
Monday, June 9, 2014

In our green and pleasant land of heroes, poets and wilderness!

2000 babies found in an unmarked grave in Ireland! They were killed effectively by a drug company during a trial of drugs for diphtheria. I think they could have safely assessed, after the first one or two, that the drug wasn't great. Then there's talk about nuns handing over babies born or letting them die. So we make our choices about who to blame. The church for their cruelty, righteous judgement, abuse and neglect….or the drug companies for their extreme disregard for life, their misuse of money in covering it up (this particular heap of bodies has been known about for 36 years!) or their systematic degradation of the human life form, oh yes and animals, oh yes and our food and not forgetting our environment! Hang on, we have a common theme here. Are the drug companies our new religion? Governments daren't challenge them, they hold most of the money and they are completely unaccountable….there seems to be a common thread forming here!!

Often I come across horrible old and new practices from other countries, abuses that would've shocked but have now been assimilated into education and thought. Today I am gobsmacked by our very own Ireland and its heavy secrets. Children fostered out as slaves for sexual abuse, 7 days of work, zero food … The government oversaw the system and rather than acknowledge and make amends to those who suffered, they cover it up and denied all knowledge, right up until now. Lets face these glaring malfunctions as they come to light. This is not an old boys' club it is a country of 7 million ish people, all with something to contribute. Well done to the queen of England for taking the decision that the people can sack members of parliament. Lets empower ourselves with clarity and get creative about how we're going to heal the nightmare we've woken up in the middle of. We can't do it as victims but we can can definitely do it as conscious agents.  

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