
Friday, January 5, 2024

22 days until 300 more amendments silently go through. Stop the madness.

 We are Heading into the Same Storm but

We are not all in the Same Boat.

Indonesia is one ‘member state’ of the United Nations. There are more than 190 other countries. Indonesian men and women have incomes equivalent to between 3,000 and 9,000 US dollars a year. Australians receive about $45,000. The US average is more like $75,000 and the average UK citizen earns the equivalent of $40,000. However, the majority of people in every country have very little at all. Like many in Indonesia, people everywhere are living in extreme poverty and only just surviving. Let’s consider these few countries though because we already share goals and partnerships, and soon - in April 2024 - we will share the same budget: A Pandemic Preparedness Fund. Readers might hope that this money has been collected to share out between people, to buy what they need, if there’s another lockdown, but this is not the plan. There is a big chance that the money has all been delegated for smart technologies.

This means that the candidates competing for

a place in government face a heroic task of

constant research into new innovations. Most genetic engineering and artificial intelligence are completely beyond human understanding, assessment and control. Nonetheless, here in early 2024, cautious decisions must be made and experimental permits must be refused, when the proposed research is likely to cause more problems than it solves. One risk is that the introduction of many new technologies will degrade health when they interact, like chemicals that only become explosive or toxic when they are mixed.

The President has done his best to protect Indonesia from falling into great debt by not being persuaded to mine the seabed for precious marine resources, in the past. This year, however, the Nation might be put under new pressure to do so. In the upcoming election debates, it will be a chance to hear what the government intends to do to resist these man-made threats; economic, biological, digital, electro magnetic and environmental. The continued pressure to accept massive releases of mosquitoes, must surely be on the agenda for the discussion. Also the question of whether a foreign agency

can really improve the Economy and quality of life for Indonesians. It would be unifying for the people to hear the vision that elected candidates have of what they would do, if Indonesia could get out from its alleged debt and keep control of the budget?

But there is no threat of a pandemic is there? What is so different about this year? Well, actually, it is not the government who will be in charge. It is the World Health Organization, one of the United Nations’ departments. They are based in Switzerland, where they have a system called “diplomatic immunity”. This means that, even if the World Health Organization recommends a vaccine that causes harm and even death, or the World Economic Forum requires Indonesia’s nuclear resources as repayment of a national debt and that causes economic and environmental collapse, no-one is accountable or financially liable. One light on the horizon is that there is the beginning of a movement calling for these influential global leaders to relinquish their diplomatic immunity so they can take responsibility for the outcomes of their decisions.

Let us ask the election candidates to address this real life situation as a case study:
The lead scientist of the World Health Organization, Jeremy Farrar has just, in December 2023, forecast the next pandemic...”Prepare bird flu vaccines now before virus jumps to humans, top scientist warns”. But back in 2008 he had already designed a vaccine ”In the last few years, Farrar has focused on the pathophysiology and treatment of avian influenza. He is also exploring the cross-reactivity of memory T cell responses to influenza in hopes of creating a broadly protective vaccine for H5N1". He was also involved in the Gain of Function research that made the bird flu transmissible to mammals (and therefore humans) in 2015. The questions for debate are, can Indonesia’s Coordination Committee keep up with this high impact project and provide regulation? Can they even answer what is “pathophysiology”, or “the cross-reactivity T cell responses”, or a “broadly protective vaccine”? Or, instead, will ministers allow an unelected group, the WHO, with longterm

financial vested interests and valuable

patents, dictate Indonesia’s financing of research, purchase and then mandating of experimental vaccines to all ages, even children, regardless of efficacy or safety? Should Indonesia even accept communications and surveillance equipment, that is protected by patents held in other countries? Who will have access to personal data collected and national defence information?

It has not reassured doctors investigating the WHO-approved mosquito releases that the same scientist conducted some of the first research into using GMO mosquitoes to address mosquito-born diseases, funded the genetically modified mosquitoes of Oxitec and taught many of the World Mosquito Program team. Many of you will be following the large question mark over the continued mass release of Aedes Aegypti, even after soaring Dengue cases, spikes in the Culex species and associated Japanese Encephalitis cases, after previous releases.

Hopefully parliamentarians are investigating

the exposure of the fact that foreign-owned

Internet Protocol Technology is in the Wolbachia bacteria, used to infect the mosquitoes, without any public explanation of what the Artificial Intelligence technology will be used for. Unfortunately we know they are not investigating the deployment of mosquito eggs, as their official email addresses remain unopened. In parallel, more than twenty countries have notified the World Health Organization that they are withdrawing from the Pandemic Treaty and thousands of notices have been sent to the WHO from groups of lawyers, doctors, and individual men and women. These have been ignored as well. With no formal acknowledgement, publication or detailed consideration by Indonesia’s full Coordination Committee, decision-making power could pass to the WHO as soon as the 27th January, when the silent deadline for rejecting 300 further amendments to the International health Regulations goes past.

All regulatory authorities must pay continual attention to national and international news and be ready to show daring and courage in

making decisions that will benefit the people.

At Gladiator Bangsa, we are very wary of reducing one recordable problem, for example Dengue, by causing an infinite number of others that are less easy to identify. Therefore our commitment to you is to write every day, to illuminate the nature of the science and the risks of the biobanks planned - full of blood and pathogen samples, which we fought hard not to share in the past.

We will explore how the WHO, UN, Sustainability Goals department and WEF new legal instruments could impact the day to day life, bodily integrity, privacy, freedom and safety. For example how the use of nuclear power is ‘maximised’ by the UN and their intention to use armed nuclear submarines in the pandemic response supply chain. On the brighter side, we will also explain the power of our sovereignty as a nation and as men and women. By using the art of our inner intention, decision-making and vision it translates inter outer transformation. We hope to inspire independent thought and maybe even achieve personal and a sort of collective ‘mind control’ that can overcome the technological

and esoteric mind control that has been used

to dupe us.

We have a moment of choice and we want to know the elected candidates realise what is at stake. If you also want any of these questions asked or answered, please feel free to write it as a comment on the petition.

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