
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

One Big Weapon of Mass Destruction, The Interaction of Many Elements: The WHO

As my friend Freya Lawton said, Each technology in isolation might work but released together the many elements interact and that's when they can be seen as one big weapon of mass destruction already released.

 Green Technologies 

If you let the World Mosquito Program call their mosquitoes natural and not genetically engineered, you will have sacrificed Bali for ever.

All the following biotech products and strategies will be allowed in to destroy Baliinese health and Indonesian waters without regulation, 

I refer specifically to the products promoted at the AIS Technology Conference on the 10th and 11th October 2023, claiming to help climate action and the bio safety risks of a mRNA vaccine factory. We already need to consider how we will destroy the eggs safely without even one escaping.

The Biotech Industry Lie that the World Mosquito Program are using: 

They claim that Gene Editing of microbes does not create Genetically Modify Organisms 

But any genetic engineering of microbes (whether that is to add IP Technology to Wolbachia bacteria, isolate a virus to create a mRNA vaccine, or to biodegrade plastic or anything are in fact hundreds of times more unpredictable and irreversible, and the techniques completely inaccurate and drive worse problems.

Dangers of 5G

It is totally unwise to roll out a new wireless technology to which there was originally huge opposition, and thousands of mosquitoes with Internet Protocol Technology inside them. We are giving huge access to our blood, DNA, health and location to whoever has access to the patented digital equipment that controls the AI. 

GEM = Genetically Engineered Microbes 

(Eg wolbachia) 

GEM-based Green Clean Technologies

We are within 2 weeks of a cataclysmic release: 16 minute film

GEM based fogging - Biological action of synthetic Pyrothroids that the Aedes aegypti is already resistant to (references in petition) 

Recycling Waste

Bacteria as plastic digesters

GEM-based Vaccines

Algae Biofuel

Algae in biodiesel production


Abundant biomolecule source for industrial and biomedical applications. Algae grows in tanks, in sunshine. Microorganisms grow much faster than traditional crops, and can use wastewater or even saline water during their development, rather than fresh water.

Grease microorganisms, also called oleaginous microorganisms found in the species of bacteria, yeasts, molds and algae are applied in biodiesel production to supply fatty acids source for transesterification. They convert agro-industrial materials (e.g., plant biomass) to cellular lipids could be 

Algae food

GE Algae for food, feed, and fuel applications. In addition to the faster growth rate, higher biomass productivity, also ability to synthesize complex metabolites. 

Use for GE  lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Apart from the production of secondary metabolites, microalgae have also been targeted for various applications in nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, personal care products. CO2 sequestration, wastewater treatment, high-volume low-value products.

With genetic engineering, scientists can develop algae that grow faster and ward off deadly bacteria. They can create algae that produce more oil — which can then be turned into biofuels or biodegradable plastics. Or, they can engineer algae to be more nutritious, whether consumed by livestock or people. 

Thin-film Solar

Electricity from microorganisms

Molten Salt Storage

In mitigation there would be uncontrolled or unpermitted releases (with potential to cause significant impacts on environmentally sensitive resources) including genetically engineered organisms, synthetic biology unless the proposed activity would be contained. Purdue University Project.


Solar Tower

GE Microbial Biomass: Photovoltaic-driven microbial protein production can use land and sunlight more efficiently than conventional crops

Custom Biofuels

Researchers at UCLA have opened a path to cheaper and cleaner biofuels by using genetic engineering to fundamentally change how certain organisms process sugar.


Student Green Technology Competitions

The Premiere International Synthetic Biology Competition 

The iGEM Competition is an annual, world wide synthetic biology event that gives students the opportunity to push the boundaries of synthetic biology by tackling everyday issues facing the world - including Frost -destroying bacteria (again), GE wine yeast, GE water cleaners and 50 others.

Soil Bioremediation

Bioremediation of soil using GM Microbes is done ‘in situ’ whereas the soil is taken away with other remediation techniques.It is considered safe and optimum and contained in ‘a parcel of land’ and they imagine that when the contaminant is eater (the microorganism’s food supply) it dies off. 

Environmental biotechnology indicates that microbes such as bacteria, yeast and filamentous fungi can remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions. ... GE microbes, recombinant DNA and RNA technologies have all been used for successful bioremediation

GE Fungi can break down PAHs – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Fungi mediated pollutant degradation and bioelectricity generation

Long-term health effects of exposure to PAHs may include cataracts, kidney and liver damage, and jaundice. Repeated skin contact to the PAH naphthalene can result in redness and inflammation of the skin. Breathing or swallowing large amounts of naphthalene can cause the breakdown of red blood cells.

Biochar is a good remediation - but charred also means scorched (think Maui)

Application of biochar as an effective renewable adsorbent for enhanced bioremediation as strategy to mitigate HM/PAH co-contaminated soils. 


The recombinant DNA technology for the degradation of unwanted materials from air, soil, water, and raw materials from industrial waste (PCR, antisense RNA technique, site-directed mutagenesis, electroporation (permits stable integration of genes into plant chromosomes), and particle bombardment techniques have become fine-tuned for bioremediation developing effective, safe, and economical techniques for bioremediation.


Enhance Pesticides

Novel genetically engineered microorganisms to enhance their potential to metabolize particular compounds such as hydrocarbons and pesticides. 

Great symbiosis between GMO organisms and GMO microbial species to clear them out of the environment. 

(Except this first demonstration of a clonal effect influencing the ability of a transgenic plant to form a mycorrhizal symbiosis with a potential fungal partner).

Recent developments in the use of genetically engineered microbes and transgenic plants for the bioremediation of contaminated sites.,heavy%20metals%20from%20aqueous%20solutions.&text=GE%20microbes%2C%20recombinant%20DNA%20and,been%20used%20for%20successful%20bioremediation. 

Designing E coli bacteria to express mercury and clean it up (Mercury is the most dangerous substance on the planet)

Genetic engineering of Ecoli applied to metal bioremediation has the potential to improve or redesign microorganisms so that biological metal sequestering systems have higher intrinsic capability. To construct strains that are capable of specifically accumulating Hg2+ from dilute solutions. 

Enhance soil health - Steering the soil microbiome 

Soil Immunity: There is now a compulsory need to enhance the ability of soil per se to defend against invading pathogens (i.e. soil immunity). Soil immunity is normally attributed to the activities of the functional microbiome. In the meanwhile, pathogen-microbiome interactions in soil are sensitive to soil contaminants which would filter out unique groups of microbial communities. Steering functional soil microbiome will not only limit disease development, but also reduce the level of soil pollution.

Arguments for Field Trials

Field applications of genetically engineered microorganisms for bioremediation processes 

Engineering Bacteria for Bioremediation of Pollution

The treatment of environmental pollution by microorganisms is a promising technology to optimize the enzymes, metabolic pathways and organisms relevant for biodegradation. But the natural metabolic diversity of the autochthonous microbes is insufficient to protect the biosphere from anthropogenic pollution.

“Molecular methods allow the characterization of microbial community structure and activities, the performance of microorganisms under in situ conditions and in concert with the indigenous microflora will become predictable.“ !! 

Biochemicals (the dangers of both chemical and biological contamination.

‘Transformed’ (GE) bacteria to degrade forever chemicals contaminating water from airforce bases.

Smart Meters

delivering improved network efficiency and responsiveness, and playing an important role in the transition to a low‐carbon economy.

“Grant sponsor: Smart Energy GB. Conflict of interest: None.” This was written at the  only health and environmental impact statement of smart meters (!) 

Smart meters emit Radio Frequency electromagnetic fields. RF-EMF and “Cell phone level RF-EMF disrupts human skin microbiota” 

Lithium-ion Batteries

GE Metalotollerant bacteria produce valuable metal nanoparticles from the world’s spent batteries 

Fuel Cells

Microbial fuel cells: novel microbial physiologies and engineering 

Advances in Graphene/Graphene Composite Based Microbial Fuel/Electrolysis Cells

Electric Power Generation from Municipal, Food, and Animal Wastewaters Using Microbial Fuel Cells

Rooftop Wind Power - Eco Laboratories

24 DNA-shaped turbines on the roof of the tower. 19-foot-tall vertical-axis turbines designed for quiet as built to house thousands of genetically engineered mice.

Tidal Power

Optimisation of tidal power arrays using a genetic algorithms

Green IT

3/4/5G Wireless: We use EMFs for communication between our body cells. Life slowly evolved in relation to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). 

Radiation produce stress proteins, a halving of fertility, lethargy, changes in flight dynamics, in the success of foraging, in reaction speeds, escape behaviour, disturbance of circadian rhythms, blocking of the respiratory chain and damage to mitochondria, misactivation of the immune system, increased number of DNA strand breaks, impairment of locomotion, with some irreversible effects. 

Green Concrete

GE Fungi traits: Application in Self-Healing Concrete

Green Building Materials

Mycelium are mainly composed of a web of fungal filaments called “hyphae”, which acts as a natural binder, growing to form huge networks called “mycelia”. These grow by digesting nutrients from agricultural waste while bonding to the surface of the waste material, acting as a natural self-assembling glue. Engineered mycelium composite construction materials from fungal biorefineries.

Urea formaldehyde (UF) resins that were modified Cyanobacteria that's been genetically altered to produce building materials.

Modular Nuclear Power

Parallel civilian benefits justify military spending in both nuclear and GoF.

Waste is toxic

Artificial Photosynthesis

Improved Photosynthesis photosynthesis process by generating the Rubisco enzyme in a bacterial host,also%20boost%20future%20crop%20yields.&text=Thus%2C%20there%20is%20an%20urgent,crop%20yield%20for%20food%20output.


What are the benefits of artificial photosynthesis? The main benefit of artificial photosynthesis is to produce a hydrogen fuel that will be energy efficient and carbon neutral. It will be a renewable source of energy which can be used for transportation. It will not add any green house gases into the atmosphere.

Waste to Energy

The alternative was to retrofit the same plant with advanced technology that would remove dioxins through selective catalytic reduction  - missions: selective catalytic reduction (SCR), selective non-catalytic reduction ... using autotrophic bacteria grown on ammonium in an oxic gas stream.

Nitrogen Oxide removed using GE microalgae. 


Addresses free radicals. 

GE biochar: Effective renewable adsorbent for enhanced bioremediation is strategy to mitigate HM/PAH co-contaminated soils. 

Biochar engineered with hydrogel, digestate and microbes for wider bioremediation options.

Bioengineered biochar reviving bioremediation and sustainability


Leap To Brain therapeutics, developing 3 GE microbes to transform in the nose and skip the blood brain barrier and tell obese people they don’t feel hungry 

In medicine, genetic engineering has been used to mass-produce insulin, human growth hormones, follistim (for treating infertility), human albumin, monoclonal antibodies, antihemophilic factors, vaccines, and many other drugs.


Burning stubble fields in India is replaced with biotech GE solution of turning all waste to alcohol (again).

CRISPR has introduced important agricultural traits including heat, cold, and herbicide tolerance; viral, bacterial, and fungal resistance

Banks of microbial germplasm, which hold GE microorganisms with diverse traits of plant growth promotion, decomposers of crop residues, antagonism to diseases and insect-pests of crop plants, and soluble nutrients like phosphorus.

Aprifreeze - A Switzerland team are spraying Apricots with a synthetic agent that will stop frost 


Risks in agriculture. Increased weediness or gene flow, resistance evolution, and herbicide carryover to rotational crops were among the potential risks of genome edited crops that have been observed in different regions for an important staple crop: rice.


Crispr safely adapts crops to new environments (False)

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

·   Enhancing CO2 bio-mitigation by genetic engineering of cyanobacteria†

·   GE enzymes to enhancing the uptake of CO2 through the photosynthesis process; raising the amount of carbon displaced into “low turnover” systems such as cell walls; and increasing the amount of carbon transferred to root systems.

·      Algae Carbon Capture tanks coupled to coal-fired power plants to catch emissions.

·   GE Algae in Carbon Capture systems fed to GE shell fish to better store the carbon.

Natural Foods

·   Gene editing can change the foods we eat every day, boosting flavour, disease resistance, and yields, and even tackling allergens like gluten—and scientists say they're working only with “nature's own tools”. 


Synthetic biology, gene editing and transgene technologies that involving gene  manipulation are widely used in food research and development.

Synthetic Biology in The Development of Engineered Therapeutic Microbes

Synthetic Biology in Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Diseases through Engineered Microbes

CRISPR provide opportunities to nutritionally fortify foods    

Genetic modification of microbes is transforming our ability to combat all sorts of diseases

Novel fungicides, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides to support the food supply. Classed as pesticides whether chemical or biological. 



Synthetic Algae for the Great Barrier Reef which is 50% lost. Native algae is stressed and releasing reactive oxygen and killing symbiotic partners the coral. 

Revolutionize Environmental Monitoring of endangered fish, making it quick enough to base decisions on water-based operations.

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