
Friday, December 1, 2023

Due Diligence Qu.s Nations must unite to defend against the WHO

 Due Diligence Questions

For the World Mosquito Program (funded by Bill Gates and other private companies)

and maybe the WHO's head scientist, Sir Jeremy Farrah, (sponsor of Oxitec's export of GMO Mosquitoes from the UK) can help?

We did not receive one direct answer

WHO just recommended immediate punishment for even asking 

Nations must unite to 
defend each other against the WHO

The format of these questions was to establish:     

The ways in which the Bali release is the same as the Yogyakarta release so that we can be reassured by the findings of the Yogyakarta Trial.

In what way is it the same? 

Wolbachia strain

Is it the same Wolbachia strain as Yogyakarta? 

Will the Bali eggs contain the same strain as the Yogyakarta release?

Did the Wolbachia IP Intellectual Property allow Yogyakarta’s environmental protection agency to know the exact gene sequence so that they could monitor its presence in water, other species? Was it made available to hospitals to test for its presence in human infections? 

Were the EPA and Hospitals actively given this identifying sample of the Wolbachia strain used and encouraged to conduct tests during and after the trial period?  If so was Wolbachia found to be present in humans or in Yogyakarta’s drinking water? 

If not why not?   Why were these tests not done? And if the active ingredients/and genetic sequences were not shared, what parameters can authorities use to check the spread of the Wolbachia bacteria?

If the Wolbachia bacteria strain is different to Yogyakarta, do you know from   where it originates?

Experimental Release Permit 

Are University and factory Bio Safety Regulation the same in mosquito factories and labs? What are they?

Are the Bali release eggs produced in the same laboratory as the Yogyakarta trials?

Is the Bali release going to be released on an experimental permit? 

Was the Yogyakarta release conducted with an experimental permit?

 Number of eggs /adult mosquitoes released

Were all the eggs released in Yogyakarta bred in one factory?

How many eggs were released in Yogyakarta? 

How many eggs will be released in Bali?

Can you simply explain why very different amounts are released in different areas? (200 million eggs are being released in Bali, 20 million were released in Florida, and Maui was given a 20-year program in May 2023?  

How did Yogyakarta decide on their figures to release?  

Can you explain why only male Wolbachia method mosquitoes were released in the past by WMP, but now the release of breeding biting females is being promoted as the preferred solution?  The escape of three females in Singapore was considered so dangerous that the release was stopped?

Is it true that Wolbachia males are sterile?

Is it the case that laboratory bred Wolbachia mosquitoes have evolved to express a female bias? 

Does this mean that Bali must expect that a lot more than half the 200 million eggs will be female?

What percentage of the mosquito bred in the WMP laboratory are now female?

In the past the WMP would collect the cups delivered to the community houses and sort the mosquitoes. In Denpasar will the cups be collected from the recruited homes at the larvae stage? Adulthood? or as empty cups? 

Does this mean that the home owners are responsible for the release of the adults? If not, where will they then be released? And the WMP?

Why do the WMP involve the community in the incubation stage?

Where specifically are they being told to release them?

Were imported eggs used in Yogyakarta, if so where from?

Are the Bali eggs to be imported from Brazil, Australia or Kuala Lumpur?

Were imported eggs incubated directly in the community?

WMP mention 12 countries in their Scale up report for releases, do you know which manufacturing countries are going to use the exact technology that Yogyakarta developed? 

You mentioned that there were differences between the Yogyakarta and Bali release, what specifically are they?

Why do the releases need to be different? 

How is this different from a gene drive as all future generations of Aedes Aegpti will be infected by Wolbachia bacteria? Isn’t this the definition of a Gene drive?

In an article during the Yogyakarta trial, you described that when infection reached about 60 percent, it would be stopped. Can you clarify which population you are talking about and how did you monitor the spread to 60 percent? 

Was it the spread of Wolbachia infection among mosquitoes? was it the spread of mosquitoes or were you referring to 60 percent or the target area having been treated with this mosquito technology? 

How did you stop it when you reached 60 percent?

In the Yogyakarta  trial  were the equivalent statistics worked out by just  the existing populations in the areas for reYou The WMP claim that they will prevent 3 million cases of Dengue. What model was used by the WMP to calculate this statistic for your trials? 


Would you say that you have bred 200 million mosquitoes over the 20 years of the WMP study at Monash University?

Approximately how many litres of blood did the University need to breed those 200 million Mosquitoes?

The public will want to question why its ok for that amount of blood to be expected from them to facilitate the breeding program? There is a shortage of blood and we are the silent food bank for the mosquitoes.

Where did the blood from the laboratory come from?

The Wolbachia Technology developed in WMP Universities Program

Would you describe your technology as inoculating the mosquito’s species against the diseases?

The WMP claims that it is breeding harmless mosquitoes, can you point us to the scientific papers that rigorously weigh up the benefits of increasing the population of mosquitoes and multiple bites versus reducing the species capacity to transmit disease?


Do you know of any papers that address the problem of Inherited vertical Gene Transfer of Dengue, Malaria, Ockelbo etc. found in mosquito eggs and larvae at birth? 

Was this one of the biohazards that was considered negligible? 

Was the Wolbachia Bacteria that was micro injected thousands of times into the male mosquito sperm and the female mosquito eggs adopted into the genetic makeup to express it’s in all future generations of the mosquito species a new Wolbachia-carrying species Or, when you say Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes, are they Wolbachia carrying genetically or Wolbachia infected relying on the exact mechanism vertical gene transfer that you are claiming won’t occur with other bacteria and pathogens. 

There seems to be an extraordinary risk, that the 200 million eggs could be imported to Bali already carrying new or existing diseases. 

Did your University research the risks of vertical gene transfer and horizontal gene transfer of other diseases and infections in addition to the Wolbachia?

Can you clarify if your method is to inject Wolbachia into adult male sperm? And female adults’ eggs? 

Is Wolbachia injected into in to mosquito eggs?

The Harmless Bites Claim

When the Wolbachia strains are isolated and the micro injections are done, would either of these operations have taken place in an antibiotic culture or an animal-based serum?  

There is a central worry that using antibiotic cultures could lead to antibiotic resistance for example infected mosquito bites 

Were students or researchers set any assignments to study intolerances caused by multiple mosquito bites?

Are there any formal research papers to show a difference between multiple wild mosquito bites and multiple Wolbachia mosquito bites, to support the WMP claim that they are harmless

Wolbachia Internet Protocol IP Technology

Why is “Use of the Wolbachia IP Technology” stated as the only risk of legal challenge, in the WMPs Scale Up Report?

What are the legal challenges that the WMP anticipate? 

Do they relate to data access or use?

Can you explain what the Wolbachia IP Technology is?

What is the capacity of the AI Technology?

Does the AI Technology, in the released Wolbachia eggs, have the capacity to reassemble itself automatically with the bacteria?  

Could this technology track the future spread of Wolbachia or just the first initial release?

Can the technology differentiate between different strains of Wolbachia bacteria?

You mentioned in the Zoom meeting that the different strains of Wolbachia don’t interact for example the Wolbachia in human parasites and the Wolbachia strains in fish and birds roundworms?

Are you concerned that Wolbachia as a symbiotic bacterium, could evolve, adapt and horizontal gene transfer through an ecosystem more quickly and in ways that Environmental Protection Agencies cannot predict? 

Does the IP Technology involve a substance that can be registered, at a distance, by digital equipment? 

Can this be measured for example by drones as used in Sri Lanka or can the AI relay information to a remote console?  Who followed and managed the information gathered by this means in the Yogyakarta trial?  

Does the AI have the capacity to transmit and receive data?

As an Internet Protocol Technology involves an internet facilitated exchange function, can the released organisms receive instructions?

Does that mean the spread of mosquitoes and the spread of the released Wolbachia -bacteria strain, can be controlled if necessary? 

Definition of Success

Why do you think that cases of Dengue doubled in Sri Lanka since the WMP release two years ago? 

Does the WMP call Sri Lanka a success?

Why do you think the larvae crisis facing Sri Lanka did not happen in Yogyakarta?

Do you know of any substantial differences between the release in Sri Lanka and the trial you conducted in Yogyakarta?

Yogyakarta Trial Results: The are dengue cases from the project areas in and around Yogyakarta show big increases from the project start date (2014) which only go down by 2018. This implies increased disease and death from the outset. Then a reduction in cases. But then the data show another huge jump to 2019. Is this data inconsistent with claims in the New England Journal of Medicine, of a 77% reduction in cases around Yogyakarta?

Do you have any concerns about the use of the Mosquito method you designed, for the Bali release?

Do you or other researchers have any reservations about increasing the population of Aedes Egypti in the wild by billions?

Can you explain  more about the independent arm of the World Health Organization that did the study of Social, economic, health and environmental impacts? 

Which body funded the Risk Assessment?

Does the Artificial Intelligence connected to Wolbachia IP Technology CNN belong to Microsoft?

What else was Microsoft Artificial intelligence modeling used for?

Was it used for the Identification and risk assessment of 50 biohazards research and results?

How was it used for mapping and choice of release sites?

Are the local  households that are incubating the eggs for the WMP being paid to take the cups?

What are there responsibilities and liability for the cups and contents?

What was the two-year socialization program to prepare Yogyakarta?

Was there any public consultation or consent process,  or  just promotion and education?

Why do you think  Bali was given so much less notice? Did  anything change a WMP decision to conduct other releases first?

Do you know if only the Health Ministry of each country for release is partnering with the WMP, rather than a whole government coordination process?


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