
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Third and Final Personal Liability Notice Served on the characters behind the WHO and UN


Police report: Surat Tanda Penerimaan Laporan Indonesia

STPL/1263/X1/2023/SPKT/Polda Bali
23 Charges of Untrue Public Information

Filed at Kepolisiian Negara Republik Bali Re: requesting SP2HP All information

11th March 2024 Cease and Desist

Notice to Principal is notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is notice to Principal.

Notice of Intended Criminal Prosecution Parties that are being served notice of personal liability:

This evidence of social conflict, class action and the struggle for agency has been collated to prosecute the following men and women. This is to serve them personal liability notices for the deployment of mosquitoes, artificial intelligence, smart infrastructure, green technologies, vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and live GM Parasite vaccines.

The man, António Guterres sometimes acting as Secretary General to the United Nations
The man, Klaus Schwab sometimes acting as Chairman of the World Economic Forum

The man, Tedros Ghebreyesus sometimes acting as Secretary General of the World Health Organization
The man, Jeremy Farrar sometimes acting as Head Scientist at the World Health Association

The man, Scott O’Neill sometimes acting as Wolbachia IP Technology patent holder and CEO of World Mosquito Program
The man, Adam Berthoud sometimes acting as Executive Director of Global Programmes, Save The Children Fund UK

The man, Blake Bedtime sometimes acting as DARPA’S Insect Allies Director The woman Lesley, and her husband, Gillespie sometimes acting as a Baker and sometimes Funder of Biological Weapons Program in Indonesia
To all men and women involved in funding and implementing pandemic preparedness as a justification for a protracted biological attack.

To men and women in the Yayasan Tahija Foundation
To men and women in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
To men and women acting without an oath of office, in Governments and the Military
To all men and women contributing to the World Economic Forum, the WHO Pandemic Treaty, The IHR Amendments, The Logistics Supply Chain, including AUKUS and Microsoft’s and Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence.

There is also compensation due, for the proliferation of biological weapons, coupled with Artificial Intelligence, by a foreign agent with permissions

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granted through fraudulent claims and bribery.
The man Budi Gunadi Sadikin acting as Minister for Health for Indonesia
The man, Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo acting as Defence Minister for Indonesia
The man, Wieded TrisnadI Chairman of Save The Children Fund
The woman, Bekti Andari Vice Chairman of Save The Children Fund

I hereby give all parties notice to cease and desist and step down from holding office.

This is my third and final notice for misguiding the public, in regards to safety and efficacy, and avoiding liability.
This requires a response within 10 days of receiving this notice, latest 15th April 2024.

This is the third time I have formally served you notice for crimes against humanity, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and abuse of the Nuremburg Code. These crimes are the offensive and allegedly defensive use of biological, radiological, chemical and nuclear armaments against men and women, directly and through mismanagement of the public purse, under the headings ‘deterrent’ and ‘preparedness’.

All Member States have been registered as corporations, but now there has been both domestic and foreign attacks upon nations through these corporations,.We hereby inform you that therefore we are enacting national emergency laws. These are distinct from the emergency measures that the UN and WHO themselves propose to declare at a moments’ notice. As you declare Health Emergencies of International Concern that require the extraction of national assets, we the people declare an international emergency of your fraudulent self-appointment and require that you step down before May 2024. What is happening now, is a transfer of power back to men and women. All the above parties are corporations and are defacto, and not de jure. This is because authority has been assumed without oaths of office. These oaths would acknowledge that the positions are those of public servants, with liability for acting in the public interest.

The employment of technologies, the consequences of which are beyond human understanding, can never be considered to have received informed consent. Parties have sought experimental permits instead of attempting regulation. Parties have argued that gains of function and engineered mosquitoes are substantially equivalent to natural pathogens and insects, instead of attempting to monitor the outcomes of these experiments.

In line with the Common Law Jurisdiction of the Land and Soil, my first notice was a Conditional Acceptance of the Program and Treaty. The conditions were that we must receive satisfactory answers to financial and operational due diligence questions and the question of liability. Although given ample opportunity, including parliamentary hearings, stakeholder meetings, written and in-person requests from National Security, lawyers and even Heads of State, not one direct answer was received from any of the defendants. Although 157 of 194 UN Member States rejected the Amendments or placed

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reservations in time; before the 1st December 2023, not one of these official notices has been acknowledged. These notices were formally sent from multiple strata of society; governments, nations, lawyers, doctors, men and women and groups. Inevitably, as Common Law and Trust Law were never taught, any mistakes in these notices you have received, should have been overlooked, and the key concerns addressed.

The second notice identified multiple points of law upon which the IHR, IHR Amendments, Treaty, and COP28 financing and negotiations were found to be illegitimate. The notice identified massive over-extension of jurisdiction and powers that were never formally agreed or adopted. Not only is there no oversight of the World Health Organisation and United Nations but all the parties served here are unwilling to be challenged, even if their proposed measures are clearly proven and intended to harm. The parties have a sinister protocol of retaliation in place, whereby undisclosed releases and the sterilisation of whole populations is carried out. Retaliation is the only response men and women and whole nations have received, when they refuse the products on health, safety or sovereignty grounds. Member states have no recourse to remedy. They have essentially been writing to a hostile corporate occupation of their nation. Actions have been taken. Member states have withdrawn, rejected and made formal reservations. More importantly millions of men and women have notified the parties of injuries and deaths. Parties have received notices from surviving men and women of our corrected political status, who have taken on the task of bearing witness.

We are in Propria Persona Sui Juris (of one’s own right). In Proprio Solo (In the soil on one’s own land) and in Proprio Heredes (heirs of our own property) and we are exercising all our rights at this time and at all points on time. We are stewards of the animals including all the natural predators of the mosquito. We do not consent to any genetic modification. We do not recognise your authority, and all your technology must now be removed, on account of it being trespass. We claim the usury slavery system tantamount to aggravated burglary, causing grievous bodily harm. Failure to understand our interaction with the environment will not be considered justification of damage done or impacting life from a distance, with chemical deposits, engineered contamination or military artificial intelligence.

The parties charged have a long history of programs that are neither safe nor effective. A Grand Jury of the People has already determined that there is sufficient evidence to indict every government official, corporate entity, philanthropist, or anyone else involved, for trying to bring fraud, treason and genocide into international law.

The parties are also charged with a crime of omission, which is their silent process. This means that laws and amendments are considered adopted, if member states do not actively reject them. Today, we have a situation where member states have not acquiesced, they have actively rejected them. So now the parties are implementing programs without consent. As per the Nuremburg Code, the continuation of an experiment after the participants have suffered and called for its cessation is an act violence.

We are determined that our counter presentations will now be heard in the International Criminal Court, where a first major case against the parties has been accepted. These counter presentations re-direct all pandemic fund money and other assets in to safe avenues for sovereign redress to men and women. We are the body sovereign and the parties are the body politic. We the people direct the public servants and will correct this systemic dishonourable conduct.

Therefore, we demand the men and women of the parties acting in bad faith to resign and apologize.

your prompt response by no later than 22nd March 2024 to inform us of your intentions regarding our demands.
We are escalating this matter in spiritual unity with all nations. We do not consent and we will not comply.

Use of our data is illegal. Ref. GDPR and Data Protection Act, Article 22.

Contracts Void
The charges of fraud, genocide and use of bioweapons that the parties are faced with, in the International Criminal Court, renders all contracts, agreed due to this misrepresentation, as void. The parties have not provided proof of their legitimate authority or any financial or operational due diligence. The conflicts of interest demonstrate a monopoly, and AI-Driven Conflict upon humanity. As a precedent for this charge, Microsoft were sued by the USA for Monopoly in 2003. This time though we don’t want him to simply repackage his business and launder his money through philanthropies. The parties assets must be seized.

Men and women have made no contract with the parties. We have seen no Deeds of Assignment or active ingredients to allow independent testing. In fact, we have seen no supporting evidence for the scientific foundation for pandemic preparedness, and no justification or apology for the adverse events following each recommendation by the WHO during the pandemic and dating back 60 years. This confirms complicity with a larger program of pre-meditated harms, engineered enslavement of the rightful heirs of the land, and hopes of world domination.

For myself, I am accepting of all and any mistakes made in this notice and reserve all rights. In addition, ORDINANCE NUMBER IRM/8266-ADIR04/I.RM28- G.WAC77-NWA0002, which is an irrevocable and non-negotiable document, in full force and effect issues men and women with honourable diplomatic immunity

Lord Coke, the draftsman of the Petition of Right, stated clearly:

“In many cases, the common law will control Acts of Parliament, and sometimes adjudge them to be utterly void: for when an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it and adjudge such an Act to be void.”


Failure to comply with these demands will force us to hold you personably liable through the International Criminal Courts at The Hague, to protect people, animals and the environment. This notice to cease and desist specifically prohibits you from producing, transporting, deploying or releasing any modified vectors, administering any experimental vaccines or building any biological laboratories. In relation to the parties with fiscal responsibilities, they are hereby prohibited from trafficking men and women, extortion through the creating of bonds for minor violations and crippling economies through alleged national debts.

As outlined in Common Law, men and women should be paid $10,000 Federal Gold-backed, American dollars (and not Fiat Money) per hour of unlawful capture. The Indonesian Jural Assembly judges that the parties charged should facilitate payments to all Indonesian men and women, with immediate effect. This is an appropriate first remedy and redress for the treasonous capture of the population, through the parties’ lockdown mechanism. Compensation would acknowledge the severity of the Health Minister of Indonesia’s impositions upon the population, the punishing length of the lockdown’s duration, and callous prevention of access to basic needs and complete lack of financial provision made for the people. There must be another fee paid for the hostile deployment of engineered mosquitoes, and another for the injection of experimental vaccines on children, and another for the attempted coup of creating smart Cities using artificial Intelligence, for which the parties will exclusively own the equipment and data garnered. We are holding an account of our individual fee schedules and holding the parties to account to pay them.

You are hereby served notice that it is my intention to lay information in a Private Criminal Prosecution against the parties charged, alleging that the following trespasses and crimes have been committed against the people, in the Common Law jurisdiction of land and soil.

Criminal Charges Below

Social conflict arises from a struggle for agency. Now, men and women have taken on the risk of self-governance because the options seem very unappealing. The parties charged will not be allowed to take our freedoms or our lives. They must consider themselves served and likely to be found guilty.

In the World Mosquito Program risk assessment, generated by an arm of the World Health Organization, using AI, they identified 54 potential risks. Their calculation find all the risks negligible. The assessment concludes that a program must be stopped if the risks are shown to be higher. Contained in the following chapters of this book of evidence are the 100 notices, reports and formal letters that demonstrate dangerously high risks on all accounts. The continuing of the deployments now, after they have been refused, sets a precedent for all the unwelcome Biolabs proposed. The multiple class actions amount to a world-wide veto on the activities of the parties charged. They

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provide grounds for their consequential punishment and full personal liability. Cease and desist.

Notice to be presented, with the investigation file, to all court cases and hearings emerging from this landmark Proliferation of Bioweapons case, and made available for other nations to support related cases: STPL/1263/X1/2023/ SPKT/Polda Bali

I, Frances, of Gladiator Bangsa, am writing to the man, Mohamed of the Ali family, sometimes acting as Police Officer in Kepolisiian Negara Republik Bali. I have chosen to write in honour to a natural man, who we spoke to personally. I am also cautious of addressing this notice to a more senior police officer, as the Bali Police are implicated as well, as named stakeholders of the mosquito program. In addition, when we attended the police station to file charges we were told at first that the Police `intelligence and Health Officer did not know about the release and then they disclosed that they already had an open file and investigation. As stakeholders have been in receipt of 40 million Australian Dollars to allow the private Australian release, of Wolbachia IP Technology-infected Mosuquitoes, some police may already be in receipt of bribery money.

We were grateful to meet you,Mohamed, after meeting the Head of Intelligence, Head of Health and several other officers in the police station. In future, you may be asked to bear witness to how the risks presented by the mass mosquito release were taken very seriously at the police station. You will remember how promises were made that the threats would be immediately be brought to the attention of the Biohazard Containment Department. You will recall how it was promised that the eggs would be confiscated and instruction be given for the safe decommissioning of the Denpasar laboratory and factory. You may be asked to confirm that the police did not afterwards order that action and you may be asked why. Please confirm that this affidavit will be added to the file and its contents be studied as part of the investigation.

When the case is finally heard in the National and International Criminal Courts, we intend to use the precedent Case and Contract law from the closing of a laboratory on biosafety grounds, by the Ministry of Health in 2008. https:// creating-viruses-profit You will read that the former health ministers concerns were brought to realisation by the parties charged.

I hereby submit this affidavit to provide the Facts, Legal Basis and Evidence of the crimes and victims of the parties’ premeditated and sustained biological attack on the people. The program was allowed through Fraudulent Misrepresentation (23 accounts of Untrue Public Information) 13 pages of which is to follow in the Annex. There was widespread bribery of Bali’s local government and regulators by the private foreign funders, private families, and undisclosed contracts. We the people have now elevated the charge of Criminal Ministerial Misconduct to premeditated Grievous Bodily Harm,

through the aforementioned parties contriving Emergency Measures. The release of foreign, experimental, and novel vectors and vaccines are technically the release of Gain of Function Potential Pandemic Pathogens. Genetic Engineering Experiments being tested on healthy populations is contrary to the Nuremberg Code, prohibiting Human Experimentation without Informed Consent.

I was invited to join the Gladiator Bangsa leadership group to categorically demonstrate that all gene edited organisms and microorganisms carry the same high risks for people and the environment. Misrepresented as therapeutic, conservation, and surveillance measures, the biotech all generates the same profits and political power for pharmaceutical industry and military. I was prepared to accept that; once the risks of genetic engineering medicines, ‘green’ and wifi technologies, were understood, the deployment of Wolbachia bacteria-infected mosquitoes would be stopped and the eggs safely destroyed. To accomplish this, I prepared several papers for the Health Minister and Defense departments. I presented and discussed the bioweapons threat at a webinar, and wrote to the Bali stakeholders. I also gave notice to all the Member States Heads of State and Defense Departments that national security for their nations was about to pass to the WHO, through their IHR and Treaty. Only the National Security responded. They had not even been informed of the program. Simultaneously, the relationship between Save The Children Fund, Indonesia’s Armed Forces, and the WHO, orchestrated with the Minister of Defense and Minister of Health, will raise the profile of this case and for other Ministers and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors in related cases, to charges of Treason. (Ref WHO, Save The Children Fund and the Indonesian Armed Forces Report by Gladiator Bangsa. WHO Website: https:// Putting the policing of fabricated ‘protracted crises’ under the control of foreign military technology and armaments.

Once our Class Action succeeded in getting the the Bali release postponed, we alerted Indonesia’s President, Indonesia’s WHO ‘Working Group’ as co-chairs with the US, and all the other UN Member States, about the International Health Regulation Amendments. In particular, I highlighted that Health Ministers may not be informing even their Heads of State, National Planning or Security departments about the WHO’s High Impact Pandemic Preparedness Treaty. Governments around the world have been lobbied to think that the building of bio-labs for pathogens, human DNA, pharmaceuticals and vectors would lead to some sort of ‘equity’ in terms of access to medical supplies (Ref: Gladiator Bangsa Report on Misrepresentation of Equity). To the contrary, biotechnology laboratories are impossible to regulate or maintain biosafety hav. They have already led to intentional and unintentional releases of toxic agents. Worse again, the IHR and Pandemic Treaty both relinquish responsibility for each country’s national security to the WHO. The WHO, UN and WEF are already proven to have major conflicts of interest and influence from their private funders (Ref: COI Report) In addition, the spread of biological contamination is unpredictable and irreversible. When biotech is coupled to military artificial intelligence, smart infrastructure (cities), disease vectors, pathogens themselves, and even men and women are controlled by foreign technology,

with unknown capacity and unknowable consequences (reference Patents on the computerisation of the human body against every human rights principle).

I identiied the UN Member States’ health ministers, as they are also delegates to the World Health Assembly. I warned about the public funds, natural resources and the Pandemic Fund that delegates will control after International Health Regulation Amendments, Pandemic Treaty and Sustainability Goal mandates come into law. Indonesia’s Health Minister, who is a business man rather than a doctor, described the Treaty as “a huge business opportunity.” (Reference: 75th World Health Assembly). The IHR, WHO implementation of radiation-causing technologies and infrastructure nor the mass releases of mosquitoes have not been discussed by Bappenas, the National Development and Planning Agency and Coordination Committee. This is against Guideline Number 11 of 2017 Guidelines for Healthy Living Community (Ref: Salmon-Peraturan-Menteri-PPN-11-Tahun-2017)

The parties charged with Fraudulent Misrepresentation: In funding, researching, producing, approving, mandating, selling, policing and deploying weaponised biotech, with intention to harm. The Fraudulent misrepresation is the perpetrating of the above crimes, under the pretexts of “Health Strategies” and contrived “Health Emergencies of international Concern” The outcomes are now clear, and the victims of these crimes all look to Indonesia and Bali in particular to use this case STPL/1263/X1/2023/SPKT/Polda Bali as the precedent for many cases and proving personal liability of the parties.

The Bali Case STPL/1263/X1/2023/SPKT/Polda Bali could be the Police Investigation, Government Negotiation and Class Action that could save Indonesia and the other Member States from this genocide and biological disaster. So many authorities, levels of government, education and universities, are complicit through their jobs and their research, that it might be wise to offer an amnesty for these witnesses to give testimony for this Public Interest Case.

Health Minister had not even informed the Coordination ministers or National Security about the mass mosquito releases. He has still been unwilling to disclose the capacity of the Wolbachia IP Technology coupled with Microsoft CNN AI in the mosquitoes. It is a foreign artificial intelligence biotech, with a patent on it that claims exclusive rights to the digital equipment and data arising from it. The Internet Protocol technology and AI are connected by US’ Microsoft-designed 5G networks and MMWave foreign smart infrastructure and cities, with undisclosed military capacity. Similar situations are faced in every member state, for example live parasite GMO vaccines for children in Africa, 20 years of engineered insects in the Kingdom of Hawaii. The undisclosed objectives are to seize control of and exploit nations, people, natural resources and extract wealth from the people, animals, land and marine environment.

In support of such an amnesty (Reference Gladiator Bangsa report of Open Science Manifesto) I was prepared to accept that individual research projects were undertaken in the belief that they were producing something beneficial.

Once it was understood that many technologies being implemented at once could interact and inadvertently impact life, as a weapon of mass destruction, it should have been stopped. I served notice on all the parties charged, with this information, in the form of over 80 Due Diligence Questions.

Social Conflict is defined as ‘the struggle to retain agency’, and involves the Constitutional right men and women have to make decisions and have control over their own lives, bodies, environment and work. Save The Children Fund were unqualified to implement the release, especially for a foreign agent when the charity are simultaneously deeply involved in implementing Indonesia’s military partnership with the WHO. The World Mosquito Program have been allowed to distribute mosquito eggs carrying Wolbachia IP technology, patented to the CEO Scott O’Neill. Furthermore, the IP Technology is coupled with artificial Intelligence, patented and controlled by Bill Gates, and it follows a military retaliatory protocol. This is seen in its use by Israel and retaliations on Bali after the first postponement (ref; Second Notice to the Charged Parties. The first social conflict was a major rift between Indonesian national defence and politics. The first man under investigation for these charges was unexpectedly invited to support the Indonesian Health Minister when he was called to defend his actions in front of the ix Commission. A copy of this notification has also been sent to the Senate for the plenary hearing, to question Indonesia’s current Health Minister (Ref Somasi Menkes and Official Statement to Exit the WHO endorsed by the Senate). The handling of this case so far indicates that national decision-making for the public good is already under threat, if not lost.

In regard to the International Decision making by the UN and WHO, there is undue financial influence at play. The former Health Minister claimed that the US and the WHO were collecting deadly Bird Flu pathogen samples, conspiring to profit from H5N1 vaccines. Even then, in 2008, it was clear that the WHO intended to produce a biological weapon with the H5N1 virus. nations-creating-viruses-profit. Now we see Jeremy Farrar manoeuvred into position as Head Scientist at the WHO. Also in 2008, Jeremy Farrar was running a Tropical Diseases unit in Vietnam connected to Oxford University, realising his concept of GMO mosquitoes. He taught both Oxitec and World Mosquito Program scientists. Simultaneously in 2008, he was developing a ‘universal Avian Flu’ Vaccine. In 2013 he was involved in the Gain of Function research that made H5N1 transmissible to mammals. During the pandemic, as Head of Wellcome Trust he allocated 7 million pounds Stirling to Oxitec. Now in January 2024, Jeremy Farrar made an announcement that the next pandemic will be an Avian Flu and said we must rush funds to develop a vaccine, before the disease evolves to infect humans. He already knows that pathogen has been created. He is now in a position to declare a pandemic, reject national responses, and mandate his patented vaccine for profit, across all member states. This is high treason. During the Covid debacle, we have already seen evidence that developed countries are creating new viruses as a means of building new markets for vaccines, exactly as former health minister, Dr Siti Fadilah Supari forecast.

This prosecution is now urgent because the WHO Treaty and IHR Amendments could still pass into International Law in May 2024, despite unanimous refusal.

Therefore I request a SP2HP Update on the 23 Charges of Untrue Public Information Filed Against Save The Children Fund and the World Mosquito Program on 8.11.23

With thanks,


All rights reserved

Second Book on Crimes - Indonesia
V11 Crimes against the safety of other persons and property
1X Perjury ad false testimony
Article 1320 of the civil code of Indonesia
Indonesia Penal code
Perjury and false testimony article 242-243 and article 242
and 187-206
Criminal Ministerial responsibility
Chapter i
Form and Sovereignty
Article 1
(1) The State of Indonesia is a Unitary State in the form of a Republic.
(2) Sovereignty shall be vested in the hands of the people and be executed according to the Constitution.
(3) The State of Indonesia is a state based on law.
Central government can't impose on the provinces.
“For a just and civilized Humanity, the Unity of Indonesia and a Democratic Life
...(must be) guided by wisdom in Deliberation and Representation,
and by realizing social Justice for all the people of Indonesia.'"
Criminal Ministerial Responsibility: Cases to be initiated and judged by the ordinary public prosecutor in ordinary
criminal courts, according to ordinary rules of criminal procedure.
The Highest Indonesian Court should stop the active powers of all charged parties with immediate effect.
This is compulsory for serious offences.

Flack v. Graham, 453 So. 2d 819 (Fla. 1984) ...........................................60 Hatten v. State, 561 So. 2d 562,563 (Fla. 1990) ....................................... 60 Solomon v. Sanitarians' Registration Bd., 155 So. 2d 353,356 (Fla. 1963)60 State of Texas v. Pfizer, District Court of Lubbuck County, Texas (Pending) ............................................................................................... 30 Turner v. Singletary, 623 So.2d 537, 538 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993) .................66

page10image195424032 page10image195423824

Wright v. Chiles, 18 Fla. L. Weekly S509 (Fla. Sept. 30, 1993)...........12, 13 Statutes
Accessory After the Fact § 777.03 Fla. Stat. (2023)............................62, 65 Adulterated Drugs and Devices 21 USC § 351 ......................................... 47 Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175 ............................................... 11, 54, 61 Classification of products 21 USC § 360bbb-2..........................................28 Domestic Terrorism, 18 USC § 2331 ............................................ 11, 55, 63 Federal Crime of Treason 18 USC § 2381 .................................... 11, 55, 63 Genocide 18 USC §1091 .............................................................. 11, 55, 64 Murder § 782.04 (1)(a) Fla. Stat. (2023) ....................................... 11, 55, 64 Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies 21 USC § 355-1.......................34 Terrorism § 775.30 Fla. Stat. (2023) ............................................. 11, 55, 63 Treason § 876.32 Fla. Stat. (2023) ............................................... 11, 55, 62 Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023)...................... 11, 54, 60 Rules

Anstead, H. L., Kogan, G., Hall, T. D., & Waters, R. C. (2004).
The Operation and Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Florida.
Nova L. Rev., 29, 431...................................................................................................14
Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.03O(a)(3), 9.100 .........................11 Constitutional Provisions
Ref: My doc: Constitution
Current Good Manufacturing Practice 21 CFR § 225.1.............................34 Legal Human Experiments 21 CFR § 312.42 (b)(1)(i)...............................34 Treason Felony Act 1848
Fraud Act 2006,
Attached: Ordinance 2 ID
An irrevocable and non-negotiable document, in full force and effect from 24 May 2021,
With the issuance of honourable diplomatic immunity
HUMAN RIGHTS: (TITLE ii) OF HR 7152 (CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964, SECTION 202, 203a,203b,203c)
ART.27/Part2 /ART3, ART5(i)(ii),ART6(i)(ii),ART9


Chapter One - The Peace Intention
The UK, US and Israel have been charged with war crimes. The parties served

notice here have been charged with Genocide and the Proliferation of Biological and radiological weapons and Genocide for the Covid 19 ‘vaccines’, in the International Criminal court. However, my objective is peace; which I believe can only be achieved by withdrawing from the WHO and UN Treaties. In addition, artificial intelligence must be disarmed, dismantled and then banned by stopping the rollout of 5G. Their interaction is no more and no less than a weapon of mass destruction, following a retaliatory military protocol. AI is an abuse of our privacy and humanity, through its corruption of humane decision- making. AI may be compelling and coherent, but it is devoid of affinity and empathy. Therefore it has no place in a just society, or in honourable international relations. The AUKUS nuclear partnership, between the US and UK to buy 8 nuclear submarines for Australia must be blocked, as a gross misuse of public money, or a privately-funded proliferation of nuclear weapons. AUKUS members are actively encouraged to befriend the President of Indonesia, “whoever is elected”. This can only be to maintain the presumed permission the US, UK and Australia will claim; to secretly sail the submarines all year-around, in Indonesian waters; exploit Indonesia’s nuclear resources and commandeer a strategic military position.

My understanding is that if the WHO-approved production and deployment of hundreds of millions of biting, breeding mosquitoes is judged to be a hostile biological attack, by foreign agencies, the mosquitoes will be seen as weapons deployed offensively, by UN and American military, using Indonesia as a remote battle ground. It is my intention that this criminal case will provide a precedent to help Indonesia reject the IHR, the WHO’s other health strategies and the proposed proliferation of biolabs. These contravene the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Thirdly, if it is agreed that the experimental permits are a way for vaccines, vectors, fogging and other biotech to avoid meaningful regulation, future open-air trials can be refused. Pharmaceuticals and mosquito eggs have been exempt from import and export protocols. Intellectual property rights have protected the charged parties from all independent safety and efficacy testing. The parties being registered in Switzerland has led to indemnity. Those parties that do not have diplomatic immunity themselves have been offered legal protection by Microsoft. Despite 350,000 signatures calling for a moratorium to be placed on gene drive research, the charged parties are now just denying that the releases are gene drives.

This cease and desist notice is now being served on all producers of gene edited ingredients, in military, health, food agriculture and conservation. When I write notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal, it means that all agents are being made personally responsible too. These agents are complicit parties such as government ministers and Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Ambassadors who have misused their executive powers.

The criminal charges filed at Bali Police Station, in Denpasar are important for

Indonesia, to compensate cities that have already suffered a mass release. A jury’s decision would protect the human population, allowing nature, natural mosquito predators and all biodiversity to recover. In national and International presentations, I have proposed Indonesia as a suitable ‘control group’ for the One Health experiment. This would involve the rejection of all genetically engineered or other new technologies. This is what the Mangkus decreed as the only appropriate outcome (Ref. Statement, signed by 23 Mangkus sent directly to the WMP laboratory in Denpasar.

The case is internationally important because African nations are facing an experimental Malaria ‘vaccine’ containing engineered live plasmodium parasites of the worst strain of Malaria. Maui and Hawaii are facing a 20-year litany of abuse. Their own ministers have approved mass releases of multiple engineered insect species, in numbers over a billion. Great Britain has approved the rollout of neurotoxin Flouride in the water. There is promotion of experimental genetically modified cancer drugs and MMWave surveillance 5G networks. In each Member State, the bribery to obtain approvals are now being charged as treasonous. Definitely, many more parties will be dismissed for criminal ministerial conduct.

The only way to stop the spread of a biological contamination is to scorch the earth. This has already happened in Maui. It is a matter of great concern that there is a pattern to intentionally render many paradise islands, and indeed the African continent and Palestine, as uninhabitable. This makes way for the extraction of wealth, when natural resources are claimed on a’ sustainability’ pretext by the UN and remaining populations moved into smart cities, as planned.

194 member states are affected by the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty but the WHO has already taken risk assessments out of the public domain. Therefore, these criminal cases must set a precedent and make them liable. WHO risk assessments are generated by AI. The Wolbachia Mosquitoes were studied at an Indonesian University to manufacture consent. The researchers were informed that they did not need to carry out a risk assessment process or review the one provided by the WHO. Truth-testing is when risks are assessed in open air trials. However, in the Yogyakarta Wolbachia Mosquito trials, none of the 54 risks were assessed. Only PCR testing was used to assess the presence of Dengue in the city after release, plus an archaic “capture and release” system to assess the spread of Wolbachia bacteria. The AI risk assessment concluded that all the risks were “negligible”. if any risk rose above “negligible”, the risk assessment document did promise that the program must be reviewed. Even when the trials were conducted the risks were already shown to be much higher. There was Social Conflict. Over a hundred people in the community formally opposed the releases. There was also a Class Action court case to try and stop the trials. This means that the risk of Social Conflict and Class Action, numbers 53 and 54 on the Risk Assessment were in fact very high. The following documents prove that there has been intense opposition, social conflict and class actions taken against all the parties charged. There has still been no review of the program and no direct answers to basic due diligence questions. For example: Why does the

WMP call their mosquito program in Sri Lanka a success, when the cities who agreed the mass deployment of eggs in 2021, now have a world record level of Dengue Cases and a larvae crisis. The people are being further punished by the president of Sri Lanka mobilising their armed forces to track mosquito eggs and fine home owners for providing a breeding ground.

Men and women have a Constitutional right to self determination and bodily integrity. No high impact project should happen in Indonesia without a meeting and consensus between the Coordination Committee, Bappenas. The World Mosquito Program should not have been enshrined in law. The GE mosquito program and GE ‘vaccines’ constitute premeditated harms. This has been proved repeatedly. In particular, WMP scientists admitted that the laboratory- bred mosquitoes carry 11 other diseases in addition to Wolbachia infection. WMP confirmed that other disease vector species massively increased and caused an outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis as a result of the Yogyakarta trials. WMP literature disclosed that the Wolbachia Bacteria has been engineered to carry a Technology patented by the founder of WMP, who will therefore directly profit. The WMP Scale Up report states that this is an Internet Protocol Technology. This means it is coupled to Microsoft CNN Artificial Intelligence, intended to deliver data and possibly instructions, via 5G and 6G networks. 5G itself is a foreign-controlled wireless network being built in to Indonesia’s new capital city. This smart infrastructure is known to irreversibly degrade human and environmental health.

What would bring peace, specifically? Complete disarmament and apology, followed by redress and remedy.

Fee Schedule:

All Pandemic Funds to be paid into public banks, to compensate the people.

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