
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Peaceful People not Aggravating Governments

 We really need rid of governments, don't we? What numpty, war-mongering lemmings do not recognise let alone flag up that putting troops on borders, borrowing from some players for 'defence' against others and talking about seizing super-powers' assets are ESCALATIONS and AGGRAVATIONS of conflict, not 'peace-keeping'. And, Simon H, was in the midst of the bioweapon scandal and response as Health Minister and now is front and centre of conversations about increasing defence and being a 'leader' in military spending and mobilisation. Just a quick word, if I may; neutrality is not a 'helpless' 'unconscionable' and 'unjustifiable' lack of scaleable weapons and troops, it is a peaceful stance; a refusal to entertain the sentence or sentiment that war, war crimes, weapons of mass destruction, weaponise technologies, dictatorship and genocide and any budget enabling these activities is ever justified. This is a stance which all Irish people hold close to their hearts and all other men and women in the whole world wish for. I heard that Simon was a recruited as a young World Economic Forum leader and that would explain his enthusiasm for thousands more policing agents and supporting legislation for them to extort unlawful taxes for these contrived emergency purposes.

Absurd Plans For financing, and participating in war

It was only when I heard the ministers for Britain on Radio 4 last night that I realized no one was going to mention the elephants in the room. How dare they talk about being willing to send troops? Send US drones from Fairford and bombers from Brize Norton (two American airbases operating outside British law). And real men to the front line of a war where both sides have armed drones, of every stealthy and deadly capacity, technology to cause hostile, even life-threatening weather conditions, and artificial intelligence to follow every sign of life and wipe it out, without leaving any trace of who did what. All that bravado with 10,000 other people's lives, when we have the technology to preserve lives and instead surveil a border from a distance? It is sickening that no one has mentioned the 10,000 North Koreans to Russia, and immediately killed on the front lines by drones. They were sent by a dictator, who we used to think was the only one. We saw pictures of him posing on his nuclear missiles but then we saw Simon Coveney, the then defence minister then sitting on one saying he wanted Ireland to be the nuclear testing capital of Europe. And then in North Korea, the people were told they'd won the World Cup. What are we being told? I mean, really, leaders in Defence? We don't even charge tax, let alone lead military offences.

The people need to lead by example. There are assemblies popping up everywhere. Join one. Do not consent to this contrived war and misappropriation of mineral and creative resources. Those masquerading as diplomats in Paris? hashtagNoWar hashtagPeace hashtagWMDsEIRE

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