
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Chinese Trade Advice

 Nerve-wracking to hear that Simon was meeting China’s trade minister:

1) China’s trade is successful as they operate a social credit score surveillance system where everything you buy, eat, set off towards is recorded in real time and you can get sacked, arrested, fined, or punished in any other way the Chinese gpvernment wants to maintain the trajectory they’re after. Ireland has voted FOR a surveillance system with the same capacity by rolling out 5g with no available before or after data as to its impact. 

2) My intelligence told me that it was China’s HAARP programme that caused the storm that decimated Ireland & Scotland recently. Not one government is openly investigating if the freak weather events are man-made and hostile and which ones by whom, even though the engineering of rainfall and hurricanes is well-documented and artificial rainfall is used to keep the multitude of data centres cool enough not to combust.  Weather research China, Russia and US 

But what is the ordinary man to do about it? Except maybe demand a little research. Unlike my grandfather who was a public servant, this lot can neither be called servants nor public, as they are paid handsomely and in addition for private interests.

3) China owns 10% of British water and that is handy when your main industrial waste product is fluoride. With a 10% stake, no one can say no to putting it into the municipal water supply - despite the pesky matter of neurotoxicity. 

4) One time we received a contingent from China, it was the Agricultural Ministers and Simon Coveney was showing them around a meat factory, offering to share “Ireland’s robust food safety practices”. Yes, it was especially shocking at the time, as he had arranged that morning for 300 pages of evidence about them to be thrown out of court on a technicality. Suffice to say, 5 different species had been identified in one sample. Maybe a corpse of one thing is “substantially equivalent” to the corpse of another. This term 'substantial equivalence' is how they have been able to proliferate GMOs too, and pathogens. They say they ‘could have happened in nature’. That’s simply not true by the way.
Anyway, perhaps the lesson is that no one treats their people as badly as Ireland…except for perhaps China. It is still unlikely the minister was here asking to twin towns.

5) Aren’t China and Korea backing Russia in Ukraine? Someone needs to ask if our sending weapons parts, fuel, money and soon men, came up in their discussion. Surely there’s going to be bad feeling?

6) What can Ireland offer China? What can China offer us? Or is the question what can they make us do or risk being wiped off the face of the earth? Could it be another fluoride dump or the doubling of the national herd again? God help all living things, surely we need an urgent referendum.

Let those who can demand a reply ask what exactly Simon has agreed to with the Chinese Trade Minister

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