
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What Light Is There At The End of The Tunnel of A Difficult Relationship With The ESB?

 Day One Off Grid

Thankfully I'm quite enlightened already, well emanating something at least!

It happened quite unexpectedly in the end. I was suddenly kicked off the electricity grid yesterday - a Sunday afternoon at 3pm; no office to call, and an hour before darkness. I couldn't believe it. I had asked for 'them' to come and take their meter away 2 months ago. Then I thought better of it as the prospect seemed inevitably cold and I hadn't followed it up. 

 Telling The ESB: I don't need you anymore!

Prodigy Style:
"Please come and take away the ESB meters at your earliest convenience. I no longer want mains electricity and I consider this an opportunity to end a consistently bad and abusive relationship. My electrician will be here to help but we need access to the fuse box as soon as possible and the ESB's interesting rules include the meters being your property. I don't want your property on my property any more." 

Highs and Lows of Day One

The Stanley Cooker had been going flat to the boards with the pump kicking in every half an hour to push the hot water around the house from the back boiler. Would it blow up, I wondered now the pump was gone?

Fantastically, it didn't. A Latvian guy Lenas who put in in for me had promised that the water would effortlessly travel 10 floors without a pump but my first night (when I only had quadplex rather than copper piping it melted and swayed and was ready to snap.) Now when it really counted, the pipe held, the hot water moved, the rooms with radiators stayed warm.

Harmony Hall is a bit open plan for off-grid living, so I raced up the stairs to get the router and plugged that and the computer into the one socket I have for the turbine. The old Imac has at least 7 usb ports which is super cool. I was charging my blue tooth speaker and my clip-on lamp. as well as the phone and obviously needing to keep the keyboard and mouse going. 

Check this out though. This is begrudgery big-time. The turbine makes 80 watts going flat out, when I should have been able to get 500. But my minimalist one-socket computer set up uses 94 watts! Yes it wouldn't even give me the pleasure of  providing enough watts for one socket!   

I did though love washing up to the sounds and light of just the sound-to-light system. This is just a kiddies karaoke speaker and mic I got in Aldi. Great sound off it and just enough light to make a disco vibe in an otherwise quite bleak environment.

Why go off grid?

Why had I wanted to get off the grid? It has been on my wish list every year for maybe 15 years. I am an energy healer after all, who goes around clearing problems of geopathic stress - electro magnetic stress mainly which is conducted and carried by both our houses' wiring and the metal grates that are put in foundations to strengthen the concrete.

I recommend to everyone to turn off their trip switch at night. I had tried it before but this was the best sleep I had ever had. It was was like everything that had been winding me up - central and peripheral nervous system, adrenalin response to the wifi - just fell away.

The other reason I wanted out? I hate the ESB with a passion. Hate is a strong word from a loving woman but they're liar and thieves and now I can speak the truth as I am not dependent on them. More about 'what on earth did they do to you' another time maybe but for now, let me ask 

Am I heading 'into the darkness? Or is it the light?
Should I be waking up, or finding a place to sleep tonight?"

So I took to the piano ... to play first, then use as an easel for our first album cover, then to practice a serious vocal for a song that needs serious 432hz power and resonance.
Don't forget "Bandcamp Friday" and keep us artists on the road
by downloading tracks! Thanks a million!


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