
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

World Health Organization confirm that meat is cancerous - Can Ireland be the first to go Veggie?

Anyone up for making Kilkenny the first totally vegetarian city in Ireland? This news broke yesterday as I was driving home. It was so exciting to hear it, every hour on the hour transmitted to every radio in Ireland and presumably world wide. I told every cow, pig and sheep I passed. We wept with the stirrings of renewed hope for the animals and the empowerment of people not to blindly feed themselves cancerous foods anymore. Farms can keep the animals, as we need the manure for organic growing, grim Glanbia and Kerry Group can go next - we can find something else to do with all their machinery. Next thing to do is for every family food shopper to attempt a stealth mission to the health food shops and Wong's delicatessen for veggie mince - that is great and cheap, comes dried so goes a long way and has never been recognized as meat free in all my years using it! Then there's the freezer sections where you'll find veggie sausages, pies and sausage rolls that really are to die for, mainly made by Linda McCartney. Just say nothing to fussy kids or partners stuck in an old way of eating, just use the plant-based ingredients. You'll be saving lives of all shapes and sizes. Thanks at last and again to the World Health Organization.

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