
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

WHO's Thin Veneer of Health Strategy Turns To Beat Into Submission

This is most recent but actually the day we won the postponement, an Indonesian Hospital in Palestine was bombed. There are no coincidences in this life. Countries have to stick together and recognise en masse what the UN and WHO intend and how they behave when they're asked even some basic house-keeping questions. 

Do not COP28 Conference of the Partiies - Look At What They're Calling Health and How We Will Be Financing This Totalitarian Nightmare - This is the link to who is there and what they're planning from the horse's mouth.

Please help stop the WHO’s Violent Retaliation In Their War Against Humanity

Stand together or be taken out by the silent killers of the World Health Organization's Design

The Health Minister should have answered questions of Criminal Ministerial Responsibility in Parliament, last Thursday. It would have brought Indonesia's whole acceptance of the WHO's regulatory approvals, let alone international mandates into doubt.

Now we need international intervention to even stop the mosquitoes

The research into Wolbachia Mosquitoes as a Health Strategy was already a scandal - A gene drive of a disease vector with a gain of function, undisclosed inclusion of IP Technology, and the absence of credible risk analysis.

Indonesia's Minister of Health has violated the law by allowing a high impact experimental project without agreement by Indonesia's Coordination Committee. He should help Indonesia's authorities understand the money that changed hands and help to explain military engagement with the WHO.

Instead of answering difficult questions,
Scott O'Neill, patent holder of the Wolbachia Technology and founder of World Mosquito Program, joined the health minister (despite the criminal investigation into the World Mosquito Program filed in Bali).

In a scandalous turn around, the parliament threw its support behind the WMP, despite vehement protests from the pulbic where more than 60,000 had signed a petition asking for a postponement of the release:

And the Governor's explicit statement to halt the mosquito release plan in Bali.

In what can only be called a frightening act of retaliation, the Health Minister is resuming releases, even making Bali a new headquarters for the World Mosquito Program and now introducing children's vaccines.

There is already evidence of releases without any permission, releases on armed forces, and mass drops of adult mosquitoes on festivals.

Two days ago I served notice on the Director General of the WHO, demanding the WHO's scientists support their pandemic preparedness and emergency response treaty with a solid foundation in science.

Now I do not believe they intend to. The WHO hope that the treaty comes in using their silent process, where nations that fail to actively withdraw, will find their government’s own policies fully entangled in a web of self-destruction.

What are your health ministers doing in your country? To your people? 

This is the only moment of choice Member States have and Indonesia already needs support. 

Please communicate between Defence Departments. Ask them to make the statement that when one country is endangered by the WHO's biotechnologies, they put all Member States at risk.

Can Nations unite to STOP The WHO

I appeal to the Defence Departments in all WHHO member states to find unity, while our countries face the same biosecurity threat: The World Health Organization.

Eleven countries withdrew from the WHO Treaty in September. 

Several more have rejected the International Health Regulations in the last week, coming up to the WHO's silence 1st December deadline.

We need these brave nations to share as many of their reports as possible, detailing their reasons for walking away from the major Pandemic Fund payments.

How did scientists convince their governments at last that gene edited organisms are NOT substantially equivalent to organisms that have evolved over 300 billion years?

Did they see through the science, and realize that even biotechnology that is "researched for the benefit of world health" carries incalculable counter-indications, with other technologies and our microbiome?

Did they raise the alarm that even the interaction between all the technologies in agriculture, food, conservation, climate action, pharmaceuticals and communications have already triggered mass destruction. 

Or did they find irrefutable evidence that the health measures that the World Health Organization propose are intended to harm?

This intention to cause harm is the scandal that we discovered in Bali. We asked about the risks of releasing 200 million male and female mosquito eggs here. We asked about the safety of a gene drive that carries one bacteria on purpose but transmits 11 new diseases; We asked why the mosquitoes will carry IP Technology; and why did the WHO use a Microsoft modeling program to do a risk assessment, instead of doing a proper one?

Did they answer our questions? NO

Do they intend to punish Indonesia? Yes 

In a defiant act of retaliation, the World Mosquito Program plan to move their Head Quarters to Bali and resume their mosquito releases all over Asia, Mexico, Brazil and Africa.

This is even though the health minister knows there is going to be a loss of life. Already a child dead from Japanese Encephalitis, never before seen here. And the following day? All children under 15 must take a vaccine. 

The response is indicative of what will happen with every lockdown and protracted crisis the WHO have planned. They will offer vector or vaccine. An Impossible choice and, in reality, no choice at all. 

Like the MEP's court case challenging the legality and legitimacy of the WHO, many in Indonesia, from Bali and Jakarta, from holy Mangku to General are committed to refusing their dangerous technologies.

Please find a way to stand side by side with our General Komjen. Pol. Drs. Dharma Pongrekun, S.H. M.M., M.H., and so with Indonesia. Then we will stand with you and honour the spirit of your nations, and help your land and people recover.

Just today, another child vaccine, this time for Dengue, is being rolled out on Kalimantan - the new WHO-controlled Smart capital city of Indonesia and yet original land of Indonesia's most longstanding traditional medicine and... of course some gold, uranium and other precious resources. 

The WHO start with strategic attack and inflict only tragedy.

Thank you,


Respectfully, Frances

All rights reserved


On behalf of all living things with a heartbeat and the Gods do not want this either

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