
Monday, January 22, 2024

The Real Reason For Ireland's Referendum

 The Irish Government want to change the definition of family to a durable relationship - meaningless in law. 

They want to take mothers and women from the Constitution.

 Until now, the mother was the matriarch of the home and it clearly states in 41.2 that’ social order’ cannot be achieved without the mother.

If that’s the case, then why are they taking the mother out?  They, in this instance, are the Irish government and there are multiple reasons they are promoting this amendment and none of those reasons are anything to do with respecting LGBTQ..

It is to appease the lgbtq community because the rights of gay men and other genders recognised now are not solidified within the constitution.

"The State recognises the family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of society, and as a moral institution possessing inalienable, inprescriptable rights and antecedent and superior to all positive law."

In reality there are a lot of words in this article that have power. The woman is protected above acts, statutes, legislation - which 

Positive law includes all mandates, acts, statutes and legislation. Because the woman’s rights are superior to all positive law that is the real reason they want to remove it. 

Interestingly, the man is not mentioned in the Bunreact.  What everyone needs to understand is that man and woman are words of natural law, more fundamental than positive law. in the Constitution the authority sequence is God, men and women then government as public servants. The government are trying to switch it and say there's God, government, then us. We the people are all on the same side and we need men and women and family with authorities and roles in the Constitution to maintain this lawful power structure.

41.11 The state guarantees to protect the Constitution and authority of the family as the necessary basis to social order. 

In reality,  the words here are 'guarantees', 'protect' and 'authority'. 

Please think in terms of Social Protection, which is in this case a financial and housing obligation to facilitate the period of a woman’s life in the home, Currently, in the Constitution, the government accepts responsibility of that guarantee. 

A guarantee has consequences if not fulfilled.

The changing of these words takes away the responsibility from the government. This is especially by replacing the word ‘guarantees ‘to ‘strive’. Striving has no consequences if they fail to achieve supporting the people and children.

If the government remove, from themselves, their guarantee and obligation to the woman in the home so that children can be raised (and we'll talk about the carers' bill in another post), all types of social welfare payments that go to single mothers, widows, wives of army men, children’s allowance, back-to-school payments will be gone. Women will be put on to jobseekers allowance, where all members of the family will be forced to find a job and your child will be indoctrinated into creches and new institutions, from infancy. rather than the bonding development period, one to one relationships that all pedagogies in the National Forum confirm are crucial to successful stable emotional, physical and mental development. The creches have already been advertised on E-Tenders which is a government public contract website where huge amounts of money exchange hands and all experienced people and organizations will not be considered as the government will not award contracts to anyone who has not managed an equal sized contract before, leaving mercenary incompetent companies in charge of infants between 6 months and 3 years. 

What the government should be doing

Instead of taking away rights, they should be rushing to implement at last the 49 recommendations for improving women’s rights in eire that were agreed in the 1970s.

For example: The Anti-Discrimination (Pay) Act 1974, the Employment Equality Act 1977, the removal of the marriage bar in the Civil Service in 1973, and the Maternity Protection of Employees Act 1981 which introduced maternity leave are examples of related changes in Irish legislation.

The very opposite is being proposed here.

short interview with emer, on why to vote no at the referendum

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