
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Healing the conflict between the masculine and feminine by Michael Rice - today's Healing From Harmony Hall show!

Karaimi and Michael Rice

I am completely excited about my radio show this afternoon. You know when you have a friend that you wish everyone had. Michael Rice is that friend and at last I get to share him with everyone. I have long seen him as my secret weapon. I had a mega million euro plan for Kilkenny (and the world, exponentially!) fifteen years ago; to build an ethics centre or fourth-level university where academics and other experts, via experience, would gather and apply themselves to every sort of social and global difficulty. A think tank! 

Michael Rice was recommended as the leading eco architect in Ireland. He gave me so much more than a list of criteria to adhere to, to keep the building green. He designed a building within which every room, in shape and relationship to the other rooms, resonated the very best designs of Nature herself. The golden spiral, the eye-shape, each contributes to the healing of the heart and body. Being here, for a personal healing, a business meeting or even as a bed and breakfast guest, literally accesses your ability to go beyond black and white ideas. Michael Rice makes places where people can thrive and expand their awareness and acceptance; two key health-giving dynamics!  

It has indeed been dynamic for me to live here at Harmony Hall and our journeys have crossed many times since, through enterprising missions. One was energy clearing for a week solid in Vietnam and then staying for a further three weeks to ‘hold a space’ for the energetic shifts to establish. Clarity and focus are practically our middle names at this stage! So, you can imagine, as soon as I was given the hosting of the radio show, I was already thinking of interviewing Michael to hear his vision as it stands now. We have always both worked remotely. I remember, distinctly, the call when Michael had seen my building on his way back from a healing journey for someone else! I, conversely, use the coherent structure of the house to clear other peoples' homes. In a sense asking their buildings to come back to structural integrity and harmony on environmental and relational levels.

Miraculously, Michael has formulated and offers a pathway, to bring our masculine and feminine areas at last into balance. People have been feeling that men’s role is unclear as the patriarchal structures no longer work. Here we get a new understanding of how men can evolve, with fulfillment and other ecstatic results!

For any men reading this who feel ready right now or any other sense of urgency, to take these steps of self realization and mastery, there is an opportunity coming up. Michael’s Braveheart  seminar is in October, in the Czech Republic. It would mean four days away but everything is included for under €200 – like accommodation, food and a total transformation and life/happiness upload. So that struck me as a bit priceless! You can find more about Michael and Karaimi’s workshops at and see Michael's extraordinary designs at  In the meantime, I hope you can listen in to this show and share in the epic energy and positivity.

1 comment:

  1. great interview, im in the david deida flow too, very healing, very relieving
