
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Conference of the Parties....but You're Not Invited

Written by Kavita Byrd for Bali Solidarity

Inspired by this week's events:

 COP (Conference of the parties) 28, Global Digital ID & International health Regulation Amendments,

A global techno-totalitarian new world order of total surveillance and control over all areas of our lives, obliterating our most basic rights and freedoms under the guise of "health security" and "climate action", is rolling out at breakneck speed today. Called the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, the "One Health" program, the UN Sustainable Development Goals or Fourth Industrial Revolution, this systematic agenda is being implemented through many intertwined facets that are designed to reduce the world population and entrap those who remain in a global system of digital tyranny. 

This agenda includes the forced genetic mutation of people and planet; the release of bioweapons inducing new pandemics; mandatory vaccines; digital ID's; international vaccine passports; global digital health certificates; CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies); fifteen-minute cities; and a Chinese-style Social Credit Score system -- in short,  a transhuman worldwide order "fusing human biology with digital technology and artificial intelligence" (in the words of Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum founder). 

In just this week alone, we have seen three  "prongs", three major initiatives of this globalist agenda, being steamrolled through: 1) the WHO's new IHR  Amendments, aka "One Health" program 2) the UN's 50-in-5 Global Digital ID Program 3) the COP28 World Climate Action Summit. These agendas are accelerating and converging by the minute, and we urgently need to oppose this now, before there is no turning back.

As Tim Hinchliffe, editor of The Sociable, said of the Global ID Program, it is "a mechanism for surveillance and control that combines digital ID, central bank digital currencies [CBDC], vaccine passports and carbon footprint tracking data, paving the way for 15-minute smart cities, future lockdowns and systems of social credit.” This could equally be said of the IHR and COP 28 programs: each drives another nail in the coffin, using "health security" and "climate action" as the pretexts for a global bio-security, AI-driven technocratic police state eradicating all human rights and freedoms.

All people and countries are called to refuse this dystopian takeover, freeing ourselves from its many tentacles through action at all levels, and beginning to build new systems based on decentralization, self-reliance, freedom,  regeneration, and the restoration of sacred harmony in our relations with each other, nature, and the whole web of life. 

This is a wake-up call, a sacred call to action that we cannot ignore; please respond with whatever ways and means are in your power, while we still have the freedom to do so.

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