuss if this is treason, to commit Indonesia to a treaty that will mean it is forced to exploit its resources at its own expense to provide fuel and weapons for Australia's nuclear submarines - that sail 365 a year regardless of war or peace as its too dangerous to turn them on or off. They want Indonesia's resources and force their extraction on climate action grounds. (The UN sustainability goals deadline is November 2024 Roguski says) Hence all the military involvement are token characters (as Richard found), not the senior officials who actually care or understand biosafety and protecting Indonesia from misuse. Ref Military involvement with the WHO.

This is the plan that biden made with the president: The Semi-conductor eco system!

This is the mining that I believe Biden wants to help Indonesia with:

This is the WHO's own review of the financing of the Treaty and UN Climate action being finalized at COP28 this week. All of which your planning minister would like to know about I'm sure!!

I was looking at the United Nations who are based in New York and found this ambassador for Indonesia who is in charge of the seabed authority. I also shared the UN ambassador's list to ask Nicola if they were the same ambassadors as we appealed to, to encourage their countries to exit the WHO! I don't know yet.

Indonesia's ambassador is on the Rulers List !!!!

 List of current permanent representatives to the United Nations - Wikipedia

List of current permanent representatives to the United Nations - Wikipedia

This is a list of the current permanent representatives to the United Nations at United Nations Headquarters, Ne...

List of current permanent representatives to the United Nations - Wikipedia

This is a list of the current permanent representatives to the United Nations at United Nations Headquarters, Ne...

All the different UN bodies behind the initiatives

This may explain why biosurveillance, regulation and marine biotech are already in place for Indonesia. 

Is the geothermal a resource they might be after, I asked google:

Oxitec/WHO WMP are connected:

13 years. in Oxford University and Vietnam on Mosquitoes - Wolbachia. Director of Global Implementation. 

Katie Anders epidemiologist and doctoral scholar at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam - WMP Director Impact Assessment

Scott O'Neill - genetic engineering work - 

Sir Jeremy Farrar - head scientist at the WHO

He was at Oxitec GM Mosquitoes / Wellcome Trust Annual Report

Attached screenshots: : Nasir (Plenipotentiary Indonesian UN Diplomat in charge of Seabed), UN and Microsoft accept legal costs for AI Privacy infringements (and the same AI is being used to map bombing sites for Israel to bomb Palestine too at the moment - which makes sense of the Indonesian hospital being bombed the day we interrupted their deployment in Bali.  

Article showing how military have shown enthusiasm for policing health.

Lots of love and hope life is good for you, well done on the lawsuit!

Weapons of Mass Destruction

what does IKN stand for?

This is the abbreviation for Nusantara but it is a common abbreviation for 'I know not'

So the president was in America talking about I know not what!

But he has said that Indonesia will only pay for 20% of the new capital. Hes encouraging others to invest like Thailand but Microsoft is the biggest contibutor.

APEC builders for Nusantara

PUPR says ministerial and security forces houses are 42% finished

Gates 47 months fintech funding for jakarta is just finished

The REDD Incentives for governments to not cut down forests. Could it be used. Has it been misused by new Magrove plantations for Biotech use?

Ministers of public works and marine

BandungmSuicide bmber criticizing new criminal code

The President also thought the criminal code needed more 'Socialization'

Trade meeting

They plan to exploit Rattan and Mangrove roots - INBAR Transfer of Technology United nations Model for Kilmantan


Monkeypox cae in Bandung in October -

Mangrove BIotech

modified method is efficient in obtaining high-quality RNA from mangrove roots and is suitable for downstream experiments such as cDNA synthesis, real-time quantitative PCR and next-generation sequencing.

Conservation, medicine etc

50,000 mangrove trees

Inappropriate use of government incentives to stop de-forestation

Phytoremediation -soil remediation a terrible soil microbiome Gree Technology to clean pollute soil.

According to the Rome Statute, it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international crimes. The International Criminal Court can only intervene where a State is unable or unwilling to genuinely carry out the investigation and prosecute the perpetrators

the rome statute

just sending our email to all the kodim and came across this. It's a new UN brigade I only found a 622 in Sri lanka so far

  • 622nd Infantry Battalion (New raising)

Kodim Whistleblowing system

  • 621st Raider Infantry Battalion/Manutung I think this is a US Army Pacific Division

A UN Army exercise?,7-9%20November%202018_Annex%201.%20EWG%20PKO%20Registration%20List.pdf

This head of Java Field Police ran an Avian Flu Pandemic Preparedness Project (with Sir Jeremy Farrah head scientist of WHO discovered that H5N1 had emerged in nature again - that's what they studied in Vietnam.

Tubagus Arie ("Kak Arie") Rukmantara

PT Citra Lampia Mandiri

The nickel is used for very exploited battery components

what is indoniesia's nickel used for,MWe%20nuclear%20for%2030%20years.

Oh no mining uranium working party.

ARKUS news they will get the australian nuclear submarines as soon as possilble but rigorously avoid proliferation of weapons of mass destruction!

The Committee roster can be found here.

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic - United States House Co...

United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Questions could profitably be asked about the following:

1.  The WHO is not an honest broker. 

a.  Its Director-General has repeatedly lied about the WHO's 2 proposed treaties:  the pandemic treaty/agreement, and International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments, claiming they do not seize sovereignty, when there is no doubt they do precisely that.  See Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States' Sovereignty? by David Bell, MD, PhD and attorney Thi Thuy Van Dinh, PhD.

b.  The WHO appears to have deceived the public about whether the amendments "approved" in May 2022 followed the legally required procedure of a full WHA vote. Twelve members of the European Parliament wrote to the WHO on November 28, 2023 asking for evidence that the WHO actually conducted a vote of the entire World Health Assembly to pass several new amendments in May 2022, with a 48 hour deadline.  The WHO did not respond, and the twelve European parliament members declared the May 2022 amendments null and void last week.

c.  The WHO's principal legal office, Steven Solomon, stated in early October that the IHR working group did not have to follow the required procedure (found in the existing 2005 version of the International Health Regulations) to make public the draft of new proposed amendments 4 months in advance of a vote.  Thus, we may not see the new amendments until after the WHO members have voted on them.

2.  The WHO's proposed treaties are unconstitutional

a.  They demand that nations perform surveillance of their citizens' social media footprints and censor them to prevent 'infodemics' (too much information, according to the WHO's definition), misinformation and disinformation, surveil

b.  They say that nations should give up the intellectual property rights of their citizens.

c.  There is no due process for the declaring or ending of public health emergencies of international concern, for which no standards exist.

3.  In the Oct. 30 draft of the treaty, A new WHO Secretariat and Conference of Parties for pandemics are to be established in the future and will make their own rules.  Thus, agreeing to this means providing a blank check to the WHO to do whatever it wants at some later date.

4.  The 2 proposed treaties ignore existing internal law prohibiting the proliferation of biological warfare agents (the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and the 2004 Security Council Memorandum 1540) and demand that nations search out new agents (a.k.a. "potential pandemic pathogens") and share them with the WHO, which will "share them globally."  The WHO has already established a BioHub for this purpose and a Pathogen Access and Benefits System.

5.  The proposed treaty and amendments also demand that nations perform 2 additional forms of surveillance of their citizens:  microbiological surveillance of their populations, animals and ecosystems for pathogens, and surveillance and sharing of medical and hospital records, both of which violate privacy protections.

6.  The proposed amendments remove the guarantee of "Human rights, dignity and freedom of persons" that are found in the current international health regulations.

7.  The two proposed treaties are both binding, whereas the earlier IHR were recommendations only, apart from minor requirements for notification of certain outbreaks to the WHO.  The two proposed documents would give the WHO and particularly its Director-General vast authority to manage healthcare globally.  The current Director-General is not a medical practitioner and instead has a PhD in Community Health.

8.  The WHO lacks the personnel and expertise to manage international pandemics and other health concerns.  Any developed nation has within it much more capacity to understand and manage medical events within its borders, and likely international events as well.

9.  The proposed treaty calls for rapidly produced vaccines and for nations to implement domestic legislation to permit the use of unlicensed medical products without manufacturer liability, instead "managing" the liability issues using existing models, such as the US' Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which has so far compensated 8 Americans for injuries related to EUA COVID products (primarily vaccines) from the 12,358 claims filed.

Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) Data | HRSA

HRSA’s CICP aggregate data for countermeasure injury claims for fiscal years 2010 – 2023.

10.  It is apparent that in the process of developing the “Pandemic Accord” and amendments to the IHR, WHO/WHA positioned itself in a combined law-making/executive/expert/censorship role, which is a well-known path to usurpation of unrestrained power. It should not be surprising, therefore, that the proposed Amendments grant expressly such power to the WHO.

11.  The WHO receives 85% of its funding from voluntary contributions, and only 15% from dues paid by its 194 member nations.  Most of the voluntary contributions are earmarked for special projects that the WHO carries out.  When President Trump withheld US funding in 2020, Bill Gates became the WHO's top funder.  The (unelected) WHO serves many private masters, yet seeks to govern the world's population.

12.  Virtually every recommendation the WHO made for managing the COVID pandemic was counterproductive.  Why would we give the WHO the power to enforce the same bad advice on the US and world? 

Meryl Nass, MD

December 11, 2023

Slovakia not entering treaty

Estonia Not entering treaty

Microsoft sacks AI Ethics team

Indonesia’s Defence Policy

I read this sentence below, I realized that Indonesia's Defence focus on free and active foreign policy as a way to peace may have led to foreign abuse - 

I was shocked by Biden's body language this week, where he looked down at his knees the whole time he was deliberately lying about how the secuirty he promised for our marine resources actually meant that he planned to seize them, basically.

"In the context of international relations, Indonesia has been prioritized free and active foreign policy, and is guided by the principle of peace and a passion for independence and sovereignty." 

Treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons Images: 

Images: 1) Living Sentinel and Living Pharmacy

2) Atomic Agency Relationship with the WHO and 3) Arkus relationship with Indonesia.

Treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapons

Nuclear in Health Supply Chain

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