
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Geopathic Stress Clearing For Your Land or Farm

Farm Clearing
Many earth energies are influencing the quality of the land for crops and the health of the animals being raised. These include faulting pressure, where gamma radiation is released through cracks in the ground. 
Microwave energy is often present. Negative magnetic fields will be distributed, no doubt, around any size of property. Disturbances from naturally-occurring underground water can be identified and shielded against. As more fertilizers and machinery are used, technology and pollution will be affecting the health of the land. Space clearing shields the land and stock from adverse effects. In addition to all the natural and industrial dynamics, less people are helping on the land and this leads to a lack of support and physical hardship for farmers. Space Clearing can shift illness and other problems from you and your property for good.
Farm Clearing €120 Plus travel costs
Please send a map (hand drawn is fine, it doesn’t need to be to scale) with a list of the names of the residents, types of animals, crops and note any particular problems you’d like me to address, by email or with a cheque to the postal address below. I will tune in to the space and return the map to you with my findings and suggestions, when I have cleared it.

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