
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Power of Three Witnesses To The Excess Deaths

 As we practice articulating the law from a new perspective, where we recognise ourselves as free men and women, we run into problems. It is not that we are breaking the law, quite the opposite. We are just seeing through the illegal and fraudulent systems that have had us bound. We are bound to clash with the egos of those who are wrongly empowered, like the guardi and police, who want to throw their weight around. They are not acting under their oath to keep the peace. They are glorified mercenaries, collecting fines and penalties.  We are also bound to meet resistance when it comes to unraveling the systemic enslavement of taxes, and enforcement by councils and other debt collectors.

We are at the forefront of a movement but someone has to be. If we can get our heads around this fundamental truth that we are the rightful beneficiaries of our lives, not debtors and not prepared to be demoted to collateral damage in wars, and reserve stock for governments to trade on...only then can our children enjoy this change as a reality that is respected and apparent in the quality of their lives. But we don't want to be martyrs, so in the meantime, every time you speak up, try and have at least 2 witnesses.

I don't know exactly what the power of three actually amounts to but I have experienced it for myself. Two months ago, three of us, in a firm but friendly way, directly spoke to some trespassing tenants, and got them to leave.

Who better to travel to travel to Geneva with to pose an obstacle to the evil of the one world government, The UN with the their Health body, the World Health Organization are planning an occupation so big that if it goes ahead, we're going to think the nazi concentration camps, the current Chinese Yugur camps and even North Korea's austere dictatorship start to look like a tea party, a walk in the park and a golden age of just basic oppression.  We have got to stop this. 

Everyone has this last chance to say no. A friend, Karen, wrote a brilliant 'copy and paste' job, in a group this morning, which I will type in here, so anyone reading this can use it. 

"Hello Justin" - add your public representative's name

As you probably know, Andrew Bridgen MP is leading a debate on “Covid 19 Pandemic Response and Trends in Excess Deaths" in the House of Commons on Thursday 18 April, 2pm start.  As my public representative, I would like you to attend" or host something similar in this country if you're not in GB.

"If you still believe this to be a conspiracy, despite all the evidence, as this is a debate, you will be able to put your evidence across to prove him wrong.

This is very serious and it needs to be discussed, therefore, I hope you will attend."

In Australia, Slovakia and the Philippines there are investigations going on, into the excess deaths from the shots and handling of the last pandemic. If we don't act now, there will be another pandemic called and remember that 'scientist' Jeremy Farrar OBE, is head scientist at the WHO now but he is also the patent holder for a universal avian flu vaccine. Give a thought to how profitable a bird flu pandemic would be for him personally, mandating away to his heart's content his GMO mosquitoes (yes he was the inventor of those in some Godforsaken tropical diseases unit in Vietnam, financed by Oxford university). And he's already prescribed 20 years of GMO insects (around 810 billion in total) to be released in the kingdom of Hawaii. "save 6 endangered species of birds from Bird malaria".

 If he's managed to justify that incongruent pretext for 6 birds, imagine  how long a protracted crises of lockdowns, mandated mRNA technology, and surveillance he will think he can justify for a world pandemic? Cash-cow-arama.  Talking of surveillance, they tried this track and trace system on those birds at first and guess what! hooking them up to the internet of things to watch their movements killed them stone dead. Instantly. This is what they have in mind for us.

Case Made To The Highest Court in Switzerland

What has this to do with Common Law or a hopeful bright future? Everything! We are waking up to the truth of our freedom and the authority of our jurisdiction as men and women above governments and corporations. The powers that be (but not for long) are doing everything they can to block this long-awaited correction,  to recognise the superior jurisdiction of all living beings.

If you're thinking of letting patents be held in France, don't! 1) Apart from the complete extraction of wealth generated from the energy and creativity of the Irish people, consider how 2) In France, animals share a category with furniture: No sentience, no duty of care, no value except to their owners as private property., no self determination. Oh, that could never happen to us....could it? 

Governments are only the puppets of the people here in Geneva but still they are personally liable. Why do you think Leo Varadka and Simon Coveney have stepped down in Ireland? They have realized their personal liability. Actually, the Constitution says that if a Taoiseach steps down, the whole cabinet must step down. So so-called Simon Harris, Taoiseach in waiting must step down too. Indeed, he's an ex health minister, so completely complicit in the covid crimes - and cannot be Taoiseach. They must all step down.

Anyway, good riddance to Simon Coveney in particular.  He has done too much damage as the meat industry's Agriculture minister, as Defence minister, foreign minister, perpetrator of the current destitution of the Irish people and drug pusher and public money launderer for the corporate Ireland Inc. And don't get me started on Leo Varadkar responsible for selling Ireland's water to central bank for peanuts.  They are stepping down but they all have to "go down".

We've come to Geneva to make a Statement of Claim, about these criminal charges, in the Federal criminal, patent and civil Supreme Court.

Is Geneva Sound-Proofed? We came to find out.

Thanks to my two friends in Bali who gave us enough money to get here and do this. What a considerate act of faith and empathy. May they get the recognition and reward in the not too distant future for changing the trajectory of the world. Where there will be no more United Nations with their double agency and war-mongering. 

Email to my Mum from 2010 describing the UN-facilitated round up and killing of women and children in Palestine. and the American Phosphorous re-igniting scatter bombs to make it the most excruciating death for them. Don't let them take over the world. 

Biological Scatterbomb by Urgent Rougherendum

Wearing our own merchandise today! @exitthewho

There will be no more WHO and therefore no more silent biological attacks. There will be no more national or personal debts being alleged, and repayments of high value (but not bank notes made of blood By Product by Urgent Rougherendum) will be made to the people. I suppose we collectively reckoned that peace on earth will be totally worth it!!But thanks again, you helped me just when I needed it most!

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