
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Questions To Ask Before You Sign A Treaty


Subject: Notice served on WHO Operational Due Diligence


Notice to:

Tedros Ghebreyesus

From Humanity

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Notice to Reject the Amendments and discard the Treaty, unless the following questions can be adequately answered and specifically the question:

Do the Pandemic Treaty’s Prevention, Preparedness and Response Principles of researching, producing and scaling up technologies contravene the International Treaty Prohibiting the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

We write in honour as men and women of the WHO Member States to the man, Tedros Ghebreyesus, acting as Director General of the World Health Organization, the world authority on international health. We respectfully ask you to share the scientific foundation of the WHO Treaty and IHR Amendments. 

The format of these questions is to establish:

The ways in which the Science behind the Pandemic Treaty, is the same as the science with which the World Health Organization carefully handled the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Furthermore, we request the most rigorous scientific papers that substantiate WHO’s safety and efficacy claims and approvals. We ask that they be issued to the individual men and women who will be responsible in governments mandating community uptake and medicine adherence, and those who work in health care, administering mandated pharmaceutical products, including vaccines? We also ask that this complete and exhaustive presentation be made to the NGO’s that are implementing WHO health strategies without any grasp of the risks and ramifications of proposed measures such as boosters, lockdowns, social distancing, masks, PCR testing, mass mosquito releases, aerosol and smart technologies, and artificial technology monitoring, modelling and mapping, and to which parties data will be available to? The NGO implementers are already providing a human shield for WHO delegate and WHO strategies.

Is it only each country’s health minister who will be directly able to attend discussions or vote at the World Health Assembly?

Is it through this one delegate that all public money and pandemic fund will be dedicated to supporting the implementation of the WHO Treaty, and possibly away from other beneficial infrastructure?

Why have the military been enlisted to police ‘protracted crises’ and receive training in this? the corporate social responsibility of producers for the WHO’s supply chain, critical links to correction processes, like compensating countries when the WHO does harm and liability? First of all, are both pharmaceutical producers and the World Health Assembly fully indemnified if there is wide scale damage to the environment or loss of life? Will governments be able to use Pandemic Fund money to address damages?

There are competent authorities in all member states who want to grasp the scientific detail of the WHO’s One Health security technologies and biotechnologies and their interaction. We are becoming aware that this analysis of the interaction between several technologies is in fact impossible. We the people are concerned that many individual elements of technological innovation have already been produced and utilised in medical, food, agriculture, conservation, military and surveillance contexts, in good faith, but as dangerous interactions emerge, as with chemicals, the pandemic prevention, preparedness and response technologies may later be recognised as multiple elements of one weapon of mass destruction that has unintentionally been launched. 

All these technologies, including green technologies, are beyond human understanding, and therefore should be renamed red technologies, as warnings about unforeseeable counter-indications, as they start to affect our breathing, vision, heart and other functions. We humbly ask the WHO to comment on the body of knowledge that makes up these concerns linking GMOs to the degradation of health and harmony, and to commit to the cautionary principle in approving the introduction of more. 

You will understand, at once, that all responsible governments will need to justify WHO emergency measures, including losses of freedom to make a living, travel, or look after their dependents and justify the over-ruling of rights to bodily integrity and existing health protections and medical models, with the WHO’s inclusion of biotechnology in mandated injections for Health Certification, or the mass release of mosquitoes.

Unfortunately there has already been criminal charges brought against two charities, World Mosquito Program and Save The Children fund, the implementers of a WHO-approved deployment of Wolbachia Mosquito eggs in Bali. The investigation by Police, National Security and Immigration span misleading and false advertising, by the World Mosquito Program, as a government program using a natural mosquito, when it turned out to be 100% foreign-funded, with considerable payments paid to stake holders to allow the release. Furthermore it was admitted that the mosquitoes are gene-edited to include patented Wolbachia IP Technology which will pass to all future generations, which make their release a gene drive technology, an infringement of privacy, a bio attack to introduce undisclosed artificial intelligence capacity and a Gain of Function by the micro injection of a bacteria that the species released does not naturally carry. Finally, senior World Mosquito Program researchers admitted that following the release of Wolbachia Aedes Aegypti, there was a huge spike in another species Culex which transmitted up to 11 new viruses including Japanese Encephalitis, which children then contracted and an immediate vaccine of all children under 15 was proposed. The scientists knew this, but did not declare it, which is a cause for concern when risks of fatalities, associated with a health strategy are recorded but not declared. n

Member states would be encouraged if they were able to read the WHO’s review of its advice to Member States. Finally to meet the scientists in both the constructing of the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and response plan, and also the scientists, sociologists, bioethics experts who make up the Independent arm of the World Health Organization who will conduct future Risk Analyses on health strategies that are to be made law. Would they like to provide assurance that independent studies will be welcomed and open science practiced?

“GMO Regulatory and Legislative Outlook REPORT"

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Respectfully, Frances
All rights reserved

On behalf of all living things with a heartbeat and the Gods do not want this either.

Further questions

A. Vaccination

  1. Do mRNA vaccines require gene editing?
  2. Does Gain of Function research require Gene Editing?
  3. Does the study of Potential Pandemic Pathogens require gene editing
  4. Are gene edited products regulated differently to genetically modified organism?
  5. Why? Is gene editing considered more safe, natural, precise or predictable?
    “Genetically Modified Microbes: Technological and Legislative Challenges and National Security Implications”
  6. How does the WHO’s safety testing and approval rules of gene edited bacteria and other microbes, which can spread, differ from the testing of chemicals, which containment are possible?
  7. Please share the WHO’s policies on clinical trials using animals in vivisection, human trials ad open air trials of agricultural and climate action ‘green’ technologies?
  8. Does the WHO plan to implement more than one technology at the same time, for example Wi-Fi technology for biosecurity and a national vaccination program, as a pandemic preparedness or emergency measure?
  9. How have the WHO’s scientists tested the interactions between different technologies for counter-indications to human health?
  10. Has the definition of a vaccine been changed?
  11. Does it now include a gene therapy that generates an immune response?
  12. During the Covid 18 pandemic emergency response did the WHO record any risks associated with the vaccines’ interaction with the human body?
  13. Could these all be attributed to underlying issues?
  14. Were some previously healthy people affected in different ages groups?
  15. How did the WHO’s researchers decide when to recommend vaccination for different age groups?
  16. Have the WHO identified ways to reduce adverse events in future national and international vaccine roll outs? Please include the mitigation of risks.
  17. What is the process that national governments can enter into, to stop a national health measure being implemented, following an unexpected harmful consequence?
  18. We didn’t have a chance to prevent the Covid 19 pandemic. What new strategies does the WHO Treaty propose in order to prevent a future pandemic? Please share the science these are based on? Will Potential pandemic pathogens be created in labs in order to look at diseases that could happen in nature?
    “Gain of Function Research And The Risk Of The Next Pandemic”
  19. Will Potential pandemic pathogens be created in labs in order to look at diseases that could happen in nature?
  20. These are known as gain of function research, aren’t they?
  21. Does this means that scientists use gene editing to give an existing pathogen either higher transmissibility or make them more lethal?
  22. How does the WHO decide whether to make a disease more transmissible or more lethal or sometimes both?
  23. Please can you show the WHO’s criteria for which research to sponsor for pandemic preparedness?
  24. Is research assessed and proposed by the WHO or are research projects proposed by researchers?
  25. What is your biosafety standard for laboratories?
  26. Will the WHO continue to open fund research projects in universities?
  27. Whose idea were mass releases of mosquitoes?

B. National Biosafety

  1. How do university laboratories contain gene-edited microbes and larger organisms?
  2. How will bio-containment/contamination/gene transfer/unexpected interactions in the microbiome a) human body b) environment be monitored by WHO Member States’ own laboratories?
  3. Monitored by health and environmental protection agencies?
  4. Will all gene sequences, active ingredients and technological mechanisms be in the public domain, to facilitate independent testing and scrutiny by national planning authorities and hospitals for follow up?
  5. How will this be affected by a) trade patents - for technologies released on experimental permits
  6. Or b) WHO-conducted military biosecurity - protecting information on bio agents that could unintentionally or intentionally become a weapon of mass destruction?
  7. “Bioweapons Draft Paper covering Treaties and Definitions”
  8. Does the WHO consider all research facilities a risk of the intentional or unintentional proliferation of weapons of mass destruction?
  9. Is that why the WHO Treaty outlines that only products from the WHO’s own supply chain will be approved for certification for travel and inclusion in the digital passports?
  10. Which manufacturers have you chosen for inclusion in your logistics supply chain?
  11. How has the WHO evaluated the bigger pharmaceutical companies, with mixed violation track records against smaller research projects which do not use genetic engineering in the medical models they study?
  12. What percentage of research projects are funded to assess the safety and efficacy of WHO technologies to be implemented? Member states need to be aware of the risks being taken and know what negative impacts to monitor for and report on.
  13. In the WHO’s review of the Covid 19 pandemic, what processes and tools are the WHO using to evaluate the choices, cost, safety efficacy, success, failings, adverse events and continued monitoring of short medium longterm effects and effectiveness?
  14. How many years will the effect of the vaccines and lockdowns be monitored for? Again, in the Bali investigation it was found that only a few people died of Dengue, a fraction of those who died by accident or died by suicide. How will the WHO address this tragic phenomenon?
  15. Were the many interactions between the human body and mRNA and other vaccines recorded?
  16. Will the WHO guarantee that the active ingredients of future vaccines and biotech products will be shared with municipal water management schemes so that they can use those parameters to test and filter for its appearance in the environment? “Green Technologies: Many Elements Interact As One Unintentional Weapon of Mass Destruction”
  17. The case of the World Mosquito Program contradicts the biotech industry’s premise that gene-edited organisms and microorganisms are precise, safe and predictable. Scientists could not directly answer whether the Wolbachia was passed through inherited gene transfer or describe how they mitigated risks of all the other pathogens present in mosquito eggs and larvae, at birth. “Mosquitoes From A Microbial Perspective”
  18. What science underpins the WHO’s policy to treat whole countries that are not yet sick or asymptomatic?
  19. Can the WHO advisors show the critical papers that explain the term ‘asymptomatic?
  20. Please share the reasoning to trust PCR test results at various resolutions above the empirically experienced health of the population?
  21. How are potential pandemic pathogens stored?
  22. How are research facilities supposed to manage their waste and water, to prevent a release of initial research failures and stocks of stabilised enhanced pathogens?
  23. Does this help with preparing a vaccine to be ready to respond to an outbreak?
  24. Using the Wolbachia-mosquito research, the public were told it took thousands of attempts at microinjection of Wolbachia Bacteria before the Aedes aegypti accepted the bacteria and started to pass it to their off-spring.
  25. Were the earliest failures studied?
  26. Were any off or on-site mutations found?
  27. Did the disrupted genomes of eggs and sperm of the mosquitoes seek to repair itself?
  28. How were the failures disposed of?
  29. We don’t know the details, what protocols done?
  30. We remember social distancing which called for a 2 metre gap between us? Can the WHO share the scientific basis for this?
  31. What evidence for masks stopping the transmission of the virus?
  32. What samples did the WHO have or share of the Sars 19 virus and the strains of the pathogen that followed?
  33. What drove the weaker and stronger variants of the disease?
  34. When the WHO vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic, did your data suggest that vaccinating in the middle of a pandemic drove stronger variants?
  35. What data was taken to assess the success?
  36. Why were ivermectin, Hydroxychloriquine, zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C not advised?
  37. Will doctors be able to prescribe or advise their patients to take simpler medicines food supplements instead of stronger pharmaceutical treatments advised by the WHO?
  38. Why was Mullion leaf taken off the shelves in the pandemic when well known to help respiratory disorders
  39. Why was Abate detergent taken off the shelves when Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were set to be released the next week, when Abate was the only detergent strong enough to kills the eggs?
  40. Why are Merck, producers of the HPV vaccine donating a million doses of ivermectin, an anti parasitic drug to treat Filarial Disease, caused by Wolbachia, at the same time as releasing Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes?
  41. Does a vaccine work if it is created to develop antibodies to the one strain produced as a Potential Pandemic Pathogens but it is used to address a slightly different mutation of a disease in Nature that actually caused the outbreak?
  42. If it is the same strain as the PPP that is engineered, will that show where the research was done?
  43. Will that point to a biosafety leak rather than a pandemic risk?
  44. Would it be a more consistent prevention to ban genetic research into pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture, CCS and other biotech?

      The Mass Release of Mosquitoes Is Genocide

      Reveal Hidden Agenda from Elite Global

      Hidden agenda
      Behind the Spread of WOLBACHIA Mosquitoes

      “We the people do not consent to any ARPA-H technologies that automatically deliver treatments and monitor from within an individual's body, such as Resilient Extended Automatic Cell Therapies, or blood draws, injections, pills, or surgeries, by either of WHO’s two platforms: A "Living Pharmacy" to automatically deliver prescribed treatments, and a "Living Sentinel" for monitoring and surveillance. This is particularly in the light of Bill Gates’ patents claiming Exclusive rights to computerize the human body. This is also in light of the undisclosed inclusion of IP technology in WHO’s mosquitoes and other technologies, Bill Gates’ recent promise to cover his AI customers’ legal fees for infringements of privacy and finally, Microsoft’s recent firing of their entire Ethics team. This is a karmic matter which we hope will result in karmic redress. When you are ready to withdraw your proposals and apologize for the damage you have done, and planned to do, please feel free to seed multiple public banks on our model of clean water as its golden peg, and seek immediate opportunities to make amends in any way you can for Member States and indeed all Nations, for your crimes against humanity. We the people will decide which we will accept."

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