
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Please get a note off to Minister Heather Humphreys ( to refuse hare coursing a license.

Heather Humphreys is the politician who has the final say on the Hare Coursing License. In most countries this 'sport' has been banned for years. It occurred to me she might not know what is involved and she might assume that the traditional longevity of it meant it was somehow legitimate. Please everyone find her on face book or email and ask her to refuse the license. Short message or long but lets communicate while we can have a say. I wrote the following in case anyone is looking for inspiration.

Please reject the hare coursing license. The dogs are muzzled but the hares still get caught, tossed up in the air and damaged. There is also the rounding up of the wild hares beforehand and keeping them around for this day of sport. It is really not good sport. It is a violent terrifying chase that pandas to gamblers and unconscious  people. In your position as a decision maker - which I really admire and am sure was hard won, I ask you to only support compassionate culture change and have the courage to stop the things that must be stopped. Lots of love and gratitude, Frances

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