
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Seems Mean: US Weapons operated by US Technology, trialled by Israel on Palestinian Civilians

These US phosphorous bullets to the face that do not exit but re-ignite were trialled 16 years ago 


The UN's Biological Scatterbomb IP

The Equalizer by Urgent Rougherendum...I'm going to take the shot. But not the one you are injecting"

This is Dr Hadi Bedran's video

This is Dr Hadi Bedpan just back from Gaza, dealing with those re-igniting bullets

There is nothing the Irish government will not subject the people to. The deployment of foreign pharmaceutical and agricultural technologies and people and the denial of our Constitutional Rights. This will be all of us soon, although it is Gaza for the last ten years. Be aware that this Friday 5th April, the UN intend to pass a bill to take biological agenda out of the Rome Statute. Yes they tried it on Ireland first, trying to take women out of the constitution.

This is all about jurisdiction: If the high court says vaccinated are not human and should not have rights and the UN can criminalise a claim to be a biological man or woman, it means we the people have no legal or lawful standing in any jurisdiction or in any court...and then the WHO (a UN body) come into power. Lord bless and save us, or every freedom and dignity will be gone.


The UN is about to vote on a treaty change that equates traditional values with some of the gravest crimes known to humanity. And the voting session is this coming Friday, April 5th.

Yes, your stance on life, family, and gender could be labeled a UN Crime Against Humanity!

This unprecedented move seeks to erase the biological definition of gender from the Rome Statute, potentially criminalizing anyone who dares uphold these truths. 

Behind this are radical globalists and NGOs pushing to outlaw any dissent against extreme LGBT ideologies and abortion.

Now, more than ever, we must stand united. We urge you to add your voice to our petition, calling on the UK Foreign Secretary, the Rt Hon Lord Cameron and your government's delegates to firmly reject this dangerous treaty.

The clock is ticking, with the UN gearing up to finalize this treaty as early as April 5th. 

We need your immediate action to prevent this catastrophic redefinition from becoming a global standard.

Thank you for joining us in this critical battle,

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team

P.S.: Our shared values are under threat like never before. The looming UN vote could label traditional beliefs on life, family, and gender as crimes against humanity. We're almost out of time with the voting session set for this Friday, April 5th. Your prompt action is crucial. 

Please share this with your family, friends, and contacts. Every signature counts in this critical fight for our fundamental rights. In unity, our voices can echo powerfully against this unprecedented challenge. Don't underestimate the power of your signature, your voice, and your advocacy to make a difference.

Here's the email we sent you earlier on this: 

The United Nations is voting on a proposal in a few days that aims to include misgendering, publicly expressing simple biology, or even quoting scripture as UN Crimes Against Humanity.

If it is approved next Friday, the treaty opens the door to unprecedented criminalization of our views on gender, sexuality, life, and family.

Urge the UK Foreign Secretary, The Rt Hon Lord Cameron, to reject this treaty in the United Nations General Assembly.


Dear Frances,

Crimes against humanity. Genocide, enslavement, torture … and now… OUR CHRISTIAN BELIEFS!

Yes – you read that right! 

It’s hard to believe, but there is a proposal in the UN to be voted on in a few days (April 5th) that aims to include misgendering, publicly expressing simple biology, or even quoting scripture as UN Crimes Against Humanity.

Yes, that’s the same list that convicts human trafficking, organ trafficking, and slave labor! 

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