
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Paypal Arrangements for Donations on line

At last the charity account has been attached to a paypal button so people don't have to go in to a permanent tsb bank to make a donation. It can be done with any credit card now through the website. So, on the website there is an 'Animal Welfare' Page. The Charity Account 'The Susi Allen Roadtrip for Animal Welfare' Paypal Button and info is there. We have a target of a thousand euro a week! Please ask any animal lovers you know to put a couple of euro in. We've had a great response all round including other countries. Off to Fermanagh, Leitrim, or Donegal tomorrow or all of them! we've rearranged the partitions for the horses and have only a major leak in the drawing room to contend with now...I use the term loosely!

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