
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Take the time to clear your space!

Harmony Hall Clearing
The interesting and brilliant thing about an attentive life is that it keeps getting better. I have been opening a page of my feng shui book every morning for inspiration and every evening to see what I’ve achieved! Yesterday morning, I came across an introductory sentence that just said, how do you feel in each room in your home? I realized that although I maintain a positive outlook and clear any steam let off by visiting energies, I didn’t feel particularly restored or relaxed in any room. Instead of being annoyed that there may be a vortex or two in Harmony Hall that had remained undetected all this time, I just asked, can I find out what’s up and embroider even, rather than just darn, the holes in the energy field here? I got a definite yes. Its brilliant to have the tools to help yourself, as you notice drains on your resources. I found that there were nine things up for me at Harmony Hall.

1. Problem in the Gaia energy field
2. A partnership with nature that had been short circuiting in places.
3. Magnetic field, I had an electric magnetic charge test done but the latter could not be gauged.
4. The triangulation of difficult energies, amplifying them: Internet, stream, ESB
5. Famine – I had found drains and walls that had been built by desperate people on the move, during the famine.
6. Ancestral – both local and my own
7. Aversion
8. Abuse
9. Inferiority

The last three were horrible energies holding the others in power. The identification and clearing didn’t take long, I made time for it, as I drove along on three short journeys. That is another beauty of awareness and integration. It can happen as you go along! Let me know if you want support finding out where you yourself are losing energy and we can sort it out in no time. Contact: or find Harmony Hall BioArchitecture Retreat on Facebook and I will respond at once.

The top promo picture is the link to my latest Healing From Harmony Hall show, the promo picture below is from my latest New Directions show. All recorded for the Creating Calm Network.

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