
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

If Not Now, When? If not us, W.H.O

This Time Next Year Health Strategies, including 

Mosquito Releases, Will Be Compulsory


In two weeks’ time, 1st December, the withdrawal period closes, from the World Health Organization’s IHR Amendments but also the Pandemic Treaty. After that date, it would take two years to withdraw and governments may well find it is not legal to withdraw. 

Until the 1st December, however, sovereign nations still have a choice to withdraw from inclusion and agreement with the World Health Organization IHR Amendments.

The IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Treaty will move WHO's advice to International Law. They are giving themselves legally binding authority over all governments; to declare a pandemic; to lock down the country; to limit the movement of the people; 

Smart Health by Urgent Rougherendun: 

It's For Your Health...

Or Was That In fact Your Wealth?

to monitor and modify the behaviour of people; to inflict economic collapse, debt and starvation on the people; ban traditional medicines; ban access to self-sufficient and regenerative farming methods - for example, draining rice fields claiming it is a potential breeding ground for diseases and vectors; to allocate public money to Gain of Function research; pharmaceutical vaccine research; mosquito factories. 

They will also give the WHO the exclusive right to approve such drugs as safe for the market; to require that governments buy supplies of PPE and vaccines; and put mandates and penalties in place for any country, or individual man or woman acting with any autonomy; freedom to live in alignment with Nature, and one’s own health practices, religion, culture, wisdom, fitness and wellbeing routines can be taken based on what they , on arbitrary grounds, whenever the WHO identify a health risk or health benefit and decide to implement a health strategy. Justice and infrastructure that countries have relied on will be dismantled, regardless of their being more suitable and successful in improving the health of the nation. 

One landmark case, in Bali: The near calamity of a massive mosquito egg release, could be the precedent that other countries could follow to demand financial, operational and safety Due Diligence are done on this unelected body, the World Health Organization. Their ‘pandemic preparedness’ principles of treating whole countries that are not sick, and their use of public money on genetic engineering in medical research, without obligation to disclose the results and ingredients, because of patents, protecting their trade value and by the military, for biosafety and to avoid misuse as bioweapons, if they fall into the hands of a bad actor. The science is very weak and relies on exemptions, artificial intelligence risk assessments and misrepresentation as natural, not GMO and for our health, not their wealth and control. Just like the natural Wolbachia mosquitoes have turned out to contain an Internet Protocol Technology, coupled with CNN AI - meaning that the new bacteria will connect with the internet of things, through 5G, and share valuable, once private information like our DNA coding, and possibly receive instruction too, without our knowledge. 

My next call to action and letter to copy and share: 

If We Don't Make Amends This Week, WHO Will

This could be perceived as a welcome system with the capacity to monitor and control the spread and transfer of the bacteria to other organisms, soil and water. But no, the Ministry of Health and World Mosquito Program, have denied that there even is a monitoring system, reassuring that it is not needed and the mosquitoes are harmless. 

We have not got time for further investigation though, or a court case, Criminal or Civil…or have we? An immediate injunction on the World Health Organization could be possible, until conflicts of interest are investigated. 

First thing to do is all natural health organisations and individual men and women can call for a statement from every minister in their government. Then it will come to light how only the Ministers of Health have been consulted. 

The implications for the WHO treaty at government level, are that it will create an imbalance that the Ministry of Health will be much more powerful than any other department, and will no longer have to consult with even the Ministry of Defence. Ministries of Health will control the budgets and choices for all countries. This will cause a great moment of reckoning about the power grab that is going on in the wider world. Let’s do this while we still can!

Venn diagram?

Profit (Pharmaceutical, biotech, corporations) 

Non profit (philanthropist donations to Health research and implementation in developing countries eg Merck (also US-based) offering 100 million doses of Ivermectin (parasite treatment) to tackle Wolbachia-based Filarial disease in Africa and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) 

Profit-funded Not for profit Organisations (eg WHO and CDC) and 

Non profit-funded profit (all research and costs paid for with public money eg Covid, HPV and other vaccines)



Bill Gates.       who own the Artificial Intelligence

                        who control the 5G and supporting devices for using it

                        who can retain access to the data received and possibly transmit data

                         Smart city plans for Denpasar and even the capital in Kilimantan. 

                        Why would you give away control of Bali, the economic face of Indonesia and the capital?

                        AI modeling instead of real risk assessments

                        AI mapping for how to 'deploy' the eggs (Deployment is a military word)

War & Mosquitoes


by Bill Gates

There are tens of thousands of Russians living in Bali and everyone is welcome thankfully. Don't overlook the bigger picture that this will be seen as an attack by America. Whether it is or it isn't, we don't want to get caught between two superpowers and make Indonesia a conveniently remote battle field.

Not for Profit.  

By Bill Gates

World Mosquito Program



Both Profit and Not for Profit: 

World Health Organization (Profit and Non-profit Stake Holders). 10% funded by Bill Gates and therefore steered by him strategically.

WHO are an un-elected organization, 

They are self-appointed and they approve all the GMO mosquitoes too (Note Oxitec based in Milton Trading Estate, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England. They are funded and managed by pharmaceutical companies who have paid billions in liability cases (see for example Pfizer on "Violations Tracker" on line).

Then, their assets seized, on National Biosecurity grounds. Then our 200 partners in the World Council For Health maybe, can support government departments in redistributing this research money to a citizen-science or should we say sovereignty science experiment   Stop the roll out of 5G or we really will not know from where our degraded health is coming from.

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