
Saturday, November 18, 2023

Tell Heads of State they must reject WHO Amendments before the 1.12.23

 "We need to alert the Heads of State to act this week to defend sovereignty, governance, people and environment."  

Emel dihantar ke pejabat Presiden Indonesia; Pertahanan Negara KODIM Kolonel Inf Dody Triyo Hadi; Menteri Kesihatan Indonesia sebelum ini Siti Fadilah yang pakar mengenai bahaya biokeselamatan amalan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia; dan Majlis Kesihatan Sedunia, untuk berkongsi dengan rakan kongsi Malaysia dan Asia mereka yang lain
"Email sent to the Indonesian President's office; National Defence KODIM Colonel Inf Dody Triyo Hadi; the previous Indonesian Health Minister Siti Fadilah who is an expert on the biosafety dangers of the World Health Organization practices; and the World Council for Health, to share with their Malaysian and other Asian partners"

Tyang di-Pertuan Agong (YDPA)

Istana Negara 

Jalan Duta 

Kuala Lumpur

19th November 2023

Dear Monarch of Malaysia,

I call upon you to exercise your authority under Article 61 of the International Health Regulations (IHR) to send an official notice to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022, and to do so BEFORE the deadline of December 1st, 2023 - please see the template attached to this email.

The International Health Regulations were un-constitutionally constructed, by the un-elected World Health Organization (WHO), in 1969, without the authority of Heads of State, without government consultation, without assessment by Malaysia’s own medical experts and without public consultation. The World Health Organization planned to seize government decision-making power and the time has now come. 

Over 190 countries are within one week of allowing the WHO’s International Health Regulations and so-called Pandemic Treaty to become legally binding, more powerful than all your current laws and planning processes. However, you personally, as Head of State, can stop this. By sending one simple letter rejecting the amendments to the Director General of the WHO, you will have protected your sovereign nation. You will create time to investigate the drastic ramifications of accepting the WHO Regulations and Pandemic Treaty. You will have given Malaysia the time and opportunity to withdraw completely from the WHO, as 11 other nations did in September 2023. 

After the 1st December, it would take up to two years to withdraw and the WHO may have made it illegal to withdraw from the treaty by then. The WHO may falsely argue that it is for ‘global biosecurity’ that countries must stay in the agreement, or for ‘global health’. To the contrary, the WHO’s only objective is control and selling pharmaceutical products to a captured, locked-down market.

Karma My Body, Your Choice? WHO's? Full Album by Urgent Rougherendum

Were you aware that Malaysia’s Health Minister, Doctor Khairy, agreed at the World Health Assembly 2022, to shorten the time period for IHR Amendments to be adopted, implemented and become legally binding, from 24 months to just 6 months. Were you aware that this will direct vast “Pandemic Preparedness” funds to Malaysia’s health department to implement the WHO’s health strategies, without any legislative oversight, benefit or regulation by other government departments? Did you give your approval for him to represent Malaysia in this way? Is it acceptable that he has been made a vice president of the WHO and advanced his career, without transparency about agreements that could destroy the country.

You may be asked to make a statement and share the reasons why Malaysia is rejecting the amendments. You can look to Indonesia’s National Defence response for support. In recent weeks, the WHO’s Mosquito Program ‘health strategies’  have been identified as ‘genocide’, and the deployment of infected mosquito eggs, a ‘bio-attack’ and ‘proliferation of weapons of mass destruction’. Government ministers were asked to conduct a Due Diligence Process on the mosquito release:  The safety, efficacy and financial vested interests of the not-for-profit WMP and Save The Children Fund; on the patent-owners, licensees and funders of the Wolbachia IP Technology and Microsoft CNN AI Technology; the WHO approval of experimental permits, using Microsoft artificial intelligence modelling of 50 biohazards and finding them all ‘negligible’. 

When the people asked for due diligence, ministers, military, government and the president replied that they were not informed about the mosquito program, by the Health Minister. The Governor of Bali agreed to postpone the program, and the President endorsed that decision.

Indonesia’s Defence Department realized that they will not be able to make choices for the safety of the nation, if the International Health Regulations and the WHO are not rejected now. There will be a press conference in Jakarta in a few hours’ time. 

As there has been so much money accepted by a few officials, in each country, heads of state are advised to take one step at a time in withdrawing from the whole WHO Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations. The first step is the urgent rejection of the amendments adopted last May which must be rejected before the 1st December 2023, next week. For the sake of your nation and people, to whom you are responsible, I hope you can use the template attached and send a copy to both the Director General of the WHO and the President of the United Nations, so that it is received and acknowledged by both organisations. Then for the second step in the process, you can take more advice and do Malaysia’s own Due Diligence on the World Health Organization instead of handing over all governance and national security to them. 

If you continue to study, like we have, the weak science which supports the mosquito health strategy; the Gain of Function Research with no disclosure of results; the unsupported strategy of treating whole nations that are not sick; the driving of worse variants of existing diseases; the proven lies that gene edited organisms are natural; and the inclusion of undeclared surveillance technology in the mosquitoes; the covert collection of data through 5G and 6G-operated smart cities, the covert aerial spraying of pathogens and heavy metals on false ‘climate action’ grounds; and all other irreversible biotech that the WHO will be able to distribute, using public funds, you will have sufficient evidence to claim compensation, equal to, or more than, the Pandemic Preparedness fund, using current International Law. That money will help correct the damage done already to people, through intrusive mandated medical procedures that have corrupted people’s blood in multiple ways.  This could be treason but it is definitely a war against humanity. 

My Body Your Choice Healing 432hz Demo album Urgent Rougherendum 12)

The amendment to Article 59 serves no legitimate health-related purpose. It will not improve the health, nor will it enhance the safety of any Malaysian. The primary purpose of the amendment to Article 59 is to reduce the time to reject the next round of amendments that are being negotiated in secret by the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations.

The submission of these proposed amendments was in clear violation of Article 55, Section 2 of the International Health regulations which states:

“The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.”

The final version of the amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2022:

Video recording of the amendments being adopted:

The amended Articles to the IHR, as they will be if they are not rejected by December 1, 2023.

WHO templates and references based on independent researcher, James Roguski's work.

The International Health Regulations:

I call upon you to exercise your authority under Article 61 of the International Health Regulations (IHR) to send an official notice to REJECT THE AMENDMENTS to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022, and to do so BEFORE the deadline of December 1, 2023.

If not now, when? If not you, WHO?



Copy of the above letter sent to national security, central government and active NGOs on this important decision everyone is relying on you to make, and relying on you to take. Below is a text template that could be used for a formal notice to reject the amendments. 

World Health Organization

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


Avenue Appia 20

1211 Geneva


20th November 2023

Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.

Dear Director-General Ghebreyesus,

This letter is to inform you of my rejection of the amendments to the International Health Regulations that were adopted by the 75th World Health Assembly on May 27, 2022. Articles 59 and 61 of the International Health Regulations clearly specify that  amendments may be rejected within 18 months of formal notification of their adoption. 

I hereby REJECT these amendments and challenge the legitimacy of their purported adoption due to the fact that they were submitted in violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations.

These amendments were first submitted to the World Health Assembly on May 24, 2022 by Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, the European Union and its Member States, Japan, Monaco, the Republic of Korea, the  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.

The submission of these proposed amendments during the 75th World Health Assembly was in clear violation of Article 55, Section 2 of the International Health Regulations which states:

“The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all States Parties by the Director-General at least four months before the Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration.”

The International Health Regulations:

The version of the amendments to the IHR that were adopted on May 27, 2022:

Video recording of the amendments being adopted:

The amended Articles to the IHR:

The amendments were illegitimately submitted and must be treated by all states parties as being null and void.


whoever it is Acting in the capacity of Head Of State in each country.


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