
Sunday, December 19, 2021

Jah Rastafari....We will establish the earth!

Just one band with clarity can help people realize and regain control of the trajectory of the new earth

Urgent Rougherendum

A UK/Ireland Contingent 

It might seem frivolous for Urgent Rougherendum to be releasing an album but it holds truths that needed to be said and need to be heard. The people of every country, not just Ireland but not excluding Ireland either, need to wake up before it's too late. The government are in the last dying throes of their power grab, with arbitrary and every-shifting infringements on our lives. They are illegal. We should not consent...or acquiesce.

Notice I don't say our 'rights' or our 'freedom' because when you do, someone counters that with some suggestion of selfishness and platitude about restricting our own health, livelihoods, support networks and even taking medical procedures to protect others. We are injuring ourselves by taking the jabs, consenting to taking part in a massive experiment with no idea of the long term effects, except for the short term effects we have observed. 

My father's red blood cells dropped to none, my friend's foot broke in 3 places with bone weakness, a father of another friend said first a tongue so swollen he could hardly breathe; a week later a neck so swollen he could hardly breathe; the next week a lump on his pubic bone the size of an orange, so he could barely...well, too much information but actually none of that information is being recorded in Ireland. We don't seem to have a yellow card scheme. We don't seem to have a vaccine adverse events recording system (VAERS). Most importantly, we have doctors who are positively hostile if you approach them with any of the hundreds of thousands of horrendous, life-changing effects that have taken place, deny any connection with the completely new drug they have injected into you and refuse to record it. That's in the first 6 months and then you - handily for Pfizer and friends - go back to being considered unvaccinated until you get a third. If the statistics do not show and connect the incidents, who does that protect? Except the manufacturers making billions. And that is even though the swine flu vaccine was stopped after just 20 deaths. Only now are people receiving compensation for that. Will there be compensation for 80% of the world's population? 

I have at last recognized why we have been so demoralized and desensitized by the media for the last ten years. So we didn't care about animals, food, chemicals, genetic engineering, and refugees from war and climate crises; calling the latter all migrants as if there was some sort of gold-digging going on, when actually we are aiding and abetting the ravagement of their countries, and perpetuating their populations being stranded for years, with no food, safety or stability on other countries' borders.

It was preparing for us for this, to be petrified and mesmerized by information on our screens and be hell-bent on saving our own skins. I'm sure the irony is not lost on the powers that be that to save our skins we are killing ourselves, like lambs to the slaughter to have our DNA and immune systems augmented by God knows what. Start praying people, and if you are worried about a vaccine injury, or fear being forced into one when you already have an auto immune or allergic reaction track record, you can contact me for healing. 

Christmas Time Lockdown Song by Urgent Rougherendum

Something's Wrong by Urgent Rougherendum

Woe Bot by Urgent Rougherendum

The Animals by Urgent Rougherendum

Close To The Edge by Urgent Rougherendum

Healing Journey by Urgent Rougherendum

Biological Scatter Bomb by Urgent Rougherendum

By Product by Urgent Rougherendum

Yesterday, we realized all the songs that must have really been written for this time; Redemption Song by Bob Marley "Free yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind', Merry Christmas War Is Over' by John Lennon 'A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, let's make it a good one, without any fear' Ordinary Man by Christy Moore 'It seems to me, a cruel irony, he's richer now than he ever was before, he'll never lose'...and that is obviously not the ordinary man, he's talking about here.  And so many other classics. Stand up and sing out loud this Christmas.

If you can get your piano tuned down to 432hz from the slight discord 440, then that will help your health too.

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