
Monday, January 13, 2025

Nuremberg Code Versus Save The Children Fund and WMP

 Contrary to Nuremburg Code

Following the criminal behaviour of the Nazis during and leading up to WW2, a code of conduct was adopted and applies to the mosquito programs and WHO Treaty:

As a group of men and women bringing these charges to the police, we should not be expected to actually defend Indonesia against massive deployments of unregulated, genetically engineered biological agents, with intention to harm. We also should not have to warn the National Security department about allowing American AI technology to manage the infrastructure for the new capital.

Nonetheless, this is my written evidence to do exactly that. We are being used as human experimentation subjects so the Nuremberg Code must be followed. Secondly, I will show that the production and release of toxic mosquitoes fits the United Nations’ own definition (1969) of weapons of mass destruction.

The ten points of the code were given in the section of the verdict entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments":
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. 
Communities, Heads of local communities, government ministers and planning departments were not informed, consulted or consensus reached. Both WMP and WHO only pretend they have the “community acceptance” and “consensus” they need to proceed. Only promotional material was delivered by the WMP, in formal presentations and to home owners and other facilitators they wanted to to recruit. The hidden technology, risks, experimental permit, and dangerous failures of the trials and other releases were not disclosed.

2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society,
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in 

Dengue cases were dropping anyway, without foreign biotechnology intervention. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever was always very rare. Many increases in quality of life, screens for windows, water management, traditional medicines, and education for all, as to how to identify and dispose of mosquito eggs. To the contrary, two weeks before the release, the government withdrew Abate from the shops. Abate was the only detergent strong enough to kill the eggs of the Aedes Aegypti. The Ministry of Health shared the WHO narrative that the people have a choice between vectors or vaccines, and vectors are cheaper. This is a pharmaceutical industry business plan, not a strategy.

The WMP were supported, trained, funded and their products approved by the WHO”s Chief Scientist and funder of Oxitec’s Genetically Modified Mosquitoes. Singapore manages mosquito breeding grounds by strict rules against uncovered water on people’s property. Two years after massive mosquito releases in Sri Lanka, there is a world record number of Dengue cases and a larvae crisis. The President has recently ordered the army to tackle the “protracted crisis”, track the eggs with drones and prosecute and fine the people in whose homes the eggs are found. Save The Children Fund UK are the main partners with Indonesia’s Armed Forces, responsible for the United Nation’s and World Health Organization’s response to ‘protracted crises’ and Health Emergencies of International Concern.

3. The experiment should be so designed and based on a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem
under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

Vector-borne diseases spread as female mosquitoes There is no natural history of laboratory-made diseases. Gain of function research, adding a greater transmissibility or a more lethal strain, using genetic engineering, creates pathogens that could NOT have happened in nature. Wolbachia bacteria was not found in the Aedes Aegypti for the last 360 billion years (natural history of evolution) but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and WMP smuggled nano surveillance technology into the bacteria, designed to transmit and receive information using wireless networks. This was done using gene editing. Then, they partnered with Yogyakarta, informing it was a natural and harmless strain, unrelated to Wolbachia in human Filarial disease, water- borne disease and fish and bird parasitic Wolbachia. Using thousands of automated micro-injections, another form of genetic engineering, WMP forced the bacteria, into the egg and sperm of the adult mosquitoes - possibly in antibiotic resistant culture, until the mosquitoes survived and were able to breed and pass on the bacteria. They achieved

manufactured consent in Indonesia through their funding of the University research but In Bali, the eggs were brought from Australia for breeding. In describing the ‘anticipated results’, WMP only claim that they have ‘promising’ results. They only used pop up clinics, PCR tests and ‘capture and release’ of a small number of mosquitoes, in the Yogyakarta trial of effectiveness. The risk assessment for the safety of releases was done exclusively by the WHO, using Microsoft artificial intelligence, in place of actual study and knowledge of the problem, and ignoring the short history of lab-produced organisms and microorganisms and the impossibility of regulating them as invasive species, or stopping the spread of contamination or the gene transfer to the human microbiome.

4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental
suffering and injury.
The increase in mosquito bites lowers people immune system function. This is intentional as the Gates Foundation research goal is for mosquitoes to deliberately deliver vaccines at the site of bites, straight into the bloodstream. This is stated in their 2003International health Goals, for which they opened open funding to the university in Yogyakarta. Human blood is the food nosqutoes need before producing eggs. They produce eggs three times in their lifetime, 100 each time. Even one mosquito can make it impossible to sleep or relax and they can bite many times. The only way to avoid unnecessary suffering is to make sure they are not released at all. The only recovery proposal from damage done already with biotech, is the organic farm system. Where land lies fallow and no experimental products are used for 6 years. By then land has been shown to recover and all traces gone. The mental anguish and physical effort of the men and women who found out about the mosquitoes just six week from the release date and the struggle for agency - social conflict in order to protect Bali and their own lives and livelihoods.

5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an apriori reason to believe that
death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the

experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

The WMP scientists admitted the mosquito eggs carried 11 other diseases in addition to the Wolbachia bacteria infection. They showed graphs and admitted they had known there was a spike in other dangerous mosquito species; the Culex and Anopheles, after the release of Aedes Aegypti. They admitted that, after the trials, the Culex species

had caused an outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis, killing at least one child and life-threatening disabling injuries to at least four others. In response, the ministry of health immediately planned to administer a Japanese Encephalitis vaccine - another experimental biotech product - but thankfully it was stopped. Another a priori reason is that there is already a world-wide concern about gene drives and an agreement until recently that there should never be an open air release. Even a moratorium on gene drive research was demanded by conservation, food and health groups. Another A priori reason to believe that mass mosquito releases will cause death, is the Artificial Intelligence, which is a technology that has been programmed to the military protocol of retaliation. Furthermore, it is programmed to identify signature groups rather than legitimate targets and has raised the. Like the mosquitoes, AI is an indiscriminate weapon of war. The UN will know already that the 5G and 6G infrastructure is what is used to deliver data and that the data is ours but now it is the private property of someone else, who carries an exclusive claim and patent.

6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian
importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
The only problem being solved is how to strip developing countries of their natural resources. First the biotech undermines the health of the nation, then countries are coerced into exploiting their environment and handing the resources over as part-payment of alleged national debts and to cover new financial obligations to the WHO. Infant technologies including mRNA and live GMO parasite ‘vaccines, Internet Protocol Wolbachia method mosuitoes, IP Technology and wireless technologies rolled out simultaneously to surveillance and smart infrastructure are acting as one big weapon of mass destruction. The experimental permits are not awarded so that an experiment can be conducted. There are no placebos, there are no control groups that are not being subjected to the assault. As per the Nuremberg Code, a medical intervention can be charged as an assault, unless it is done with informed consent. Neither the WMP or SCF claim there will be any monitoring following their ‘experiment’, let alone anyone taking any responsibility for damages. In Bali’s foreign-funded program the mosquitoes contain IP Technology which can see where the mosquitoes are and who they bite. No hospital or environmental protection agency will be given a sample of the mosquitoes, so that they can monitor its spread or appearance in public water or other species. An experimental permit is a legal instrument that now serves instead of meaningful regulation. Genetic engineering causes damage to the genome, and in its efforts to repair itself, it generates mutations, horizontal and inherited vertical gene transfer and

unpredictable, unintended side effects. Even the basic import and export regulations, including no releases within 500 metres from a water course. In Indonesia, the Intelligence service have allowed in hundreds of millions of mosquito eggs, 500 eggs per small slip of paper.. Eggs that remain viable for over a year. There is no migration of mosquitoes due to climate change. The WHO and its funders are intentionally releasing them with impunity.

7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the
experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

As with the WHO Treaty, there are no mechanisms for finishing the experiment and establishing its success. The WMP Risk Assessment and the WHO Treaty claim that if their products and recommendations do not achieve full acceptance by the community, or if any of the risks increase from ‘negligible’ the experiment must be stopped at work. Instead, there are no preparations in place. If Wolbachia-caused Elephantitis, River Blindness or Filarial disease become a problem, we will not be able to stop the mosquitoes on their breeding gene drive. When the IP Technology interacts with the new wifi frequencies, smart cities and other networks, an increase in radiating heat and widespread sickness follows. No research is being pursued in relation to the safety and efficacy of these interactions between new technologies and yet we feel them. People taking their own lives, arrhythmia of the heart, a diminishment of the microbiome of the eyes, migraines. We do not consent to being experimental subjects. The Health Minister, WMP, are SCF are not even thinking of protecting life - they are philanthropic front for acts of war, genocide, and intend to render Bali uninhabitable. We have identified that the ‘new fogging solution’ which is also Australian in partnership with Indonesia’s government is biotech, with a biological action, and constitutes a poison that can be smoked into people’s home. There is the threat of curfews, so people stay inside away from mosquitoes. And the threat of mosquito-delivered vaccines, with no traceability.

8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons.The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

Save the Children Fund call themselves ‘the implementers’ of the program. WMP and Ministry of Health confirm that ‘the implementers’ are the organization that are formally liable for the mass mosquito releases and their consequences for human health, environment, water quality

and loss of livelihoods and biodiversity. Save the Children Fund’s Chairman and Co-chairperson admitted they had no scientific qualification or even understanding of biotechnology or health. Save The Children Fund also do not have any military skill

9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the
experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation

of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

Even massive conflict between National defence and politicians has not been able to bring the experiment to an end. Even when children died of Japanese Encephalitis as a result of the trial, it was not stopped. Even when communities have made petitions to local government begging them to stop the mosquito program, it was totally ignored.

10.During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate
the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

A release of biological organisms cannot be stopped, mosquitoes cannot be recalled. Gene drives are biotech that are designed to persist, by over-riding Mendelian Inheritance Laws of nature and passing even fatal traits to all offspring. Judgement of any trials or other releases show the parasites and symbiotic bacteria mutate and differentiate into dangerous variants of disease but WMP and Save The Children Fund determined to Scale Up the releases.

While there is a risk, the Nuremburg Code states it would be a crime to impose upon an individual and their children against their will.
In the 10th point specifically, it is a demonstrable crime that the WHO scientists have continued with these experimental releases at all.

The Hippocratic Oath demands: First do no harm.
Ref: 21 April 2020

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