
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Appeal To Swiss Federal Supreme Court


Klaus Schwab, Jeremy Farrar et al vs Frances 

Supreme Federal Court 



11th April 2024

A. Injunction against WHA Voting: WHO Treaty / IHR 2005 Amendments

B. Prosecution for Terrorism and Violations of International Treaties


This case originated in hundreds of applications made against the World Health Organization and the defendants, filed (or binned, we’ll never know) over the last four years. I file this application to Appeal in the Federal Supreme Court, as I am contesting multiple cases that meet the following conditions:

The court’s decision pertains to a Legislature: “A deliberative assembly with the legal authority to make laws for a political entity such as a country, nation or city”.

The Circumstances of the Case

In this case, de facto shadow directors of the WHO, United Nations, World Economic Forum, GAVI et al are already assuming legal authority to legislate for 194 United Nations Member States, despite over 160 of the member states having formally contested their authority and submitted evidence of crimes by these organizations, of genocide, terrorism, torture, experimentation without consent, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, conflicts of interest, artificial intelligence and other wireless technology with a military, retaliatory protocol,  fraudulent misrepresentation as health and climate crises, protracted enslavement of people and animals, and posing an existential threat with genetic engineering and the patenting of information which it is critical should be in the public domain. These are all charges for which the men and women at the conference of the parties are yet to answer, and which are all in violation of existing International Treaties.

At the end of May 2024 the World Health Assembly intend to meet and pretend that there is consensus to adopt Amendments to the International Health Amendments, the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness, Prevention and Response Treaty, the continued fraudulent  extraction of wealth from nations, and men and women, in payment of alleged debt. 

I am making this appeal on behalf of all men and women of all nations and regarding all the notices, formal statements, letters, and legal proceedings as cases that have been neither acknowledged nor replied to, which shows that there is no consensus. Unelected officials of the international organizations based in Geneva are seen as criminals, who believe they have diplomatic immunity. By filing this Statement of Claim, I request that personal liability is assigned by the law of your court, and all assets, Pandemic Funds, and other monies and property are seized and returned to the people by way of public banks. As this decision should mark the end of usury, all property and territories should pass to the full ownership and other bonds made on each life returned to the people. This men and women who should be stewards of this process are ready.   

Application to the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland

I understand that “a ‘leapfrog’ appeal can be permitted if the judge in the High Court certifies (immediately after judgment or on an application within 14 days) that the “relevant conditions” are satisfied, that a sufficient case has been made out to justify an application for permission to appeal to The Supreme Court” 

Application for a ‘leapfrog’ appeal should be permitted in this instance, I believe, as the application is within 14 days of my last personal liability notice to the defendants and there is the urgency of the upcoming World Health Assembly. I hope that submitting evidence from so many member states desperate to stop the defendants before unrecoverable damage is done, that a sufficient case has been made to justify an application for permission to appeal to the Supreme Court. The appeal meets the condition that it  is “a point of general public importance and it relates wholly or mainly to the construction of an enactment or of a statutory instrument”.

1. This honourable court’s jurisdiction is chosen in accordance with international law and is sought due to serious charges such as crimes against humanity, inter alia.

2. As we are under pressure time-wise, given the impending World Health Assembly in May 2024, I am seeking a summary judgment in an expedited manner without trial.

3. Original criminal charges and civil claims were filed in Indonesia, attached. The fee schedule and remedy to this case involve the immediate arrest of the other parties.

4. The addresses of the defendants cannot be established and the court’s assistance will be required herein as we are seeking an urgent interim interdict/injunction.

5. The defendants’ participation in international organizations does not provide immunity where ongoing crimes and commercial activity are involved.

I understand that Swiss civil procedure law is strongly oriented towards written procedure, and this is particularly true in appeal proceedings.  I also understand that an Appeal would usually only look at how the law was applied in earlier cases, and not the claims of the case. The exception in this case is Manifest arbitrariness, where 1) Decisions were made capriciously, irrationally and/or without determining principle. I refer to the decisions made by the defendants to not even acknowledge official correspondence from member states. This can be the only reason why earlier proceedings in civil, administrative and criminal contexts have been ignored. 2. The legislature fails to make a classification by recognizing the degrees of harm - or accepting liability for any harm 3. The purpose is not in consonance with constitutional values - national and personal sovereignty and freedoms are values that are under direct threat. 

Because the decision-making process and the “decisions were based on irrelevant facts, while ignoring relevant considerations, such actions reflect “arbitrariness”. This is why I ask Switzerland to retain international jurisdiction to examine the merits of the case.


I acknowledge your admissibility clause that an “Appellant must have participated in the proceedings before the previous instance, or not have been given the opportunity to participate and show to be particularly affected by the appealed decision and have an interest worthy of protection in its annulment or amendment.”

Participation: Notices to the defendants of 1) Conditional Acceptance Pending Due Diligence, 2) Cease and Desist Military Retaliatory Protocols, 3) Personal Liability and Intention to Prosecute are attached. Plus 25 counts of criminal charges, and civil claims made by  other member states, and those we filed in Indonesia are attached.

Opportunity to participate: “or not have been given the opportunity to participate” relates to all the attached cases. This is of legal relevance because the United Nations and the World Health Organization have provided no opportunity to participate. The has been no due process, and no recourse to address reservations, whether they are immediate or planned. It has been impossible to bring criminal charges or even record a personal adverse event following a vaccine. Whether it is to a court, or police station, public representative or to inquire about liability, or create an avenue or forum for informed consent or rebuttal. This is due to censorship and often a flat denial of any question raised. 

All the attached cases required a significant amount of courage and clarity to complete. Many have had to leave their jobs to avoid complicity. Even inter-governmental negotiations and challenges have been dismissed by the WHO as misinformation.

That is the main reason I am making this appeal. To make the work, losses, conflict and struggle for agency, which humanity has experienced, actually count and go on record as making history, in the Law library of the Supreme Federal Court. 

The resistance that concerned experts have met, justifies the claim that the WHO, WMP, BRIN, DARPA et al, do not want to monitor or regulate the safety and efficacy of its recommendations, or share its research findings in the public. The coercion has been widespread.

I am an international ambassador of peace and de jure woman: frances. I am the authorised representative of the corporate entity Frances Micklem. As part of the Indonesian leadership group Gladiator Bangsa, I participated in the criminal proceedings against Save The Children Fund and World Mosquito Program, and the civil proceedings against the Health Minister of Indonesia. I confirm that the appellants, in all the cases attached, were not given the opportunity for a hearing, and many lost their lives and livelihoods in the process. 

I also confirm that I am “particularly affected by the appealed decision as everyone is relying on me to get this appeal before your honourable court, provide you with the precedents you need, and witnesses, to stop the defendants’ self-promotion to a one world government and becoming international law-makers. Their sphere of influence and resources must be reduced to nil. The defendants must not have the power to engineer the pathogens, call a pandemic, implement lockdowns or other measure, or mandate their own patented vaccines, or the deployment of engineered vectors or vaccines, they have a financial interest in. They must be arrested and the organizations dismantled. 

All life on the planet; people, places and animals will be affected and we all have an interest worthy of protection, in your annulment or amendment. 


The man, António Guterres sometimes acting as Secretary General to the United Nations

The man, Klaus Schwab sometimes acting as Chairman of the World Economic Forum

The man, Tedros Ghebreyesus sometimes acting as Secretary General of the World Health Organization

The man, Jeremy Farrar sometimes acting as Head Scientist at the World Health Association

The man, Scott O’Neill sometimes acting as Wolbachia IP Technology patent holder and CEO of World Mosquito Program

The man, Adam Berthoud sometimes acting as Executive Director of Global Programmes, Save The Children Fund UK

The man, Blake Bedtime sometimes acting as DARPA’S Insect Allies Director 

The woman Lesley, and her husband, Gillespie sometimes acting as a Baker and sometimes Funder of Biological Weapons Program in Indonesia 

To all men and women acting as agents, involved in funding and implementing pandemic preparedness, on the pretext of Public Health, while facilitiating a protracted biological attack.

To men and women in the Yayasan Tahija Foundation

To men and women in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

To men and women acting without an oath of office, in Governments, Police and the Military 

To all men and women contributing to the World Economic Forum, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, The IHR Amendments, The Logistics Supply Chain, including AUKUS and Microsoft’s and Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence.  

The man Budi Gunadi Sadikin acting as Minister for Health for Indonesia

The man, Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo acting as Defence Minister for Indonesia

The man, Wieded TrisnadI  Chairman of Save The Children Fund 

The woman, Bekti Andari Vice Chairman of Save The Children Fund

All men and women who are complicit in the excess deaths and systemic fraud.

There is also compensation due, and penalties for the proliferation of biological weapons, be they Wolbachia-infected Mosquitoes or genetically-engineered therapeutics, coupled with Artificial Intelligence, remotely operated and fully funded by a foreign agent. 

There had been no operational or financial due diligence done. Permissions and exemptions from regulation are usually granted, following fraudulent claims of benefits and bribery. 

The defendants are all de facto shadow directors. For a definition of a shadow director: “On a regular basis and over a period time, the majority of the directors of these organizations must perform positive acts in accordance with the alleged shadow director's instructions. If that test is met, the person is likely to be found to be a shadow director”. This will inevitably include Anthony Fauci as the man who assigns funding for medical research and other research within and beyond third level education.

In time: 

This Appeal has been made in time 

1) as the defendants have been given every opportunity to respond 2) There is no ambiguity in the 25 earlier instances, attached: The covid vaccines, masks, lockdowns, PCR tests, IHR Amendments and Political Declaration were all formally rejected in time in a myriad of formats. However, not one reservation, rejection, withdrawal or other written notice has been acknowledged by the defendants. The date for voting on the IHR Amendments and Treaty runs between the 1st April and the 26th May 2024. 

This appeal is urgent but it is in time to stop the contravening of the WHO’s own Constitution, the WEF’s own Manifesto and the UN’s own Charter, by a small conference of the parties pushing these treaties through. Finally, I wrote to the court in time - before the Treaty on the 5th April - alerting the court to the dire threat, to the jurisdiction for men and women, that the proposed treaty posed. Therefore, if that Treaty was passed, however illegitimately, I still entered this application for an appeal before my jurisdiction came into question. 

I reiterate here that Articificial Intelligence must be stopped as, due to that treaty. Whether it passed or not, AI will already have been programmed to recognise the claim to being a biological man or woman as a possible crime against humanity. Such is the extent of the madness that we have been enduring. In addition the AI will be connecting the Decision of the Supreme Court in America that the vaccinated are no longer human but ‘trans human’. The connection of these two legislative developments could remove the jurisdiction of all people and place it below governments and corporations - One of the cases I attach is the resignation letter of the UN Human Rights Commissioner, on this matter, where no one is afforded human rights. 


I would like to enquire as to the cost of this appeal, as it is a public interest case brought by one individual, spanning criminal, administrative, civil and patent law.

I note that “the decisions of the last cantonal instance and the Federal Patent Court can be appealed before the Federal Supreme Court (article 72 of the FCA). The appeal in civil matters before the Federal Supreme Court is subject to certain conditions. Generally, a minimum value of the claim is required (15,000 Swiss francs in employment and tenancy law cases; 30,000 Swiss francs in any other cases). I hope that “this minimum value of the claim is not required. Although the value of the claim is indeed infinite, if we can reinstate our standing as beneficiaries in our own lives, create peace and safety, in every nation and reclaim our freedom and dignity, and that of our fellow animals.

 Furthermore, another condition is met:

The Federal Supreme Court may accept that a fundamental point of law is at stake.

The settlement will be a return of the monies extracted through fraudulent debt collection, both national and individual.

Can the costs of this Appeal be waived as it is in the public interest?

I am appealing before the Federal Supreme Court, against the decision by the UN to empower themselves, through the WHO as legislators of International Law. This must take place before the World Health Assembly at the end of May 2024.

We enclose earlier cases that would bring peace for definite, if the instances were counted and collectively succeed in prosecuting the defendants. This is a chance to return the course of history to the conscious evolution we should all be enjoying at the moment. 

We’re appealing against the decision by the defendants to empower themselves, as legislators of International Law and claiming they are acting with intent to harm. 

1) Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, and Zimbabwes reject unilateral coercive measures. Instead of unanimous adoption of the Political Declaration on 26th September 2023, the United Nations General Assembly UNGA just announced after receiving the letter that they would have to approve the Declaration using a vote count instead of a unanimous agreement - Changing their own process. 

2) Group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter: Algeria, Angola, Belarus, Bolivia, Cambodia, China, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Iran, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nicaragua, the State of Palestine, the Russian Federation, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Syria, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

3) G77 which is now a group of 134 developing countries who contested the legal standing of the meetings of the SDGs Summit and the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention.

designed to promote its members' collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nation expanded to 134 member countries. G77

4) Netherlands - Medicines Agency early personal liability notice 2021 of vaccine deaths 

5) Slovakia - Prime MInister Robert Fico

6) Indonesia - a) Senate b) Precedent  2008 Case c) Dr Widya Murni World Council For Health Vote to Exit The WHO

7) America - Dr Peter McCullogh 

8) Fahrie Hassan - Conflict of Interests World and Africa-Specific

9. Hawaii Unites - 20 years of GMO insects, no monitoring and no environmental impact report

10. Singapore accidental 3 female GM Mosquitoes replace a whole population (Gene Drive)

11. 2008 Indonesia Refuses Material Transfer of Viruses (now called pathogen-sharing)

12 Bill Bates versus the US - Manufactures consent in developing countries by funding universities.

13. Elon Musk, 180-day experimental permit to radiate people and deliver  genetic modifications using electrical-pulses, plus data collection without consent.

14. George Soros vs France. Insider trading and alleged responsibility for forced migration. 

15. Central bank challenge for printing bank notes using pigs blood, and losing the ‘Right to Rescue’ animals in court.

16. AUKUS nuclear partnership and UN’s

17. WEF’s Pascal Najadi case: Filed charges against the President, to remove diplomatic immunity for WEF & WHO, for Covid Crimes.

18. Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Craig Mokhibe  Resignation Letter - the UN is party to Genocide 

19. Estonia’s Parliament reject the WHO

20. Ireland’s Crotty vs the government - Won the case that there should be no International Agreements without a Referendum

21 Stopping AI because of its always-active military protocols: Deployment & Retaliation

22. Vaccine Deaths and Warnings: Pfizer Found Guilty in UK Cases

23. South African Contracts - Pfizer payment Guarantee Required, including natural resources, reserve banks and military bases.  

24. Concealment of Data Case: Thailand 

25. Private .. Banking is illegal and CBDCs are a tool of surveillance, control and continued fraudulent debt enslavement. Professor Richard Werner International Public Banking Alliance

Establishing direct lines of liability for the defendants and their corporate entities are our only chances at creating peace and mutual respect, with land healthy enough for subsistence with organic measures and not one bi lab, or child down a mine to supply components for batteries. And not one solar panel on land that could be productive, and when roof space is available.  

We are relying on the honourable Court to hold the Geneva-based defendants accountable for deploying bioweapons and using patent laws to protect dual use research and thereby preventing independent testing or risk assessment of engineered products. I hope that this case will then become the precedent so that parallel agencies and corporations around the world, still perpetuating crimes against humanity, can be successfully challenged. 

 In an attempt to sidestep the serious reservations, the WHO responded by entering an additional Article into the proposed Treaty that reads: ‘No observations will be permitted’.   A cursory look at any other International Treaties show that observations make up the most important instrument of sovereign states granting exemptions from adhering to parts of an agreement that are not in alignment with their constitution. The defendants are not in alignment with human values and we do not consent.

We have precedents and law ready. There are many groups of lawyers and doctors who would be grateful to support this appeal and find out their efforts have not gone to waste. However, I believe their time would be much better spent if they were given new responsibilities and opportunities to guide people in taking responsibility for their own health. 

I made a commitment to myself twenty five years ago that I would end animal suffering and wake people up from the cognitive dissonance around loving animals on the one hand and still allowing them to live absolutely unendurable lives, on the other. Later, I made a commitment to my father - who was a High Court judge and who wrote some of the Unfair Dismissal law and many books reflecting on what makes a life worth living) that I would stop the production of agricultural chemicals and patenting of seeds. It never occurred to me that it would be our lives and our freedom that are gone. Surveillance; microchip implants; the theft, pooling and corruption of our blood and water. The deployment of diseased organisms into us, using mosquitoes and forced medical procedures. And the wild megalomania of genetic engineering, spending public money on the research and then patenting the results. And building nuclear submarines and modular reactors and telling us they’re green, and economical and a deterrent. And the realisation that we’re each running up fraudulent, but still insurmountable, debts while funding the whole lot. I mean really, the audacity of the defendants and the passive aggression of their ignorance and their deadly agenda. They have given themselves away though now and I am so grateful to have an 11th-hour opportunity to lodge this appeal. My grandfather was recognised for his contribution to the arts as a Companion of Honour; a medal that reads “In action faithful and In honour clear”.  

Please honour the people in your decision, and suspend the IHR Amendments and Treaty immediately and permanently. Thank you.

Frances of the Micklem family

All rights reserved

Witness 1: Emer:Marie of the Kelly family                       

All rights reserved

Witness 2 

Darren:Anthony  of the Fahy Family

All rights reserved

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