
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Clear yourselves of negativity asap!

Listening to How Can I protect You In This Crazy World and feel like weeping again for the situation I leave behind in England – elderly lady in the hands of a defensive bully. This is a tricky combination.  Then my mind goes to the grief stricken lady looking after 360 something rescued animals and chickens in Durham and being evicted from her farm due to arrears. Why can’t the banks make more money whn its called for, rather than when it suits them? Then my mind goes to the Pakistanis, bare-foot, playing football and hop scotch and then being  hit by drones as possible threats to the US. I feel a nervous tension coursing through my body. I speculate with a friend how can we feel any love in our hearts for our partners, families, pets or anything else we’re in principle grateful for and are, in principle, sources of joy when our minds are opening to more and more awareness. How can it not generate bad feeling? I got a confirming intuition that there is no alternative, at least initially. I got the symbolic source of the negativity to be the New World Order – an unpleasant web of demoralizing lies that perpetuate polarity, victimization and persistent negativity. There’s no room for love with anger in your heart, so it is each of our responsibility’s to clear ourselves. I will help but only people who are committed and animals  of course!!

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